Is Smallville's version of Lex is better than movie's version of Lex


Dec 30, 2007
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my ONLY problem with superman movies have been portrayel of lex

they make him tooo cartooooooooonish i mean he is the guy who is going against the most strongest person on earth and yet they showed him in Superman movies goofing around making lame jokes

i hated gene hackman's version and although in SR kevin spacy downplayed some goofiness but still he was inspired by genek hackman's version of lex

IMO MR is doing much better job in prorayel of lex

he is more serious and complex and also more faithfull to comic version of lex
Agreed, the movies version is just too campy, although in Smallville there are some inconsistencies (Lex's security is a joke), but overall, is more sophisticated and interesting.
With all due respect to Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey, not only do I like Rosenbaum's Lex more I actually liked John Shea's Lex more than the movies.
When Lex is bad yes i prefer rosenbaum to all of them. When Lex is sappy (see Lexana) no i would take the movie versions
to be totally honest, i never liked Lex as a villain at all until i started watching smallville, i get upset when i watch the movies and Lex is so campy, MR is an amazing portrayal of Lex that we have never seen in film
the original lex from the reeve movies is actually pretty good if you take out the silly clothes and the wig. and otis. But his interactions with superman were pretty good IMO. But yeah i like the lex that thinks he's better than Lex Luthor MOS, and this smallville.
the original lex from the reeve movies is actually pretty good if you take out the silly clothes and the wig. and otis. But his interactions with superman were pretty good IMO. But yeah i like the lex that thinks he's better than Lex Luthor MOS, and this smallville.

Yes Otis and we can't forget Miss Teschmacher:hehe:
I enjoyed Hackman as Lex, but at times it seemed hard to accept that version as "Superman's greatest arch-nemesis", esp now compared to SV's version of Lex. But I agree, Lex and Superman's interaction in the movie were pretty good.
Hackman and Spacey are great actors, but they both did an outdated version of the character who doesnt have much depth. Rosenbaum's Lex isnt just bad for the sake of being bad, he's got actual motivations behind doing what he does. For that reason alone, I think his Lex is by far the best.
I think Gene Hackman's Lex was a great character, it was the people around him that made him look stupid.
most definitely Rosenbaum's Lex is the best. Hackman and Spacey portray a campy Lex.
Yeah, Smallville's Lex is one of the only reasons I still watch the show. He's a good actor.
All three can make Lex funny with little jokes here and there, but SV Lex ha that more dangerous/villainous side that is needed with the character. This Lex looks like he'll pull a gun on you and shoot if you piss him off, but Hackman and Spacey both seemed like the most they would do is yell at you.

I just felt like posting this. Please don't ask why.

I just felt like posting this. Please don't ask why.

That reminds of the line that Chloe had in Rush, "You know, I always wondered. For a boy who has all the money in the world, you'd think he could afford a good toupee."
All three can make Lex funny with little jokes here and there, but SV Lex ha that more dangerous/villainous side that is needed with the character. This Lex looks like he'll pull a gun on you and shoot if you piss him off, but Hackman and Spacey both seemed like the most they would do is yell at you.

You're right.
Superman TM LEx had stuff that worked and stuff that didn't. Singer, for some stupid reason, actually took the stuff that didn't work and emphasized it even more, but covered with a dark curtain.

Hackman's lex could put a bullet in anyone also, just watch the last scene of superman with the kryptonite.

My favorite incarnation of lex is a graphic novel called Lex Luthor: Man of Steel. I highly recommend the read. very short, but really cool IMO. in that book Lex honestly believes that he is doing everything for the good of mankind and superman is the real villian. They touched it a little bit during the NAMAN/native indian story arc, with the episode ending with lex saying, "a man with the strength of many men, can fly, and shoots fire out of his eyes, sounds like a monster to me. You ever think ________ is really the hero". That specific line made him lex luthor
Unquestionably. Rosenbaum's Lex is the best live action version ever done of the character.
I think Hackman and Spacey did great with the material they were given and would have played a great Luthor--the problem was having ******ed henchmen and plots that did not work for an archnemesis.

I think acting-wise, they do a bit better then Rosenbaum, but that's probably more because of their expereience rather than Rosenbaum's talent, though.

Character-wise, Smallville's is definately better.
Whats funny is that not only do I think Rosenbaum is the best Lex, but he isn't even fully Lex yet. I think he could play an even better Lex than the one he's doing now.
I think Hackman and Spacey did great with the material they were given and would have played a great Luthor--the problem was having ******ed henchmen and plots that did not work for an archnemesis.

I think acting-wise, they do a bit better then Rosenbaum, but that's probably more because of their expereience rather than Rosenbaum's talent, though.

Character-wise, Smallville's is definately better.

Isn't it ironic how Hackman and Spacey are actors better known for their performances in strong, serious roles but play a campy LL, yet Rosenbaum, who has done more roles as a comedic character is actually playing a serious, and more threatening LL.:p

But what makes me like SV Lex is that he seems more badass, taking no **** from anyone as opposed to the others. Like if you compare Lex's interactions with Zod in SII and Lex with Bizarro in the season premiere, Hackman's version knew what power they had so he tried to let them boss him around so long as he was safe and get what he wanted at the end. Yet on SV, he knew Bizzaro was the phantom and what it was capable of so even though he agreed to help Bizarro, he later tries to defeat him on his own. It just shows that this Lex is more like the Lex that is supposed to be Superman's greatest enemy, not the one who runs a hides until Superman is defeated and hopes the other villains are nice to him.
Isn't it ironic how Hackman and Spacey are actors better known for their performances in strong, serious roles but play a campy LL, yet Rosenbaum, who has done more roles as a comedic character is actually playing a serious, and more threatening LL.:p

But what makes me like SV Lex is that he seems more badass, taking no **** from anyone as opposed to the others. Like if you compare Lex's interactions with Zod in SII and Lex with Bizarro in the season premiere, Hackman's version knew what power they had so he tried to let them boss him around so long as he was safe and get what he wanted at the end. Yet on SV, he knew Bizzaro was the phantom and what it was capable of so even though he agreed to help Bizarro, he later tries to defeat him on his own. It just shows that this Lex is more like the Lex that is supposed to be Superman's greatest enemy, not the one who runs a hides until Superman is defeated and hopes the other villains are nice to him.

I think it's actaully more naive of lex to think he can defeat the phantom head-on. i think hackman would let the others take care of business, and then sweep in for the kill. I think that's actually the smart of the two paths. Lex does have a giant ego, but he is also super-smart. I think he would have taken brainiacs approach from siren, where he pretends to be on one side, but in reality, he's just playing both of them like pawns. I think lex knows that he wouldn't win against bizzaro, so have superman take care of him, let them get rid of each other.

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