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Why are you always dipping into other peoples business? I know you want to help but sometimes you really should just stay out of it. Stop talking to this girl, she is enraged by your actions and is going to beat your ass.
There's this girl who goes to my High School and we had some problems last year in Junior High. She tried to set me up with a mentally challenged boy for one thing, and made fun of my clothes almost every day for another. (She claims the mentally challanged boy thing was not for real. She said she was just kidding, but I've never bought it.) We argued almost every day. Then, near the end of the year, we called a truce. This year, things were going alright. Key word here: WERE.
Then this Trimester happened. We got put in the same Algebra class. Things were going fine, then a girl got transferred to our school and our class. They became attached at the hip. Then she began talking trash about me to this new girl in the middle of class, when I was right near her and could hear every word they were saying. I confronted her about this. I told her "Hello! I have ears! I can hear every word you're saying about me!" Her response: "We're NOT talking about you! Stop listening to my conversations, stop talking to me, and stop thinking everything's about you!"
So, things start getting worse. One day, her and her little friends were talking while the teacher was trying to teach. I say "Everyone, listen to what they have to say, because obviously it's more important than Algebra." She gives me a dirty look and temporarily shuts up. Then, her and her friends started making fun of what I said. I looked back at her and she said in a mocking tone, "Turn around! This is a really important Algebra stuff!" Another day, she was not getting along with the substitute teacher and was trying to listen to her iPod. The sub was telling her to turn it off. I was trying to clear things up by telling them both that students CAN listen to their iPods during the class, just not when instructions are being given. The girl yells "STAY OUT OF THIS!!" So I shut my mouth.
So, now things start getting really bad. I post a comment on her Myspace page asking her what the crap her problem is wih me. And I told her I was trying to help with the whole substitute situation. And I told her she really should pay attention in Algebra, unless she WANTS to work at Burger King until she's 45...
Her response comment: "I don't f***ing need your f***ing help! Stop talking to me! And I have an A+ in that class. And I HATE Burger King. I work at Arctic Circle. At least I HAVE a job, you stupid fish eating dyke!"
I got that comment this morning. So, we start arguing really bad today in class. I think it's going to end in a fight if things don't improve. I'm really itching to fight her, but I'm resisting because I don't want to get in trouble. What should I do? Should I fight her and risk being seriously hurt and getting in trouble? Or should I say something really mean to cut her from her high horse?
There's this girl who goes to my High School and we had some problems last year in Junior High. She tried to set me up with a mentally challenged boy for one thing, and made fun of my clothes almost every day for another. (She claims the mentally challanged boy thing was not for real. She said she was just kidding, but I've never bought it.) We argued almost every day. Then, near the end of the year, we called a truce. This year, things were going alright. Key word here: WERE.
Then this Trimester happened. We got put in the same Algebra class. Things were going fine, then a girl got transferred to our school and our class. They became attached at the hip. Then she began talking trash about me to this new girl in the middle of class, when I was right near her and could hear every word they were saying. I confronted her about this. I told her "Hello! I have ears! I can hear every word you're saying about me!" Her response: "We're NOT talking about you! Stop listening to my conversations, stop talking to me, and stop thinking everything's about you!"
So, things start getting worse. One day, her and her little friends were talking while the teacher was trying to teach. I say "Everyone, listen to what they have to say, because obviously it's more important than Algebra." She gives me a dirty look and temporarily shuts up. Then, her and her friends started making fun of what I said. I looked back at her and she said in a mocking tone, "Turn around! This is a really important Algebra stuff!" Another day, she was not getting along with the substitute teacher and was trying to listen to her iPod. The sub was telling her to turn it off. I was trying to clear things up by telling them both that students CAN listen to their iPods during the class, just not when instructions are being given. The girl yells "STAY OUT OF THIS!!" So I shut my mouth.
So, now things start getting really bad. I post a comment on her Myspace page asking her what the crap her problem is wih me. And I told her I was trying to help with the whole substitute situation. And I told her she really should pay attention in Algebra, unless she WANTS to work at Burger King until she's 45...
Her response comment: "I don't f***ing need your f***ing help! Stop talking to me! And I have an A+ in that class. And I HATE Burger King. I work at Arctic Circle. At least I HAVE a job, you stupid fish eating dyke!"
I got that comment this morning. So, we start arguing really bad today in class. I think it's going to end in a fight if things don't improve. I'm really itching to fight her, but I'm resisting because I don't want to get in trouble. What should I do? Should I fight her and risk being seriously hurt and getting in trouble? Or should I say something really mean to cut her from her high horse?
Clearly, you haven't seen the million other threads in the same vein that this bimbo has posted, including the semi-infamous 'OMG my friends friend is gonna kill herself what do I do?!' thread.
again,it wont come to this,also,lots of people say they will sue and they dont,it costs money for godsakes and jsyk,you coulda had that guy taken away no questions asked.
Im goin through this same bit with my girl friend,shes top five in the class,smokin hot and because of me well off in fashion and accessories.with this brings an onslught of jealousy which ive done my best to control but i cant always be there and the rape and bleach bit doesnt always work so ive taught her what to do and its worked so well that people would rather deal with me.It works,not fighting required.dont listen to people who prolly get bullied as well and cant just go in with a positive mind set and take care of it and so they wanna bring you down instead of seeing you succed which you will.just keep at it like you do to become a good student.
Word. This kind of stuff matters to us because it has an effect on the miniature world that we live in known as high school. So people should lay off with the "OH EM GEE, IT'S ONLY HIGH SCHOOL, YOU'LL GROW UP" stuff.Yes, we all went through it. And yes, now we can say that it was pointless, but I have handfuls of younger family members, so I keep getting a rehash of the same scenarios every few years or so. When you're at that age, it's the most important thing in the world, and if you're a teenager and say it's not, you're lying. No teen is that mature.
Who the **** thought it was a smart idea to bump this?
Oh well.
Blame "Iron kid".Ugh, I can't believe this thread is back for more.
Blame "Iron kid".
Praising Jesus, his hot girlfriend, (who he supposedly refuses to engage in premarital sex with) condemning people to hell, shooting small animals, geauxing to his church group to discuss how he'll be raised up on eagle's wings, having good timez, LoL'ing, not spending his life on the computer, etc.Someone needs to shoot that kid. Where is Taiwarrior when you need him?