Days of Future Past How would u like the X-men from the future to be introduced?


Apr 9, 2005
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Since most of us agree that there will be some actors from the original trilogy back on this sequel and used in the timeline from the future, how would you like them to be introduced?

There are many possibilities, like having those returning actors free and already working together against the sentinels, or having them split at the very beggining and meeting a bit later.

Then there is the other scenario where a few of them are prisioners in jail or walking in a line of prisoners into the sentinels base, for example, like a scene from the comic arc.

you know, there are many different ways each character could be introduced, so lets discuss about our personal preferences and what would be more interesting for the sequel.
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I don't know if they are really going to do that "all mutants in prison" and the Sentinels are all over the world hunting all the mutants. It seems too extravagant for a X-Men movie and I don't know if FOX can pull something like that. But I can imagine the X-Mansion being destroyed, one of the X-Men being captured by a Sentinel during the X-Mansion attack and Wolverine and the other X-Men escaping from the mansion, its like X2.
I personally want to see a chase scene. A good 5 minutes into the film, we just see Logan and a few other mutants running at night then suddenly there would be explosions everywhere. Some of them don't survive. They keep on running for their lives. We then learn that they're being hunted down by sentinels. Then we get reintroduced to the characters and their powers. I want it to be rollercoastery and bourne-like in momentum and get my heart pumping unlike the past movies.
I personally want to see a chase scene. A good 5 minutes into the film, we just see Logan and a few other mutants running at night then suddenly there would be explosions everywhere. Some of them don't survive. They keep on running for their lives. We then learn that they're being hunted down by sentinels. Then we get reintroduced to the characters and their powers. I want it to be rollercoastery and bourne-like in momentum and get my heart pumping unlike the past movies.

Id enjoy something like that like a crazy/happy 6 years old kid, lol

An in creccendo intro, ending with one or two sentinels destroying part of that city, and the x-men reuniting again, more one/two new mutants.
I personally want to see a chase scene. A good 5 minutes into the film, we just see Logan and a few other mutants running at night then suddenly there would be explosions everywhere. Some of them don't survive. They keep on running for their lives. We then learn that they're being hunted down by sentinels. Then we get reintroduced to the characters and their powers. I want it to be rollercoastery and bourne-like in momentum and get my heart pumping unlike the past movies.

That would be a nod to the danger room scene of X3. :woot:
seems similar yes, but done by Bryan, with a totally different set, characters, and directed with another style, it can be really epic, dark and intense. unlike X3.
Well, there are several options, I guess. You could go straight into action or start calm and quiet. It could be one person or several involved.

I wouldn't want too much stuff that is similar to previous films. It would be a bit obvious to show anything that is like the Danger Room scene in X3 or the mansion raid scene in X2. I would like something very new and different.
Well, there are several options, I guess. You could go straight into action or start calm and quiet. It could be one person or several involved.

I wouldn't want too much stuff that is similar to previous films. It would be a bit obvious to show anything that is like the Danger Room scene in X3 or the mansion raid scene in X2. I would like something very new and different.

yeah..... as much as Id like something really epic, I want to be surprised too. So hopefully Singer can give us something new and powerfull at the same time.
I'd like to see some of the X-Men in internments camps. Maybe a few our free like wolverine and they form a resistance team. I would like the first introduction of X-Men characters from the OT to be the prison escape. (a much more epic and spectaucular escape then the one we got in the comics) Where everyone uses the powers once they're freed form their inhibitors
Start with rogue or kitty In remains of new york have some characters discover she Is mutant and then she Is saved by Wolverine.

You Introduce the other survinv characters at Internment camp.You have an action packed escape from Internment camp.Wolverine and eather Rogue or Kitty help free the inhibiter collors off and they escape with a repowered Magneto going mano o mano against sentinles while others escape.
interesting ideas, guys.

I definetly want to see one or more x-men in prision or internement camp. That would be such a great scene.

But still not sure how Id like the very first intro of the first x-man/woman
An opening scene from the future timeline with a Sentinel hunting down a mutant could be very cool and powerful!
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Yeah, I suppose my vision is quite similar to X3's opening but I think it can be done much differently and much more EPIC. In X3, Logan was not taking it seriously and that I found very distracting. In DOFP, we are introduced to a very serious space - very stark and ominous. I really love the realism of the battle scenes in war movies, like say Saving Private Ryan - with a shaky camera, high-contrast imagery, very dirty, etc. I want to feel like I'm in the movie trying to dodge bullets. While the team is on the run, we see glimpses of the dystopian future.
It should start off with Sentinels decimating Genosha, or at least a flashback of it because if mutants are being hunted, I think that would be the place Sentinels will invade first. Sixteen million mutants were wiped out on Genosha, with few survivors. I think it would be a cool scene and dark enough for a DoFP age. I think this would also expand the X-Men universe, adding locations from the comics.
I think about his way more often then it is probably healthy.

Scene cuts into the future days with grey skies as group of battle ready Cyclops, Bishop, Colossus, and Storm are somberly staring at the grave sites of a number of X-men primarily focusing on Professor X's and Jean Grey's grave. Cyclops is fighting tears as Storm cuts in and confesses that she has a confession.

cutscene to a few hours earlier
Cyclops and other original X-men are in their 60's hiding away in the savage land with other mutants from sentinel patrol. Humans have been extinct due to miscalculations of Mastermold's AI that triggered Sentinels to wipe out both humans and mutants. Only the most powerful mutants had the ability to survive and escape.

