How should Thor be handled in a movie?

you ever heard of the Q continuum? Star Trek did a beautiful job of bring in even more God like presence into their sci-fi world. The Q could shift planetary alignment, travel in and out of time, and change shape. How did the writers at star trek try to explain this? they didn't ,the characters knew how such things could be done but had no idea how someone could do it. They chalked to being out of there scope of understanding.

It's ironic that you cite Star Trek b/c I remember an episode of the old series with William Shatner that featured the god Apollo. As I recall, the show never really answered the question if he was really a god or not. The crew of the Enterprise thought he might possibly be an alien, who our ancient ancestors probably worshipped as a god but the final question was left up to the audience to decide. Which was very effective.

Maybe Thor in Avengers could be handled in such a way. That's one take on how the melding of science and mythology could be approached.

Hmmm...I seemed to have mixed up this thread subject. Sorry guys.
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I honestly like the Ultimate approach to thor where they left it up to the viewer if he actually was a god.
But the viewer will know that he's a god in this case because the viewer will probably have seen his movie.

I wouldn't be opposed to other people in the movie writing him off as a crazy guy who only thinks he's a god, though.
But the viewer will know that he's a god in this case because the viewer will probably have seen his movie.

I wouldn't be opposed to other people in the movie writing him off as a crazy guy who only thinks he's a god, though.

If they were going for reality some people would say he's crazy, other might try to kill him, and some people would worship him. At least that is how I think it would play out in the real world. I would be one of the people who thinks he's crazy and some sort of alien.
Some people would just accept him as another superhero in a world with the Hulk and Iron Man, too.
I'd probably consider him just some freak of nature, or wouldn't really even think much about it, there's that guy from india who can break a coin with his eye lid, who calls himself like a disciple of god. (has like 14 wives and sleeps i think he said like 2 hours a week?)

i really don't consider him a disciple of god, but more of just a one in a billion who got the right genes.

or how about the people who train killerwhales,

i definetly wouldn't start calling him atlantis.
Thor is shown in Asgard. It is 1980. Centeries have passed since they contacted Midgard. Loki rises and takes control of The Bifrost and moves it to the U.s. Thor tries to stop him but is called back to Asgard to help against a Troll Invasion. Epic battle against trolls. Then Thor goes down Bifrost and faces a number of challenges set up by Loki. The New Entrance to Asgard is On top of Mt. St. Helens, were Thor and Loki battle, and cause the eruption ( I did this to firmly Ground it in reality and show the effects on the mortal world.) maybe there is a cameo of Surtur During the Eruption. Anyhow Thor Keeps Going at Loki even when Loki is knoked out He almost kills Loki, But Odin summons him back to Asgard and tells him for almost killing Loki he's gonna be Punished; He should of taken him back to Asgard for trial.
Fast-Foward to 2011. A Hospital Pager is heard "paging Dr. Blake, Emergency ward 22" and a fimiliar looking doctor is seen. Then we see Tony stark in the hallways. His head turns toward Blake and Presses a Bottun on his belt and says "Yes sir, I think we've got Ourselves another one. Fade out.

Fury and Tony's instruments registered a weird Energy near Blake and so they go to him. he has no idea why until Tony reliezes its from the cane. It turns out He's Thor Sent down in 1981 as aN orphanboy by Odin. Everybody else just thinks that Blake acsessed some Alien Tech unknowingly and went Screwy because of it, But he's pretty Gosh-darn powerful, so they accept him.

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