Is Punisher in Rykers prison??


Sep 11, 2001
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I haven't been reading Daredevil, but I heard that in the DD books, Punisher is in prison. What's he doing there? How's he interacted with Matt? Punisher is a non stop killing machine, and that doesn't stop if he's in prison.
Basically, the Punisher read that Matt;s in prison, so he got himself arrested to help him out.
But he hates Matt's guts, and Matt hates him too. There is no way Punisher could resist killing a few criminals, and there is no way Matt would let him.
They have a mutual respect, I suppose. Or maybe the Punisher just thought it'd be fun to have Mattie owe him one.

Question for those reading DD: Does the Punisher still look like he's pushing 60 in the comic, or have they retconned him down to a younger age now that he's getting reintegrated into the mainstream Marvel universe?
Frank got put in prison cuz he killed a girl named Vicki kainedamo ...;)
TheCorpulent1 said:
They have a mutual respect, I suppose. Or maybe the Punisher just thought it'd be fun to have Mattie owe him one.

Question for those reading DD: Does the Punisher still look like he's pushing 60 in the comic, or have they retconned him down to a younger age now that he's getting reintegrated into the mainstream Marvel universe?

He looks about mid to late 30s. Kinda like Bruce Wayne looks.
TheCorpulent1 said:
They have a mutual respect, I suppose. Or maybe the Punisher just thought it'd be fun to have Mattie owe him one.

Question for those reading DD: Does the Punisher still look like he's pushing 60 in the comic, or have they retconned him down to a younger age now that he's getting reintegrated into the mainstream Marvel universe?

MAX Punisher looks like Clint Eastwood's slightly younger brother. But regular 616 Punnie looks like he's in his early-mid 40's, same as he did in 1974.
kainedamo said:
I haven't been reading Daredevil, but I heard that in the DD books, Punisher is in prison. What's he doing there? How's he interacted with Matt? Punisher is a non stop killing machine, and that doesn't stop if he's in prison.

Are you thinking of Punisher the Cell(awesome one shot)? I only skimmed through the last issue of Punisher and he wasn't.
kainedamo said:
But he hates Matt's guts, and Matt hates him too. There is no way Punisher could resist killing a few criminals, and there is no way Matt would let him.

I think he doesn't hate him enough to let him get killed in prison.

TheCorpulent1 said:
Question for those reading DD: Does the Punisher still look like he's pushing 60 in the comic, or have they retconned him down to a younger age now that he's getting reintegrated into the mainstream Marvel universe?

He looks in his late 30s/early 40s the way he was drawn in Daredevil, but that could just be the artist. He may just be dying his hair if he's turning grey.
IT sounds like Punisher is coming back with a vengeance during Civil War judging from Axel's interview @ wordballoon.
He wasn't going gray in MAX, he just had wrinkles galore. I guess they're throwing out the idea that Frank fought in Vietnam no matter what age that makes him after all.
I'm not conviced Castles going in there to "Help" Murdock at all. We don't really know what he's gonna do until he actually does it.
Hopefully Frank isn't out to beat up Matt because I think it's time we actually saw the 2 helping each other out or fighting side by side.
One things for sure, I don't think Matt will immediately trust him.
anyone got any scans of this, i havent picked up a daredevil book in a while. lost interest.
You should try out Brubakers run. It's been great. Started with issue 82 and is three issue in.
Normally Punisher and DD dont get along but Mattie's been acting a little more hard-core than usual lately after what happened to foggy. If ever there was a good time for an effective team up for the two it'd be in this arc.
I remember, Jasper Stillwell, or whoever, said Frank was in Ryker's (in Secret War #1) to get Killer Shrike to strike up a deal. Weird how that worked out.

I'm not sure if Frank would kill anyone on the inside; Generally he goes for those whom he catches in the act, or is absolutely certain is guilty- Just because they're in prison doesn't mean they did anything.
Vanguard07 said:
Normally Punisher and DD dont get along but Mattie's been acting a little more hard-core than usual lately after what happened to foggy. If ever there was a good time for an effective team up for the two it'd be in this arc.
Has Matt killed anyone yet? I don't think he'd be able to work with the Punisher if he couldn't sit by and watch someone get outright murdered. That's always been the fundamental rift between them.
TheCorpulent1 said:
Has Matt killed anyone yet? I don't think he'd be able to work with the Punisher if he couldn't sit by and watch someone get outright murdered. That's always been the fundamental rift between them.

He killed the DD imposter in Reborn, or whatever that arc was called. You know, right before he encountered Nuke.
rigel7soldiers said:
I remember, Jasper Stillwell, or whoever, said Frank was in Ryker's (in Secret War #1) to get Killer Shrike to strike up a deal. Weird how that worked out.

I'm not sure if Frank would kill anyone on the inside; Generally he goes for those whom he catches in the act, or is absolutely certain is guilty- Just because they're in prison doesn't mean they did anything.

Everytime he's been in prison that i've seen he's killed. A lot of people. Mostly because they were trying to kill him. Sometimes because they deserved more than what they were in there for.
rigel7soldiers said:
He killed the DD imposter in Reborn, or whatever that arc was called. You know, right before he encountered Nuke.
I think it was Born Again. I don't know, maybe DD would be prepared to work with Frank this time out.
TheCorpulent1 said:
Has Matt killed anyone yet? I don't think he'd be able to work with the Punisher if he couldn't sit by and watch someone get outright murdered. That's always been the fundamental rift between them.

He hasnt killed anyone yet. And i dont think he's prepared to personally cross that line. But i could see him letting Frank go to work now. Like i said he's been acting more brutal lately.
I cant speak on the art on these issues...cause I hate team ups...if the boys back at my site say it pans out I will

As for the MAX, before the current arc Frank looked like a dude who had been in NAM...this arc...well dont ask, because the art is terrible...Castle has spikey hair...its ******ed

The pre-art I have seen for the new War Journal series has him looking younger like others have suggested...late 30's early 40's...heading back into the mainstream, I am sure a younger more fit Punisher is needed to keep up with the super-powered
TheCorpulent1 said:
They have a mutual respect, I suppose. Or maybe the Punisher just thought it'd be fun to have Mattie owe him one.

Question for those reading DD: Does the Punisher still look like he's pushing 60 in the comic, or have they retconned him down to a younger age now that he's getting reintegrated into the mainstream Marvel universe?
Corp, you aren't reading this? Man, you're losing all kinds of respect over here...:down

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