roach said:Revolutionary war...specificly the Boston Tea party
Yeah The Patriot was decent, but nothing special. It could be done much better.SolidSnakeMGS said:Yeah, we need a good Revolutionary War movie. Just don't let Bay direct it.
BT18 said:Wars aren't "made into movies". Movies are set or about certain wars.
Stevens25 said:I don't know about "wars" themselves,but I would love a big screen adaption of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis(Maybe directed by James Cameron?) and a prequel to Downfall.One that examines Adolf Hitler's rise to power and the war years(1933-1944). Bruno Ganz,would of course be Der Fuhrer once again.
SpeedballLives said:We need a Paul Revere's ride film
Who should play Paul? Jack Black. He looks EXACTLY like him.
BT18 said:John C. Reilly
BTW doesn't anyone else think a King Philip's war set movie would be a great idea?'s_War
Mee said:Yeah The Patriot was decent, but nothing special. It could be done much better.
I'm a big history I have to say there are many I would like to see (I'll try to slowly bring them up). There have been several movies made around the Little Big Horn...but I think the last major one was 10-15 years ago. It would be good to have a newer more accurate version made.terry78 said:I was reading up on that battle of Little Bighorn, and I'd like to see that made into a movie using some actors and resources of modern times.
There was a Canadian TV movie made about Dieppe...but it's not widely known. I'd love to see one made about this too.SolidSnakeMGS said:I want to see the Dieppe raid made into a movie. I'd also love to see the huge tank battles on the Eastern front, such as Kharkov and Kursk, the latter of which is considered the largest tank battle in history and one of the major turning points of WW2. Of course, the budget for such would be astronomical.
Agreed....there is a lot of the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, The French and Indian War, and the like that needs to be explored on film. Michael Mann's "Last of the Mohichans" was the last great one made on that era that I can think of at this moment.roach said:Revolutionary war...specificly the Boston Tea party
1) yep...the last good take was the TV movie "Rough Riders" with Sam Elliott.Demogoblin Man said:, there are quite a few.
1. The Spanish-American War. Definitely an under "appreciated" war. Took America from a back woods nation to one that people began to take seriously. "You supply the pictures and I'll supply the war." Teddy Roosevelt. Interesting stuff.
2. World War One. I'm amazed that there are so few movies about this war. It had such a wide scope and covered so many countries that you could make dozens of movies to cover it all. It always seemed to me that the movies that have been made are nearly propaganda. I just want a faithful re-telling of history, thank you.
3. The Russian Revolution and Civil War. I want all of the major players involved: the Czar, Rasputin, Lenin, Stalin, Trotski, Alexander Kerensky. That would be an epic war movie. I would want it to span from the crowning of Nicholas through his abdication and to the civil war to the establishment of the Soviet Union. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
4. The birth of Israel. There is a movie coming out on this so I cant complain too much.
5. The First Gulf War. I was disappointed in Jarhead. I like movies with a large scope lense. I would like to see the strategy of why we went to war: to protect Saudi Arabia and with Saddam responding by launching missiles at Tel Aviv.
Yeah...the TV movie with Stacy Keach was good...but I would like a big screen adaption too.Stevens25 said:I don't know about "wars" themselves,but I would love a big screen adaption of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis(Maybe directed by James Cameron?) .