Iron Man 3 vs Man Of Steel


Batman is my Dad
Dec 29, 2006
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Before people come and complain that its futile to compare the two, they're comparable in the sense that they are beloved comic book characters with promising movies coming out from both of them this Summer.

That being said, vote on what movie you want to see more.

And this is a place to talk about who you think will win the box office!

Edit. I forgot to post a poll, if someone could edit this thread to have a poll asking what movie people want to see more that'd be greaaaat
For some reason, I'm thinking of the fat kid from the Tropic Thunder viral video who saw Iron Man three times.

"It'll do ... 'til Man of Steel comes out. Then you're screwed. Henry Cavill would kick your ass."
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This is similar to "The Avengers" vs "The Dark Knight Rises" last year...a battle that's still unresolved among the fan community.

Man of Steel has Nolan (producing this time instead of directing) and is DC.

Iron Man 3 has Iron Man and is Marvel.

I dunno. Hopefully both of them are so great that it can inspire argument like it did last year.
IM3 will win the box office, and I think it will also be a great movie, but I'm most looking forward to Man of Steel.
I'm looking forward to Iron Man 3 a tad bit more not because of Marvel or Iron Man, but because of Shane Black. MOS looks fantastic, but I feel trepidation in regards to the pacing of the film and the dialogue.
Iron Man 3 is the seventh movie in a very successful franchise, debuting at the start of summer. It's going to win the box office. DC has some really incredible icons, but they haven't built them up in the film world yet.
I think Man of Steel will be the greater movie, but when it comes to the box office...I'm sure Iron Man 3 will win it. Looking back at the past IM films and how even IM2 did, I wouldn't be surprised that IM3 demolishes the box office when it comes out. Man of Steel will be lucky to do really well being the first film and what not as reboots don't do that well in the BO.
I'm looking forward to Iron Man 3 a tad bit more not because of Marvel or Iron Man, but because of Shane Black. MOS looks fantastic, but I feel trepidation in regards to the pacing of the film and the dialogue.
I certainly have more faith in Shane Black than I do in Zack Snyder or David Goyer, so I can't blame you there. But for someone who considers Superman her #1 favorite hero and has never once even liked a Superman movie thanks to a severe distaste for the Donnerverse, MoS keeps looking more and more like the Superman movie I've always wanted. So the excitement level is uncontainable on that one for me, regardless of my feelings on Snyder and Goyer's previous films.
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Iron Man 3 is the movie I'm most looking forward to and I think it will be the better movie by far. It will also win the box office battle. Early buzz from the UK press is insanely good, with journalists actually complaining that they're not allowed to print positive reviews yet. That bodes very well for the film's critical reception and box office prospects.

MOS will do what it does. It's a thrice-told tale painted in dark hues, like WB's other superhero films. No doubt it will do well, but it won't be as successful nor as satisfying as Iron Man 3.
My anticipation for Iron Man 3 is gone, having found out the (terrible) twist.
My anticipation for Iron Man 3 is gone, having found out the (terrible) twist.

I agree with this, I just complained to all my friends that
is supposed to be The Joker to Iron Man's Batman, the twist
doesn't do justice to a character who is supposed to be Iron Man's arch nemesis

I feel we know too much about Iron Man 3, so my anticipation for IM3 is less than that of MOS, which we barely know anything about.
MOS will win both the box office and with critics. Marvel is on it's way down with their inabilities to take chances. IM3 has no buzz. I don't care what numbers they put out with big or small MOS will beat it
Iron Man 3 will definitely win the box-office. The lead character just appeared in the most successful movie last year, so its a given.
People have seen enough of iron man. Mark my words. MOS will win.
Both will earn exactly 1 Billion dollars box office and tie for Best picture at the oscars.
shirley, surely u cant be serious
I'm anticipating MoS way more. And I also think MoS will win in the BO. A lot of people are going to be surprised.
I predict a slow start for Man of Steel, and then after critics review it, it will start booming.
Regarding IM 3 beating MOS at the box office it was a similar situation last year when to most ppl it was a foregone conclusion that TDKR would take the summer and yearly box office crown....until that longer Avengers trailer rolled out this time last year and similar to the recent MOS one the positive, excited reactions gave me the feeling that it wasn't a foregone conclusion any longer. Of course we all know what happened.

The MOS trailer has even drawn good buzz from people who don't like the Superman character.
MOS will win both the box office and with critics. Marvel is on it's way down with their inabilities to take chances. IM3 has no buzz. I don't care what numbers they put out with big or small MOS will beat it

I love threads like these. They always give me at least one laugh out loud moment. :lmao:
Iron Man 3 for me. IDK, something about Man of Steel doesn't sit well with me.
It's impossible for me to look forward to any film but Man of Steel at the moment...

But I think if it wasn't out this year, Thor: The Dark World would be the Superhero film i'd be looking forward to most, not Iron Man 3. I dunno, I've just never been a massive Iron Man fan.

Does look like there will be some cool moments in it though. :)
I'm definitely looking forward to Iron Man 3 moreso. Vastly more faith that Marvel Studios will do good with it than WB will with Man of Steel. Man of Steel. . . I have a large number of reservations, and the trailers haven't done anything about them.

As for BO, that's an easy one: IM3 is going to win, by a fairly large margin. IM3 has a chance of breaking a billion; I strongly doubt MoS is going to do any better than TASM numbers at best.
Given the success of The Avengers & the Iron Man franchise itself, I can see Iron Man 3 coming betwen $700m-$800m in the box office.

I just can't see Man of Steel doing quite that much, I think MoS will be much more successful than Superman Returns if the trailers are any indication, I'm thinking MoS could do $600m at the box office.

So box office wise I think IM3 will win the battle quite comfortably, however in terms of which will be the better movie, it's hard to say but based on the trailers of both, MoS looks like it will be more promising.

That being said, I'm in a win/win situation because I think both look ace. :up:

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