The book has a look at the history of the JLA, as well as these (possible) future events for them.
1. Clark, Diana and Bruce watching Hal getting married. It's not revealed who the Wife is.
2. Lex providing a vicious beat down to Superman, Batman, and WW while screaming at them "He was my son!" I wonder what that means?
3. Bruce and Diana at the Kent farm offering their condolences to Martha after Jonathan passes away.
4. WW is getting married, and Superman, and Batman go to Paradise Island to make sure she is really doing the right thing. Again who she is marrying is not revealed.
5. Superman solemnly looking at the new JLA satellite HQ, and we get a look at him (with a tear in his eye) saying "Damn you Bruce"
6. Bruce and Clark are looking at a monitor with a classic JLA/JSA Lineup picture. Classic teams from E1 and E2. Bruce tells him that there is definitely a second earth out there.
7. WW and Superman sitting on a rooftop in pouring rain. It is alluded that Batman is dead. WW-"So how'd he finally go?" Superman-"fighting"