It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's the Superman Costume Thread!

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Super Kal

Sep 8, 2004
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This thread was made with the hopes that all discussion about the Superman costume can be had in one place and talked about freely.

At first, I hated the suit, however, it has grown a little on me with the viewing of the SDCC footage. The colors impress me, and the cape attachment is beautiful, however i still see a couple of problems in the suit:

1.) the chain mail look. As much as I appreciate the feeling of texture, I do think this goes a little overboard in giving the suit a realistic feel. Some texture is fine and all, but this chain mail look makes me think that this is a suit of armor... Yes, I know this is supposed to be part of the alien feel, but the suit is not a piece of armor. There is no need to make the suit look like armor, because it can possibly imply that the Man of Steel is not impervious... And personally, I don't like that.

2.) the ever-absent red in the bodysuit. Again, after seeing the SDCC footage of the suit, the lack of color does not flow well within the bodysuit. The lack of color in the mid-section does not retract attention, but instead draws attention to the groin area. I asked my wife (who is not a Superman fan nor a comic book fan), and even she said the same thing without seeing the promotional picture beforehand. Whether he has trunks or not really doesn't matter- what's needed is another color to break up the blue in the middle of the bodysuit.

Personally, a change n the color of the piping around the waist as well as a thicker belt line would of helped greatly to distinguish the upper body from the lower body

It provides a visual balance and color stability to the suit
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Hopefully this thread will stay active and the discussion will remain civil...

I've made my peace with the changes made to the suit, which I find surprising. I'm a die hard classic look fan but honestly based on the context of the teaser and the comic con footage, the gorgeous look and tone of the movie, the iconic shots, they've won me over. The movie has exactly the kind of look I've wanted, so in the end that wins out over my grips with the suit.
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What gives, didnt the first costume-thread get deleted once the suit had been revealed? Dont see the reason for another.
Costume looks awesome. Remove the lines around his legs and waist, add the trunks and you have perfection. But there is no such thing in movies I guess. :oldrazz: And at the end of the day, it's up to the guy in the costume to further make it look either better or worse.
I love the way the suit looks for the most part. Some tweaks would've made the suit look ace and no I'm not talking about underwear.

The suit DOES need more red in the middle. SuperKal, I love the idea of your manip. Even the belt looks better. But the BIGGEST thing that bothers me is how the chain mail texture is on EVERYTHING except the cape and piping. It's even on the belt and buckle for crying outloud! It would've been better if all the red on his suit were smooth. If anything I would've loved it if the shield looked like shield reveal, like this...

Supes-shield-m.jpg just makes the shield stand out a lot more. Regardless, the suit looks AWESOME in the shot of Supes being lead down the hallway in handcuffs. The blue is dark, but rich and it almost makes the suit look metalic. It looks really great! The things I hit upon are minor gripes in what is otherwise a fantastic suit and I'm sure I won't be paying much attention to these things that I've brought up when I'm in the theater watching Cavill fly and punch things.
Initially I was a skeptic, now I'm sold on the costume. It's still recognizably Superman, but they've given it a modern facelift. I know some die-hard fans will miss the trucks. On the one hand, I never quite understood why a superhero would want to wear shorts on the outside of his costume. I realize it's very iconic and maybe not something a fan should be concerned with, however I can't reason the point.

There is a majestic quality to the new cape. I think overall it's my favorite part of the new costume. Any doubters, I suggest look at the presented footage and the costume on display at Comic-Con. I've been converted.
As a recently converted Superman fan, I must say that I really do like the costume. I think bringing in some red, in whatever capacity in the middle would help it flow, but it's a minor complaint for me. I think it will look great on film as I can tell from the SDCC footage.
If the SDCC footage is converting people... I must see it!
Easily the best CBM suit ever. It just works. Looks fantastic on film.
I love the way the suit looks for the most part. Some tweaks would've made the suit look ace and no I'm not talking about underwear.

