His webslinging still looks off

November Rain said:
dude, chill pill...

fee free to look through all the posts on here, i've been completely civil to everyone.

i haven't used any 'mightier than though' complexes,

i haven't bashed anyone who doesn't seem to agree with me

I haven't replied to every single post which goes against my views in a dictatorship manner

if anything, the points i seem to be bringing up are being ignored by the masses and for some reason a large percent of people think i'm against the cgi :confused:

yeah, in general the swinging are highlight of the film and I do think they are fantastic BUT i think they can be improved and the vibe i'm getting is that everyone else doesn't think they can get any better, so yeah, they are complacent.

if you wish to take it on a negative slant, then it's up to you but it wasn't delivered with that intent and there is no evidence to suggest why it would be.

so chill out, :dew:

First off, in our current culture, the term complacent pretty much always is negative, as in "settling". And that's not what any of us who like the webswinging are doing.

The points you're bringing up are not black & white. They're red vs. blue. It's simply a matter of what you personally like or don't. You think Spidey should look like a gymnast or circus performer (An BTW- circus performers are as stringent about presentation as gymnasts) conscious of hand and leg positions. I don't. I love that Spidey moves as he does because it suggests the looseness and freedom of his movement. I still look at the last shot from the World Trade Teaser when he's swinging toward the camera as being absolutely beautiful. There's the similar shot in Spidey 2 just after he reclaims his costume where he swings on an arc from like 50 stories above down to just a few feet above the ground. Again- it's fantastic. You feel his weight, his power and his gracefulness. Could there be improvements? Always. But the points you're complaining about wouldn't be the way to improve it IMO.

You're a fan of the Hulk film. I think it was garbage from beginning to end. Are you being complacent?
^^ Have to agree with Dragon's view on the Hulk movie. It amazes me that anyone can think the CGI in that movie was great, but Spidey's has lots of room for improvement. Honestly, I found Hulk to be on the same level as Roger Rabbit... and that film was intentionally mixing live action with animation.
yeh one thing i didnt like about SM1 is that the web didnt look like web... if you know what i mean:woot: it looked more like toy plastic web that you can get with the figures....
TheGraphicsGuy said:
yeh one thing i didnt like about SM1 is that the web didnt look like web... if you know what i mean:woot: it looked more like toy plastic web that you can get with the figures....
it didnt look like toy plastic, it looked like real webbing it had a very nice effect, and still does.
Dragon said:
First off, in our current culture, the term complacent pretty much always is negative, as in "settling". And that's not what any of us who like the webswinging are doing.

The points you're bringing up are not black & white. They're red vs. blue. It's simply a matter of what you personally like or don't. You think Spidey should look like a gymnast or circus performer (An BTW- circus performers are as stringent about presentation as gymnasts) conscious of hand and leg positions. I don't. I love that Spidey moves as he does because it suggests the looseness and freedom of his movement. I still look at the last shot from the World Trade Teaser when he's swinging toward the camera as being absolutely beautiful. There's the similar shot in Spidey 2 just after he reclaims his costume where he swings on an arc from like 50 stories above down to just a few feet above the ground. Again- it's fantastic. You feel his weight, his power and his gracefulness. Could there be improvements? Always. But the points you're complaining about wouldn't be the way to improve it IMO.

