The Wolverine Jackman on "Inside the Actors Studio" Feb. 13

Nice indeed!
Nice indeed!

I was wondering when he was gonna go back on the Actor's Studio.

Last time he was on there was in 2004. And now he has A LOT more movies under his belt and a lot more success uner his belt :D
Does anyone know whether European viewers can catch the clips online?
The site currently tells me the video's are 'unavailable from my location'.
Great preview. It's almost scary how fast and convincingly he taps into different emotions, what a brilliant actor.
And lol about the wolf story. :funny:
I *finally* watched this! The animal story made me laugh.
Jackman always is a charmer when it comes to interviews. He can just light up a room with his personality.
Yeah and his charm really appeals to a lot of people. He's a very likable actor.

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