After searching out the strongest squad of surviving mutants planet wide with a mega-cerebro built by Forge and manned by Nathan Summers, Cyclops will lead them into an assault on the main sentinel base. An extremely rare prism gem used to power mastermold has the ability to also be the power source that can trigger Forge's time machine to work.

Cyclops intends on bringing with him his son cable, but Forge convinces Cyclops that cable is needed in case sentinels discover the savage land to defend the remaining mutants while the most powerful have departed for war.
very emotional scene for Scott as he says by to his son who he is most proud of for possibly the last time, but promising he will return

Cut scene back to the cemetery where Storm informs cyclops that the mission was basically a suicide mission but Cyclops cuts her off and lets her know that he knew already that this mission was really a diversion to send Cable back in time. He realized everyone was conspiring against his better judgement to send himself back in time due to the potential phsyical strain of time travel threatning his aging body. He admits the reality of it was he just couldn't bring himself to say goodbye to the last family he had left. Then he tells her this isn't a suicide mission and that they're giving these sentinels hell.

After landing EPIC battle ensues that makes the Avengers final scene look like a muppets scene, including, Bishop flying into the compound in a blackbird full of massive bombs that decimates most of the compound- and he survives. Storm, sending a thunderstorm of just lightning bolts at wave after wave of sentinel. Cyclops leveling an entire horizon of Sentinels with an omni blast. only to be devestated when only another sky blanketing wave launch from underground. Bishop is heaved into the sky by Colossus into the wave of machines and recreates the explosion from the bomb earlier wiping out a legion of sentinels.

Even More sentinels appear and the mutants are losing ground. Cyclops issues one last omni blast leveling another wave before getting blasted by a sentinel. That sentinel is mastermold, who is drawn out for the first time into battle. That's when the mutants pull out their trump card: Magneto. aged and withered his last feat is his greatest as his breaks off a piece of the moon and sends mastermold and the rest of the sentinels into a collision course with a meteor shower.
Mutants fall into relief and reflection as magneto falls lifeless from the sky. It is bittersweet victory. The world is at ruin, all had lost loved ones but at least the sentinel reign was over.

Cable is sent back in time to prevent the event that caused the mutant scare.

He is successful in preventing the event and travels back to the future, the same year. Everything appears much better. The world is much more technologically advanced, People are lively in the street, but most people are at bars and clubs cheering what seems to be an event as big as the superbowl. There is a gigantic screen in the city he is at and appauled at what he witnesses. two mutants, wolverine and gambit are tossed into a colosseum with 100 of thousands of raging fans. A powerful voice tells them for their rebellion they are to fight each other to the death or battle an army of trained killers as the camera zooms on their opposition: The juggernaut, Sinister, and Omega red. The camera then moves to the owner of the powerfful voice and it is non other then Apocalypse

Next movie Age Of Apocalypse.

in age of apocalypse it is revealed that Apocalypse had given the USA the technology to develop the sentinels knowing it would malfunction and cause humanity's extinction.
I say that they should try to invite back all of the cast from the past 3 films. have everybody come in to do cameos.

Alan cumming version of night-crawler
Kelsey grammer version of beast
Jean grey
Ice man
professor x
kitty pride (Ellen Page)

And basically it's very similar to the days of future past cartoon episode just bishop isn't the star of the story.and it's an alternate future which explains why certain x men are still alive.

and magneto is working with the tyler mane version of sabertooth, toad and mystique along with the morlocks, juggernaut, multiple man and pretty much everyone we saw in x3.

and basically it's a dark bleak future where mutants die and get killed.

wolverine is leading the resistance and it's something similar to terminator salvation but on a routine mission he gets killed the way he does in the comic book while along side storm and colossus.

after the loss of wolverine -- there is alot of sadness and pain at the loss. they preserve his adamantium skeleton to honor his memory.

i would even show cameo of william stryker working with bill duke as trask as the creators of the sentinels. and there is a point where the x men run into them because they were the co-creators of the sentinels and they learn that maybe had something been prevented in the 1970's then the sentinels would not have been created.

out of desperation they come up with the idea of time travel. this is where they can reveal and basically forge, professor x, kelsey grammer version of beast and magneto create a time machine out of cerebro.

and so basically the resistance devises a way to send back somebody to change a preventable event in the 1970's using cerebro.

and they choose Ellen page and basically once she arrives in the past

there is a point in the story where they encounter wolverine in the past
and he is the same bone claws wolverine from the flashback scene in The wolverine as well as the "go f**k yourself" wolverine from the first class cameo.

i would do that.

and in the final battle wolverine gets his bone claws damaged/crushed and ripped out.

and a younger william stryker played by a different actor than danny houston - approaches wolverine and he volunteers for the weapon x project and this is where he meets silver fox, tyler mane version of sabertooth, and maverick.

and when ellen page returns to the future she learns that the future hasn't been changed.
I think they don't have to pick which characters from the future. They could just have all of them appear. Some captured while most killed. They could send one main character from the past ( Hope it's not Wolverine). I also want to see the story from XFC developed. Hope they dont ignore it.

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