If there was anything you didn't like about the first two Fantastic Four movies that you could change, what would it be? Would you even suggest just to reboot the movie franchise?
If there was anything I could change:
1. More likeable characters instead of whinny and annoying characters.
2. Actors that have chemistry together
3. Make Doom more like he was in the comics but probably darker and more serious.
4.Better plot.
5.More action sequences
6. Jokes that are actually intelligent and not lame, over the top or inyour face.
7. Not as many jokes, in fact less comedy, infact it would be nice if we could have a Fantastic Four movie that was along the lines of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, an action packed character development filled movie with a somewhat darker story but not too dark as the Fantastic Four were never meant to be dark but serious.
If there was anything I could change:
1. More likeable characters instead of whinny and annoying characters.
2. Actors that have chemistry together
3. Make Doom more like he was in the comics but probably darker and more serious.
4.Better plot.
5.More action sequences
6. Jokes that are actually intelligent and not lame, over the top or inyour face.
7. Not as many jokes, in fact less comedy, infact it would be nice if we could have a Fantastic Four movie that was along the lines of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, an action packed character development filled movie with a somewhat darker story but not too dark as the Fantastic Four were never meant to be dark but serious.