Hype PResidential Race '06: Team Blue


Apr 13, 2006
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Welcome to the Hype Presidential Race '06! Let me take a moment to explain this to you. This is in no way associated with the previous presidential race, which was a part of Hype Survivor. This is totally different, there are 3 teams, each with 5 members, this is on of 3 polls in order to determine the three finalists, one from each team, which will move on to the finals to face each other in the final presidential battle-to-the-death. There will be NO PRIZE, no reward, this is pretty much just for the heck of it. You are currently viewing the poll for the Blue team. Please vote in the other 2 also. Your members to choose from in this battle are: Master Bruce
poll coming soon! :)
Voting Voting..........................*psssst* FB clear some of yer PMs :p
u can vote for yourself. me and some other guys decided to change that earlier
It seems I gotta play the only card that works for me. The PITY card!

Please vote for me. I haven't had sex (with a non-prostitute) in years and winning this would really help my self-esteem. :(
man. I should have been more actively involved in the political debates, so I could have been one of the contenders as well as have an idea who to vote for.

I remember at this other message board I was always arguing politics and it was mostly with the same guy, then one day somebody started a thread to vote for president, me verses him. For a week that thread was active and getting mega votes, and I was all into it and everything, and in the end I won by like 4 votes or something!

You see every vote does count!
I'm a libertarian. If you elect me president I'll legalize drugs and prostitution. :)


there wasnt a debate. this idea just came to me at 4 in the morning on saturday. vote for the guys in my sig.
Darthphere or Calvin - haven't decided yet
blind_fury got my vote... because he's the only one who's actually trying in this thread.
I'm voting for Calvin. He's got the leader-like qualities.
Vote for me and you all get free lightsabers....or *****s.
Lightsabers make good *****s

or so I've heard
Darthphere said:
Vote for me and you all get free lightsabers....or *****s.

I wanted to vote for you, but I find Calvin too entertaining to vote against.
Its cool Norman, this whole thing isnt being taken seriously anyway.
I've already given Calvin a vote in the Deathmatch so Darth get's it this time.

I'll take one dil..er..ightsaber
blind_fury said:
I'm a libertarian. If you elect me president I'll legalize drugs and prostitution. :)



I was trying to figure out what the heck that was..............poor kitty :(

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