It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's the Superman Costume Thread! - Part 3

If the court would please direct your attention to panel B. Notice the epicness. ;)
crap...thats a big spoilerish thingy there...
I don't have as big an issue with the mid-section design as some, i just wish it didn't "leak" all the way down to his thighs and knees practically.

I don't think superman needs any leg patterns.
Not sure how new these images of the costume are, but I hadn't seen them before until today. Again, though, you can really see here how the color of the suit changes quite a bit under different lighting. In the first 2 images, for example, it's a nice shade of blue. In the last one, though, it's noticeably darker, much like a grayish navy.



Not sure how new these images of the costume are, but I hadn't seen them before until today. Again, though, you can really see here how the color of the suit changes quite a bit under different lighting. In the first 2 images, for example, it's a nice shade of blue. In the last one, though, it's noticeably darker, much like a grayish navy.




Just saw this

Q: Even Superman's costume looks more detailed and a has a sleek, modern look compared to older versions. What did you think of it?

Mackenzie Gray: Oh yeah, amount of detail on Superman is unbelievable. Superman's costume, is a three-layer costume; there's a body-skin layer and then there's a muscle layer that was molded to Henry's muscles - it's a silver, metallic rubber - and then over that is a mesh skin so whenever he turns into light it looks like he's made of steel.

It was dated two days ago though so I'm sure it's already been posted here before.
Not sure how new these images of the costume are, but I hadn't seen them before until today. Again, though, you can really see here how the color of the suit changes quite a bit under different lighting. In the first 2 images, for example, it's a nice shade of blue. In the last one, though, it's noticeably darker, much like a grayish navy.

i think the lighting is the same. what changed was the camera settings . exposure and white balance :yay:
Just saw this

Q: Even Superman's costume looks more detailed and a has a sleek, modern look compared to older versions. What did you think of it?

Mackenzie Gray: Oh yeah, amount of detail on Superman is unbelievable. Superman's costume, is a three-layer costume; there's a body-skin layer and then there's a muscle layer that was molded to Henry's muscles - it's a silver, metallic rubber - and then over that is a mesh skin so whenever he turns into light it looks like he's made of steel.

It was dated two days ago though so I'm sure it's already been posted here before.

Yep, I posted it a couple of days ago. Moviefreak did as well.
Hello everyone.

Dedicated to all Superman Fans who love the Old Costume and will love it forever.

¡ hasta la próxima !

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I love the new suit, but if anyone could pull off the classic suit on screen now it would've been Cavill. I really hope there's footage of him trying the Reeves suit on for his audition.
Why is there yellow in his shield in some images, but then in others it's just a red shield with the yellow completely absent?
Hello everyone.

Dedicated to all Superman Fans who love the Old Costume and will love it forever.

¡ hasta la próxima !


I'd actually be pretty happy if we got something similar in the movie... Which we unfortunately didn't, but oh well.
Hello everyone.

Dedicated to all Superman Fans who love the Old Costume and will love it forever.

¡ hasta la próxima !

That actually looks pretty good, expect for the shield, which could use a little work. To me, the classic suit is infinitely better than the MOS suit, which I still don't like.

Spidey wears spandex still. Does he look cosplayer-ish?

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