The suit DOES need more red in the middle. SuperKal, I love the idea of your manip. Even the belt looks better. But the BIGGEST thing that bothers me is how the chain mail texture is on EVERYTHING except the cape and piping. It's even on the belt and buckle for crying outloud! It would've been better if all the red on his suit were smooth. If anything I would've loved it if the shield looked like shield reveal, like this...

Supes-shield-m.jpg just makes the shield stand out a lot more. Regardless, the suit looks AWESOME in the shot of Supes being lead down the hallway in handcuffs. The blue is dark, but rich and it almost makes the suit look metalic. It looks really great! The things I hit upon are minor gripes in what is otherwise a fantastic suit and I'm sure I won't be paying much attention to these things that I've brought up when I'm in the theater watching Cavill fly and punch things.
I'm typically against manips of this suit, because I think they got it right and most manips just make it worse, but that actually looks very good.
They finally got that cape attachment to look good, and for the muscular definition to come out. the only think is that yellow 'button' on the stomach with no belt seems a little off, but the rest is an interesting new spin for a movie Supes. Some folks are a bit concerned about the muted colors, but I think that in the actual finished film with final color-correct et al, some more depth and saturation will come out kinda; like with the recent Spidey suit, but maybe not quite so vibrant.
the only think is that yellow 'button' on the stomach with no belt seems a little off.

Maybe that button has a function, maybe it ´´activates`` the suit, or something.
while i have a lot of issues with the suit, i would have been perfectly content if they just gave it the red undies/belt. i feel, as is, it's lost too much of it's iconography which i consider imperative to superman's presentation. the movie itself may very well end up delivering in other areas, but they get a big strike with the suit.
what's needed is another color to break up the blue in the middle of the bodysuit.

I keep seeing people saying this, but I just don't get it. We're fine with other comic characters like Green Lantern John Stewart, Nightwing, Daredevil, Venom, Blue Beetle, even Superman himself from Batman Beyond. I can't imagine someone saying that of Darth Vader: "Yeah that's too much black. He needs red underwear or a red belt or something."

I don't think this "breaking up the blue" mentality has anything to do with 'needing' a color to break up a solid-color bodysuit. I think it has everything to do with "It's just not what I'm used to seeing on Superman."
Maybe that button has a function, maybe it ´´activates`` the suit, or something.

I was actually joking a while back that he presses it to 'grow' on him or the like. :woot:
Do you think Kal-El will wear the suit underneath his Clark clothes like other adaptions?
I like the suit and the cape attachment but don't like the length of the cape. I would prefer for it to end where the boots begin.
If not...there goes the shirt-rip.

In Superman #7, he wears part of the suit under his clothes, just a collarless top (no cape, pants, boots, etc), and when he rips his shirt open, the rest begins materializing. The movie suit could be similar, using nanotechnology to materialize and dematerialize.
Was so against the suit when I first saw it, I perceived it as the movie makers trying to make the suit too modern, trying too hard to be cool.

But I've done a complete 180. Considering how different this iteration of a Superman movie will be to what we've seen before, its actually remarkably faithful to the classic design.

The 'S' is single handedly the best one I have seen in any live action Superman costume, its a perfect size, perfect positioning, and the S inside the shield is itself really nicely designed. I'm glad it has essentially the same finish to it as the rest of the suit. I HATED SR's plastic S with its awkward angles.

And although I still think pants are the way to go in the comics, losing them absolutely works here.

The final part which makes this suit so great is its proportions, and now we know muscle-wise, Cavill really did fill the thing out, its all the more impressive.

Obviously the real proof is in the pudding, but the final shot from the teaser trailer suggest that in motion, this will be one amazing suit to see in action.
In Superman #7, he wears part of the suit under his clothes, just a collarless top (no cape, pants, boots, etc), and when he rips his shirt open, the rest begins materializing. The movie suit could be similar, using nanotechnology to materialize and dematerialize.

Weird...I honestly think it should be one or the other.
I like it as it is because I don't want it too complicated. I'm glad that it looks so alien-ish
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