The Amazing Spider-Man 2 J. Jonah Jameson

The Crimson Man

Dec 10, 2012
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It's been said that good ol' JJJ may appear in TASM2. So how do you think he should be handled? Who Should play him?

Honestly I really want J.K Simmons to return. He DID say he was open to it.

I always envisioned a scene sort of meant for a big reveal of Simmons. Maybe a scene where Betty escorts Peter into his office and JJJ has his face covered by a paper. After exchanging a few words he slaps it down for the reveal.
still think is Feore but would be awesome to have J.K. Simmons back
It's been said that good ol' JJJ may appear in TASM2. So how do you think he should be handled? Who Should play him?

Honestly I really want J.K Simmons to return. He DID say he was open to it.

I always envisioned a scene sort of meant for a big reveal of Simmons. Maybe a scene where Betty escorts Peter into his office and JJJ has his face covered by a paper. After exchanging a few words he slaps it down for the reveal.
You mean like how JJ was revealed in SM1?
There has been talks of Simmons returning as Jameson, and Marc Webb saying how hard it would be to replace him. But that's about it.
I actually doubt Jameson is in this movie. I think with the introductions of Harry and Mary Jane as well as the possibility of two villains that there would not be enough time to squeeze in the daily bugle. I'd be happy to leave it for the third film as an internship Peter takes for college credit.
I don't know, I can't see them NOT introducing the Daily Bugle. Its such an important part of the Spider-Man franchise.

i'm not gonna say i don't want Jameson. I really do. And it doesn't have to be (it definitely shouldn't be) JK Simmons. for cripes sake, there are other talented actors out there.

but i think i could handle them having just Betty Brant/Robbie Robertson in this one.

waiting until ASM3 for JJJ. Perhaps embellish the Bugle substantially in ASM3, Peter goes from freelance to full time, Eddie Brock and Jameson are introduced. Peter goes from hero to menace. Blamed for death of Gwen. IDK.
There has been talks of Simmons returning as Jameson, and Marc Webb saying how hard it would be to replace him. But that's about it.

I think that Simmons is prob one of the most loved actors/characters from the Raimi films on these boards. And, he will most certainly be difficult to replace...there's no question about it. However, he needs to be. This is a new version or interpretation, if you will, on Spider-man and it needs to have new actors in all the roles. As much as Sony/Webb are trying to separate themselves from the previous movies it would be totally counter-productive to use someone to reprise a role.
No. No Simmons to return. This is a fresh franchise with a fresh cast. Cast someone new IMO. Cranston or Laurie would be spot on IMO.
I would love to have J.K. Simmons return to be honest. Sure it's a different movie universe but that wouldn't ruin anything for me if he's the only actor to return. It would be neat!
It would be neat for sure, in some ways but I can't help but feel that JK Simmons returning to what should be a completely fresh universe will leave a sour feeling if at the end of the day, if you know what I mean.
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The novelty of seeing Simmons as Jameson barking at Garfield's Parker would be great- but yeah, they'll definitely recast (as they should).
They had the same Alfred in the first four Batman movies.
It would be funny if Simmons came back as Jameson and referenced Tobey Maguire.
I would love for Simmons to come back as JJJ. I've even asked my friends if they agreed and they were all for it.
Its just like how Judi Dench returned as M in Casino Royale.
I loved Simmons in the role but it's time to let someone else sit behind the desk.
I would actually really like to see Simmons back. Give him a differently styled toupee and mustache and voila, he'll look different enough
i don't think Simmons performance would work in the new franchise. it was more overtly comedic than anything i've seen in the reboot. Maguire's version pretty much started off with comedy (him chasing the school bus). this new spider-verse is darker; maybe too dark for JJ to be a typical heel. i'm not sure how they could pull it off. probably just be a repeat of "Captain Stacy."
IF Simmons came back, he could not play JJ the way he played him in the previous films. That version would be SOOOO out of place.
I would actually really like to see Simmons back. Give him a differently styled toupee and mustache and voila, he'll look different enough

It's not just about looks. It's about performance. IMO, he would have to be a far different JJ to the one in the previous films.
With Rhino, Electro, Mary Jane, Harry, continuing the untold story (hopefully), and presumably setting up for Gwen's death, maybe we should wait on Peter getting a job. I love Jonah and the Bugle as much as the next Spidey fan, but the series should work to separate itself from the Raimi trilogy. We can have the negative opinion of Spidey come straight from the citizens of New York, and that way it seems more like the city doesn't like him as opposed to some newspaper guy who seems to be in the minority.

If it was me, I'd have Gwen die, Peter finally realizing the Great Power:Great Responsibility, and then take on the responsibility of providing for his family. Besides, the movie mentioned Aunt May had work, so it's not completely necessary.

The Bugle scenes were always in my list of favorite scenes, but I think we need to stay away from them for now.
If JJ's appearance serves the story and film, great. No point putting characters in for the sake of it.
No. No Simmons to return. This is a fresh franchise with a fresh cast. Cast someone new IMO. Cranston or Laurie would be spot on IMO.

This. No need to bring back Simmons when you're trying to put this franchise back on course.

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