How can you make the Silver Surfer significant again?


Watchin' you!
Dec 30, 2002
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Dude has been around for over 40 years, had his own cartoon, appeared in a movie and has had a ongoing, albeit not consistantly but.........nevertheless. I refuse to believe that this guy can't be used significantly by Marvel. What would be some of your suggestions on how to make him a major player in the Marvel Universe?
Ok, my first thing would be make him a part of the Avengers. Not to be bound on Earth but like.............a reserve member. The JLA has a watchtower where they just call members out and such, why not have a segment of the Avengers that deal with cosmics? I say SS, Adam Warlock, Quasar(Wendell of course), Starlord, Gamora and Moondragon would make a great team. Second, give him a consistant on going. Let Loeb, JMS, or Brubaker have him for at least a 12 issue run and make him significant. Dude is a pacifist with the power to do almost anything. You can have great writing with him. But that's just my thoughts.
The Surfer was never really Significant. Putting him on the Avengers would be as bad as Sentry on the Avengers. Let Grant Morrison write an ongoing. That should do it.
That's the thing Anubis. He's in space................he's not really part of the MU if you know what I'm saying. Ok, look at the JLU. They have Superman, MM and GL on their team and those guys are arguebly cosmic characters. In the MU they have some powerful bad guys that can give the characters a run for their money. Plus SS holds back a lot cuase he doesn't want to hurt anyone. It's not like he will kill anyone. But I was saying, have him be a reserve member of the Avengers, someone they call on. And I guess lead a universal Avengers team. Kind of like he was in the Fantastic Four:the end mini. That team was powerful cuase they had Thor, SS and Vision. But they didn't really stay on Earth, they were more of a universal team. To me, it's just something to build him up. Look at Ms. Marvel. Before her mini came out last year, she was very abstract. Now she's a major player in the MU. Heck, she's leading the Avengers and is being compared to WW, which is very significant becuase when talking about Marvel's leading lady, her name never really came up. It was always a 3 horse race out of Sue, Storm and Jean.
Ms. Marvel and SS are at two completely different spectrum's of the power scale. Sure, making Ms. Marvel significant was easy. She's not exactly that powerful anymore, and therefore fits on an Earth based team. The Surfer, on the other hand, if forced to participate in Marvel Earth's kinda threats, would inevitably be left jobbing to everybody from Ultron to the effin' Wrecking Crew. I mean, arguably the best run Avengers ever had had the Mighty Thor getting his ass kicked left and right. It just doesnt work. Truth is, one could make the same argument about Supes, MM, and GL with the JLA, but I gotta tell you, they do take on bigger threats than the Avengers usually do. An old weapon created by a fallen pantheon of science Gods the size of a small sun comes to destroy the world, you might need Supes, MM, GL, Angels, God, and six billion superhumans to take it down. Not so much for an invasion by Skrulls in the middle of a war with the Kree, with the fate of Earth in the middle.

But I suppose it could work, but you'd really have to up the ante on threats, and have somebody writing it that can produce something better than ninjas.
Well, that's why I said be a reserve member. Ok, for instance..... the Annihilation Sagas.....a cosmic Avengers team can handle that. They could be reserves for the Earth team but mostly take care of galactic threats. And while I do agree that with the SS on their team, the threats would have to be bigger, but they have the Sentry as well who is arguably on SS level.
Yeah, and he really shouldn't be on the team.
make him go crazy, then send him off to another planet where he will be forced to fight in gladiator style arenas, then bring him back to earth for some revenge.
I thought the Requiem story was pretty significant in it's quality. I know it's not considered 616-canon, but it was the last great Surfer story that I read.
Yeah it was a great read. If JMS or Loeb took over and writing a ongoing for him, making him more involved with Earth matters, but yet still remain a cosmic character, he could be very significant.
Put the Silver Surfer back on the Defenders, alongside Dr. Strange, the Sentry, and all the other characters that are way too powerful to be members of any other team. Let them face threats that are up to snuff for their collective power. Write it like Grant Morrison wrote JLA. Problem solved.
You can make SS significant again by stop having him job to beings that he shouldn't be losing to. Pacifist heroes are boring heroes. I don't recall Surfer ever showing his full potential. I mean really letting go.
Read Annihilation. He manages to kill a being Galactus lost to.
Put the Silver Surfer back on the Defenders, alongside Dr. Strange, the Sentry, and all the other characters that are way too powerful to be members of any other team. Let them face threats that are up to snuff for their collective power. Write it like Grant Morrison wrote JLA. Problem solved.