You're a fan of the Hulk film. I think it was garbage from beginning to end. Are you being complacent?
everytrhing is an opinion. but it is a fact that he has no weight in the swing scenes. even raimi admited this.
Gosh, they'll always find something to complain about!
I felt Spideys webslinging was awesome in the second movie, I don't see how they could really improve it much, if at all.
Stop *****ing and just enjoy the movies for what they are!
the web-slinging in the movies are perfect, the vfx team made it so that it felt like we wre swinging with spiderman and seeing spiderman swing through the air, his web-slinging is amazing.
I've yet to see valid reasoning in why he should look any different. He's not trained in what he does, nor was he born with the ability. Is it supposed to look graceful? Yes. But it's primarily for movement, and I don't make sure I look 'graceful' every single occasion I'm walking just because I am walking.
spidey looks graceful, he got bitten by a radioactive spider, which gave him the power to swing from webs easily, it also gave him the power to be very agile, in the spidey movies spidey is doing flips and hes swinging fast, thats the way hes suppose to swing, in a very agile way, spidey looks graceful when he swings because hes agile enough to do all those flips and swing from webs, in the first movie he wasnt doing as many flips because he was learning how to swing, i really enjoyed the way he was swinging in spidey1, and in spidey2 he was doing flips and was jumping off buildigs and stuff, in spidey3 he swings faster and does more flips in mid air, see how once he got to know his powers he started to be more agile, spideys web-slinging is fine in the spidey movies, he swings in all of the spidey movie very agile and graceful, and im fine with that.
Pagrebo said:
And therein lies the problem that some are having with your position. The vibe you're getting??? You may be reading between the lines when in fact there's nothing to read. I haven't seen anyone intimate or state that the swinging effects CAN'T get any better. I think everyone with at least half a brain knows that ALL visual effects can & will get better as the technology improves. There are some on here who are simply satisfied with the status quo, but they still look forward to improvement. Satisfaction does NOT equal complacency.:yay:
but my issues are not with the states of the effects as in the quality of the cgi, I've never seen it as an issue with these films.

rather it is the movements they decide to have spidey make at certain points throughout his swing.

and the vast majority don't have any issues with it at all. i'll make a list of those who feel such in a mo, some going as far saying it's the best they can do or even perfect and hence shows they complacency with what they have. They are satisfied.

if you thought i was using it in a negative slant, then there would be negative slants thrown throughout the majority of my posts on this thread, which I don't believe there is. Nor I have said anyone's opinion is openly wrong.
Dragon said:
First off, in our current culture, the term complacent pretty much always is negative, as in "settling". And that's not what any of us who like the webswinging are doing.

The points you're bringing up are not black & white. They're red vs. blue. It's simply a matter of what you personally like or don't. You think Spidey should look like a gymnast or circus performer (An BTW- circus performers are as stringent about presentation as gymnasts) conscious of hand and leg positions. I don't. I love that Spidey moves as he does because it suggests the looseness and freedom of his movement. I still look at the last shot from the World Trade Teaser when he's swinging toward the camera as being absolutely beautiful. There's the similar shot in Spidey 2 just after he reclaims his costume where he swings on an arc from like 50 stories above down to just a few feet above the ground. Again- it's fantastic. You feel his weight, his power and his gracefulness. Could there be improvements? Always. But the points you're complaining about wouldn't be the way to improve it IMO.

You're a fan of the Hulk film. I think it was garbage from beginning to end. Are you being complacent?
Well current culture also deviates the general meaning of other words, but without hearing my tone of voice and its delivery, it's impossible to simply assume negativity. So how anyone takes it is entirely up to them.

you mention the points i'm complaining about. just so we are on the same page, what are these points exactly because i just want to make sure that the aspects i'm brining up are all coming to light because a large majority of people believe it's about cgi. You've picked up form and I replied to that initially a couple of pages ago in quite a long reply as well as other things.

Alright it's hard to like anything all the way through from beginning to end but if you are taking the whole film as an example, then yeah, i am being complacent with the hulk, not 100% but a vast majority. I dont see anything wrong with that, if i enjoy something and it brings no harm to others then so be it.
i've managed to find a video from the 90s series on youtube, it's from the episode turning point.


the first five seconds shows spidey doing a great dismount. If you watch the animation, spidey takes the impact greatly and moves into a position i would expect of someone who would be slowing down the momentum of such a leap while also utilising their sticking abilities (hence no hop, like the hulk does when he jumps long distances).

now putting the flip aside, wouldn't you like to see spidey making more landings of this sort?


instead of landings of this sort seen in the first movie


taken from the trailer below so you can see it in full motion

voila, it's about 8 seconds into it

I use these examples because they are basically telling the same story (showing the same scene), spidey swings in from a distance and finds the goblin on the brooklyn bridge with MJ.

i know it's a personal example but i feel that the animated version looks better and i feel that there isn't any reason why movie version of spidey landing on horizontal surfaces can't look as good as such. In the animation, he takes up a crouched position which although isn't gymnastic, technical adds more grace to his dismount than what we see during the dismount in the first film and also in that gif i originally put up, which seems to have disappeared.

all crap aside, do you really prefer the second movie version? if not, do you truelly believe it is out of their power to animate spidey to take up that position because that's like one of my biggest gripes and the landing seen in 3 with the american flag looked like this still.


