Boba Fett James Mangold to write/direct Boba Fett Movie

Isn't the live action TV series said to be the source to find more talents and train them? Hopefully women and PoC can work on new movies after graduating from the TV series.

TV industry seems to be surging quite a bit right now behind the camera in terms of "diversity." Lucy Liu is directing more TV now as well. She's directing an episode of Luke Cage this season.
I don't know if i've ever mentioned this in a previous thread...but this is how I would do the movie. It would be kinda of a fusion of Logan, Jango Unchained and Godfather II.


Basically the movie tells two stories: how a young slave named Jango Fett broke free of his Mandolorian captors after years of being a slave, and an older Boba coming out of a coma and trying to get back in the game in a post Empire Galaxy only to find himself a target of some renegade Mandolorians.
This argument makes no sense at all. It's basically insinuating that Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm are collectively racist and sexist because of a perception that they will only hire older white males as directors for Star Wars films.

For starters, we don't know all of what's going on behind closed doors and what kind of negotiations or talks are going on with filmmakers.

But if we are going to blame Lucasfilm and Kennedy for being sexist and racist for their directors choices, when Lucasfilm has proven itself to be very progressive with its handling of modern Star Wars, then the plot is being lost here.

I think it is more like that they aren't standing up to the standards they seem to be preaching.

Bennett always seemed pretty tiny/short on Arrow. Not that it'd matter that much, movie magic and all, just do what they do with RDJ, but still.

You do basically have to cast a New Zealander though, given all the backstory in place now. Morrison would be great, but you probably wouldn't want him ever taking off the helmet if it's set pre-OT, the age doesn't really work.

Pretty psyched for Mangold though. I always really wanted Joe Johnston for this (given how much the design owes to him), especially given he was their other go-to guy option other than Howard to come in to fix Solo. Man it sucks how his career's pretty much petered out after The First Avenger, that Narnia movie nobody's going to see being his final directorial effort is pretty depressing.

But no way anyone's going to complain about Mangold, this is right up his alley. Make it small-scale like Solo (maybe a little bigger, middle of a gang war, but keep any big galactic ramifications away from this), with more of a western feel.

Come to think of it, both a Boba movie and an Obi-Wan movie should be westerns. Just in different ways.
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Jeremy Bulloch (ESB Boba Fett) 5'9"
Temura Morrison 5'8"

At 5'11" Manu Bennett is slightly taller than either one, so his height would be no issue.
Interesting. Yeah, just googled Amell and he's only 6'1, not all that overly tall. The difference between the two seems pretty major on the show, but guess costuming might be a part of that.
I want this movie R rated. Everything else will feel wrong for such a character. And i am pretty sure the franchise can handle a R rated entry.

Yeah, it's not like Star Wars is a franchise that kids should enjoy.
Can Logan actually act though? I haven't seen him anything but AotC, and it's hard to tell from just that.

If he can, definitely an option. Not sure how much he looks like Morrison as an adult though, you'd want to keep the actor's appearance pretty close given the clone thing. But he's probably around the right age if they're setting this around the Solo era. I hope they do, the idea of Boba making it out of the Sarlacc Pit post-Jedi has always been so dumb.
Can Logan actually act though? I haven't seen him anything but AotC, and it's hard to tell from just that.

If he can, definitely an option. Not sure how much he looks like Morrison as an adult though, you'd want to keep the actor's appearance pretty close given the clone thing. But he's probably around the right age if they're setting this around the Solo era. I hope they do, the idea of Boba making it out of the Sarlacc Pit post-Jedi has always been so dumb.

Well, definitely looks like Morrison as an adult now, so that's a plus. Still not sure he's got acting chops enough to helm a movie though, unless you're really committing to keeping the character near-silent. Which they should, but they probably won't.
Big fan of Mangold as a director even before he did The Wolverine (which is criminally under rated here) and the amazing Logan.

Not hugely excited about a Boba Fett movie but Mangolds involvement makes me anticipate this much more.
Yeah, aside from the third act I've always really enjoyed The Wolverine too. Not as great as Logan, and you can see how he was compromised by the studio, but the final product's still a really solid genre film.
We have no idea on what direction Mangold will want to go for the character. If he does the movie, he might want to recast a new actor in the role.
Yeah, it's hard to say. Logan'd be great if he can pull it off, I just have doubts Lucasfilm/Disney would have him lead a feature movie.
Nothing against Daniel Logan, but I doubt he'd ever play Boba Fett in a new movie.

I honestly think they should steer away from the "young Boba" route and make the movie about old Boba post-ROTJ. That much being said, I'll admit that Daniel Logan looks the part, if they want to do Boba about ten years before ANH (same time-frame as Solo.)
I'm a huge fan of James Mangold's work and I really do think he can deliver a solid Boba Fett movie so as long as Kathleen Kennedy stays the f*** away and lets Mangold work

I always wanted to see a bounty hunters movie similar to Smokin Aces with Boba Fett as the protagonist. Would be pretty damn awesome to see all these bounty hunters coming at each other while going after the same mark
I don’t think they would ask the same Boba actor to come back. Like, his only advantage is that he played the young version of the character, but he doesn’t look like that anymore.
I'm a huge fan of James Mangold's work and I really do think he can deliver a solid Boba Fett movie so as long as Kathleen Kennedy stays the f*** away and lets Mangold work


She did just that with TLJ. You hate TLJ.
I'm pretty sure Kennedy was involved with the space-leia scene.
When Josh Trank was attached to this, the rumor way back when, is that he wanted to cast Michael B. Jordan as Boba Fett.
Has Boba appeared at all in the current Marvel SW title run? I know that series kinda goes all over the place. Just kinda curious how they've portrayed him.
Has Boba appeared at all in the current Marvel SW title run? I know that series kinda goes all over the place. Just kinda curious how they've portrayed him.

Yes he has. He was in the Marvel "Star Wars" series, the new one, and showed him tracking down Luke Skywalker on Tatooine. They also have a fight.

In that series, he brutally interrogates witnesses to track down Luke Skywalker. He also murders moisture farmers during his investigation.

Basically, cool, ultra-badass, ruthless any means necessary Boba he was never portrayed in the films :p


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