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First Avenger Should they use the Ultimate Universe as influence or not

should they use the ultimate cap as influence for the movies

  • YES! Ultimate Universe all the way! Froget 616

  • let them make their own realistic cap movie with parts of UU and 616 and alot of cap stories

  • Ultimate cap here and there but mostly a 616 movie

  • Ultimate Cap SUCKS! Marvel 616 all the way!

  • Froget UU and 616! Heroes Reborn Cap all the way!

  • froget this movie! just make this a sequal to the 90s movie

  • other

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Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Since they're asking things like what costume, what sheild, etc.. I decided to ask all of that as well as if they should use the ultimate universe at all or just make it primally 616 universe. I decided they should include a few things from the ultimate marvel here and their(costume, some parts of personality, etc) but leave it mostly 616 because the Ultimate comics was made to see how the Avengers would look as a movie? any thoughts?
One of the things I liked about the beginning of the Ultimate run with Cap is that he definately looked like a guy who was raised in the '30s somehow pushed into the 2000s. Some of it went overboard into a more "American neo-con" territory (why would someone who fought with the French in WWII ask when offered to surrender if the letter on his head stood for France?), he'd definately be suffering culture shock akin to Ultimates then what I've seen in 616.
As long as he doesn't have the personality of the Ultimate version, I don't really care.
"why would someone who fought with the French in WWII ask when offered to surrender if the letter on his head stood for France?"

Probably because the French government gave up and surrendered at a point during the war. Hence the stereotype of the French being cowardly and disloyal.
I'd like him 616 with a bit of the Ultimate roughness still intact, not to say I want him to be a jackass or anything close to it. Let me explain, I don't want him to be immediately sunny and chipper, I mean the before he wakes up, the man was in WWII, one of the darker days for the world, so I can't imagine him immediately transitioning into the lighter Cap that we know and love.
I think the best part of the Ultimates to take into account for Cap is his initial transition into the 21st century. The scenes with him trying to cope were beautifully done, especially when he meets Bucky again and his girlfriend refuses to see him, and the scene with him in the graveyard with Fury. That was great stuff.
I think the best part of the Ultimates to take into account for Cap is his initial transition into the 21st century. The scenes with him trying to cope were beautifully done, especially when he meets Bucky again and his girlfriend refuses to see him, and the scene with him in the graveyard with Fury. That was great stuff.
yah I want to see complain about how bad today's movies are and how they curse in every scene
Ultimate Captain America all the way. Only tone down his ass*oleness.
Ultimate Captain America all the way. Only tone down his ass*oleness.

Yeah, I agree.

Although I didn't care for the film, I thought the Ultimate Avengers movie did a terrific job with Cap. I also prefer ther Ultimate costume....both WWII and modern day. He looked more like a soldier. The 616 costume is classic, but I thought Ultimate made just the right tweeks where it looked functional and military but is recognizably Cap.

I also think the movie should spend about 1/4 in WWII and the rest of the film in modern day. The man out of place story is what I want to see.
yeah, i agree.

Although i didn't care for the film, i thought the ultimate avengers movie did a terrific job with cap. I also prefer ther ultimate costume....both wwii and modern day. He looked more like a soldier. The 616 costume is classic, but i thought ultimate made just the right tweeks where it looked functional and military but is recognizably cap.

I also think the movie should spend about 1/4 in wwii and the rest of the film in modern day. The man out of place story is what i want to see.

616 is the wayto go but i agree about the ultimate avengers movie
Well since we know the film is going to be pretty much all ww2(with maybe a closing scene in present day to tie into avengers). I say try to stay more classic to keep fans happy but maybe throw in a few ultimates elements here or there.
YEa basde the character majority on classic stuff and then throw in a few of the better elements from ultimate universe is the best way to go to get fans of both happy.
from ultimates, keep:
bucky as best friend who is a normal soldier, instead of 16 year old sidekick
ww2 costume
"fish out of water"

but thats it, keep the 616 personality, mostly 616 costume (lose the pirate boots)and it will be perfect
Why should he wear that costume from the Ultimate comics? Kids will want to see this and he can't wear that the entire movie.
In my opinion I would like them to base their movie more on the 616 Cap, it was the version Simon and Kirby came up with. Its their character, their designs and all that.
Ultimate Cap is based on their Cap.
It would bug me, at least, if they based him on the Ultimate Cap and it would feel like (maybe they wouldn't have actually done it but it would feel like it at least a little) that they forgot the original Cap and Kirby's and Simon's original work on him. (Lee'[s contribution too).
Yeah, I agree.

Although I didn't care for the film, I thought the Ultimate Avengers movie did a terrific job with Cap. I also prefer ther Ultimate costume....both WWII and modern day. He looked more like a soldier. The 616 costume is classic, but I thought Ultimate made just the right tweeks where it looked functional and military but is recognizably Cap.

I also think the movie should spend about 1/4 in WWII and the rest of the film in modern day. The man out of place story is what I want to see.
Cap OWNED that Ultimate Avengers movie.

I'd say go mostly 616 with little bits of ultimate Cap.
YEa i still say base majority of the character on 616 but do throw in a few ultimates stuff. As for costume i said it before since its going to be in ww2 majority it should be more miltary style outfits from the time period but looks like classic/ultimate captain suit.
"why would someone who fought with the French in WWII ask when offered to surrender if the letter on his head stood for France?"

Probably because the French government gave up and surrendered at a point during the war. Hence the stereotype of the French being cowardly and disloyal.

This point during the war was before the U.S. had joined in.
Any French soldiers Cap would've come in contact with would therefore be the Free French Forces (organized by Charles De Gaulle from London)... soldiers who continued to fight the war in spite of the surrender.

That being said I say go for Ultimate Cap, but make him into less of a dick.
I saw this in the ultimate avengers thread and it basically explain why Mark Miller made Cap like that(plus Ultimates was basiaclly what if Avengers was made into a movie as Mark and Bryan basiaclly explained).
I saw this in the ultimate avengers thread and it basically explain why Mark Miller made Cap like that(plus Ultimates was basiaclly what if Avengers was made into a movie as Mark and Bryan basiaclly explained).
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