Wow Corp. That was actually............pretty good. Why didn't I think of it that quickly? :huh:

Why were the Defenders ever put together or disbanded in the first place?
Strange put them together to fight hugely powerful threats that no one else could handle. Which is exactly what I'm suggesting they get back together for.

I don't know why they disbanded. They were never really a team in the sense of the Avengers. Other members like Nighthawk and Valkyrie formed a more stable team, but Strange only called together the big guns like the Surfer, Hulk, and Namor when it was necessary.
The Surfer was never really Significant. Putting him on the Avengers would be as bad as Sentry on the Avengers. Let Grant Morrison write an ongoing. That should do it.

Let's just keep Grant Morrison the Hell away from Norrin, shall we? The LAST thing I need is for it to be "revealed" that Shalla Bal was really just his beard and that since then, he's been secretly in love with Galactus.

"Norrin and Galen sittin' in a tree, F-U-C"... well, you get the picture.

I like Corp's idea. But I'm also not so sure that I buy the idea that the Surfer's NOT relavant. He's relevant, just too big to use in smaller, character-driven stories. I'd like to see one 4 to 6 issue mini annually where the Surfer or both him and G are shown in truly cosmic-level adventures. It's hard to maintain "the universe is over!" style adventures indefinitly in an ongoing.
Reading Annihilation will make him significant.
If the Avengers faced threats like Kang, Doom, Thanos, Celestials, Onslaught, and the Void more often it would make sense to have him on the team. But Surfers more of a Fantastic Four reservist. In fact, I think it's kind of strange that the Ff faces more dangerous threats than Marvel's premere team does.
Yeah, I read it, and the tie ins. He didn't exactly do much. Except revert back to being Galactis' b***h.
This idea has been in my mind for a long time.
First issue of the new silver surfer ongoing:
The cover show...Silver Surfer with a fanny pack.

Everybody will be like "Hey, is that a fanny pack?!" and istantly buy the issue.
Let's just keep Grant Morrison the Hell away from Norrin, shall we? The LAST thing I need is for it to be "revealed" that Shalla Bal was really just his beard and that since then, he's been secretly in love with Galactus.

"Norrin and Galen sittin' in a tree, F-U-C"... well, you get the picture
What? Why would Morrison do that:huh: Besides seeing what Morrison has done with another ridiculously powerful character in All-Star Superman, I think he'd be great on SS.

Anyway, I think JMS' recent mini helped give some modern-day relevancy to the guy.
Yeah, I read it, and the tie ins. He didn't exactly do much. Except revert back to being Galactis' b***h.
I was a bit disappointed in that, myself. I didn't understand it at all. He spent all those years ostensibly atoning for the morally questionable stuff he'd done under Galactus, yet at the first sign of trouble he decides to hop back under Galactus' wing and agree to do all those morally questionable things again? Why? Galactus has never wanted for heralds, so it's obviously not because he thinks Galactus needs him or anything. Seemed like a reversion to the old status quo just for nostalgia's sake more than anything else.
The surfer needs an edge....

personally i would like to see him and uatu working with one another to prevent 'What Ifs' from occurring which makes him pretty damn significant in keeping this 616 timeline as it should be and also makes him deal with anything and everything and makes him incredibly important underneath it all but on the surface and to everyone else, he really doesn't seem to do much.

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