I've just bought the X-Men: Rarities TPB, a thing I've seen far too many times and was always sort of afraid to buy because I didn't know what had in it. Anyway I bought it, and it has several stories, I presume they're from old Marvel Comics Presents or something. There is one story about the first night the All New All Different X-Men spent in the mansion, and in that story ICeman tells Kurt, Banshee and Colossus they should leave, they're not X-Man, he and the other four originals are the X-Men and the same garbage he was saying in Uncanny 421. It's quite obvious that he has always been a jerk, a whiner, and that Austen was portraying him correctly during his tenure.
On another note, in that selfsame story, Angel made a pass at Ororo during her first night at the mansion.
On another note, in that selfsame story, Angel made a pass at Ororo during her first night at the mansion.