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november it is sooooooooooooooo obvious from your first post in this thread about what you are talking. but more than 50% posts here are about how teh CGI loosk good.

whats wrong with those people? and i noticed that a lot of people that like the effects just writte that they look perfect.... without any argumetns.
Dragon said:
First off, in our current culture, the term complacent pretty much always is negative, as in "settling". And that's not what any of us who like the webswinging are doing.

The points you're bringing up are not black & white. They're red vs. blue. It's simply a matter of what you personally like or don't. You think Spidey should look like a gymnast or circus performer (An BTW- circus performers are as stringent about presentation as gymnasts) conscious of hand and leg positions. I don't. I love that Spidey moves as he does because it suggests the looseness and freedom of his movement. I still look at the last shot from the World Trade Teaser when he's swinging toward the camera as being absolutely beautiful. There's the similar shot in Spidey 2 just after he reclaims his costume where he swings on an arc from like 50 stories above down to just a few feet above the ground. Again- it's fantastic. You feel his weight, his power and his gracefulness. Could there be improvements? Always. But the points you're complaining about wouldn't be the way to improve it IMO.

You're a fan of the Hulk film. I think it was garbage from beginning to end. Are you being complacent?
Thanks. Yeah, there´s no denying the way he presented the term complacent was negative, as in we´re less concerned with quality than he is. I´m VERY concerned with quality. And I agree that Spidey´s movement, they made choices that enhance his movement in different ways than you´d normally get from a circus artist and stuff, and I´m fine with that. When I watch the webswinging, I´m aware that it´s an FX as I always am, and I know there may be room for improvements, but I still enjoy the hell out of it for what it is and what it accomplished, which, as anyone from the industry will tell you, was a lot. Simple as that.
November Rain said:
i've managed to find a video from the 90s series on youtube, it's from the episode turning point.


the first five seconds shows spidey doing a great dismount. If you watch the animation, spidey takes the impact greatly and moves into a position i would expect of someone who would be slowing down the momentum of such a leap while also utilising their sticking abilities (hence no hop, like the hulk does when he jumps long distances).

now putting the flip aside, wouldn't you like to see spidey making more landings of this sort?


instead of landings of this sort seen in the first movie


taken from the trailer below so you can see it in full motion

voila, it's about 8 seconds into it

I use these examples because they are basically telling the same story (showing the same scene), spidey swings in from a distance and finds the goblin on the brooklyn bridge with MJ.

i know it's a personal example but i feel that the animated version looks better and i feel that there isn't any reason why movie version of spidey landing on horizontal surfaces can't look as good as such. In the animation, he takes up a crouched position which although isn't gynast technical adds more grace to his dismount than what we see during the dismount in the first film and also in that gif i originally put up, which seems to have disappeared.

all crap aside, do you really prefer the second movie version? if not, do you truelly believe it is out of their power to animate spidey to take up that position because that's like one of my biggest gripes and the landing seen in 3 with the american flag looked like this still.

yeh i agree...... the physics of the landings are.. you could say.... perfect...
I was enjoying that clip so much until Madam web showed up. But yeah that one clip is just excellent spidey for sure. Raimi would do well to watch the best bits from spider-man tas.

And this if possible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlQB3JKZBPc

If one of you out there on the boards is working for raimi as an intern or something, please show him that vid. Maybe he's seen it but still show him how doing wall crawling was achieved back in the old days.
LastSunrise1981 said:
I think they need to concentrate on his wall-crawling ability. In my honest and sincere opinion, there hasn't been enough wall-crawling or him displaying that particular ability.

you're totally right. the stuff they do show is up close and not done too well.

I was expecting it in SM1 as well a scene where gg could be shooting bombs etc as spidey is trying to get to the top of a building. (very close to the alex ross drawing in "Marvels" with GG and Spidey fighting outside the daily bugle)

hope sm3 has something more like that

a great spidey for wall crawling is the MTV TAS spidey
really cool how much work they put inthe physics of the whole thing etc.
what about the clip in sm2 on the train, when he leaps through the overhead bridge and lands in front of Ock in a very stylish position?

given the fact that he was in a moving vehicle, i thought he physics were superb.
that's a human landing, not a cgi landing.

