The Dark Knight How Do You Prefer the Ears?


I got nothin'
Jul 2, 2003
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Leaning Forward (Batman Begins):


Pointing Straight Up (Most comics/Burton films):


Leaning Back (Some comics/Animated Series):

I like Batman's ear in Begins so don't change it Mr Nolan.
lol I thought this was gonna be about joker's ears.

I like all three different ways. depends.
Yeah I don't really care. Any of them can be done good or bad.
Ronny Shade said:
lol I thought this was gonna be about joker's ears.

I like all three different ways. depends.
lol I thought this was gonna be about the size of the ears. :o

As long as it's not this big, no problem for me:

I prefer the BB ears. It wasn't very long, but not very short either. Just right. :batman:
I was pretty happy with the costume in BB overall. The first publicity photos I thought it was weird how the ears seemed angled in, but I guess I got used to it or something, because it doesn't bother me at all. I like the costume as it is, especially the cowl.
Leave it the way it is, it's all good...
One leaning forward and one leaning back.

And just for the record, Burtion's bat-ears were leaning forward just like B Begins ones, just longer.
The length, shape, and overall structure of Batman's ears are of minuscule concern to me.

PS - Boom, start being cool again.
El Payaso said:
And just for the record, Burtion's bat-ears were leaning forward just like B Begins ones, just longer.
Burton's Batman had ears that were more straight up than Nolan's Batman.
I like either way, but I usually draw the ears like horns or bat ears.
i think they should change it from /l__l\ to l\__/l
Motown Marvel said:
i think they should change it from /l__l\ to l\__/l

Agreed,....the Begins cowl is excellent but the extreme ear angle (outside to inside) creates an odd look at times. I like the forward tilt but would prefer if the overall look was more like the first three films.
Keyser Sushi said:
I was pretty happy with the costume in BB overall. The first publicity photos I thought it was weird how the ears seemed angled in, but I guess I got used to it or something, because it doesn't bother me at all. I like the costume as it is, especially the cowl.
Exactly. :o

The leaning bat-ears look intimidating, and always ready to pounce. :up:
CConn said:
The length, shape, and overall structure of Batman's ears are of minuscule concern to me.

PS - Boom, start being cool again.
...Wha :confused:??
i liked the length of ears in BEGINS....i would like to see them a little bit shorter though.
Dark Knight said:
i liked the length of ears in BEGINS....i would like to see them a little bit shorter though.

You said SHORTER?

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