ignoring mods would be so awesome.
Me - "Hey guy, wanna see some goat porn?"
Mod - "posting goat porn is against the roles, do it and I will BAN(!) you!"
Me - "Okay, since no one has stated otherwise... *goat porn*"
Me - "Hey, what the harry heck, why am I banned"
Mod - "You were told not to post goat porn and chose to do so anyway"
Me - "Oh sorry man, I had you on ignore and didn't see that. My apologies"
Mod - "Oh okay, no problem."
Me - "Here, have some free goat porn, it's on me"
Mod - Yippee!
That's how it went down in my dream, anyway. Since I can't do that, you'll all just have to settle for just regular goats.
...bloody fascists .