overall, i don't have issues with that part of that scene.
when spidey lands on the bridge, i loved that scene, it looked perfect, its cgi when he lands, even though he doesnt land and then croutch, it still looks perfect, he landed right on his feet, i dont see anything wwrong with that scene, i loved the part in spidey2 when he landed in front ock and crouched, that was very cool also.
November Rain, I've always respected your opinions and your posts. They are well thought out, and written in complete, intelligible sentences. The two vid clip examples, however,... I'm worried about you. This is REALLY splitting hairs, IMO. If taken only as clips, and microanalyzed, I guess one could discern a distinguishable difference between the two. But when taken in the context of the film or cartoon as a whole, there is no value either added or subtracted from either landing. In the big picture of the overall story, they are the same. Sorry.
I understand that this is something purely aesthetic and not something that hinder or progresses the plot.

this for me is like having an black tumbler in batman begins in comparison to the normal military camoflague. heck, it's probably even less than that.

I admit, i can be picky but i'm of the mind that if something can be portrayed well in one medium, then the same can be done in others but the 'well' part is completely up to my own scrutiny.

little technical things that are thrown into some special effects shots like the hulk using his arms as momentum for his jumps, the hops he does at the end, the changing of his body shape in the air when he's unsure of his landing, his olympic form when throwing a tank like a hammer (although bruce may have never thrown one in his life) are bits and bobs of attention i tend to pay attention to.

I could happily start a thread about the aspects of spidey's swinging i do like in the film, there are plenty.

I wish i could post gifs and collect info as evidence,it's quite hard with small clips and printscreening.

I'm not here to really change anyone's mind, just see if there are like minded people and to also try to see if others can get my viewpoint without necessarily agreeing. If one person feels i may have a point, then it's all good, heck i'd even settle for being the only one on the sight to think this way, since i'm putting some reasoning along with my views.
Well it is clear we disagree with the movements of his swing. That isn't complacent, that is difference of opinion. The definition of being complacent is to accept, settle or compromise with something you are not wholly satisfied with. I am satisfied with the web-swinging.

As for the clips. I see your poin, that he should land on all fours sticking more (though he has done it on several occasions in the films, including the flagpole at the end of 1, when he swings into the burning building in 1, during his fight with Ock on top of the train and belltower in 2 and when he lands on the light in black suit in the trailer for 3) but the director has chosen to have just as many landings on two feet without the adhesiveness taken into account.

In doing so making a two footed landing as you want would ook very off because the physics are against it and our eyes would instinctively be turned off by it (think of how DD landed one of his early leaps in his movie and how off it looked ah he hit the ground runng, same with both Elektra jumps later on). But to make it work he has to stick his landing.

For the record the one in SM3 trailer in front of the flag looks good while the trailer one looks a little off but it was early in his career and they have perfected it since then. And keep in mind your preferred landings have happened mulltiple times in both 1 and 2 and is even present in the SM3 trailer.

This to me constitutes nitpicking, but you may disagree.
November Rain said:
I don't know how long spidey is supposed to have carried this superhero role for in this next film but I would have hoped that he would have cracked this webslinging thing...

alas, he still looks uncomfortable/unprofessional...

he still does that thing at the end of his swing where he tries to leap off for more aerial height. This is fine once in a while but it would be nice to see him reaching the top of his swing before letting go once in a while, it's rarely done, especially outside of a facial closeup.

also judging from his clip, he still lands incredibly uncomfortable with his body jolting forward and his legs aren't together when he webslings.

Now spidey is supposed to have better balance and be more articulated that a leading gymnast but judging from his clips he wouldn't make any sort of state final, let alone a national or olympic competition.

I know it's not necessary for what he performs but i've always had a problem with spidey being graceful in the films, and i feel he was at his best at the end of the first film but even then, he swings as if he's still unsure of himself and his movements in the air and doesn't always land with confidence, it's still looks like it's hard work when it should be second nature.

I know it's a minor thing to moan about but i have a feeling that those swinging clips come from the last piece of the film and hence the last piece of the current franchise and it would be a shame to see it go out with a whimper instead of a bang.


I know what you're saying...but....As graceful as he is...he still is human....honestly i would rather se him moving in the way Todd Mcfarlene drew him. super flexible. A cirque De Solei stand in is a dream for me in a spider-man movie. and those "Jumpmen" from the UK and France.

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