Homecoming John Francis Daley & Jonathan M. Goldstein ARE Sony & Marvel's 'Spider-Man' Writers

Right now I suspect they're planning on bringing Osborn in as a crossover villain a la Dark Reign into Phase 2/3 and he'll be dealing with Spidey along with others.
This whole direction towards Spidey just seems like a big ball of meh and nothing overall exciting. Except maybe Tomai as Aunt May but even with her I'm getting Déjà Vu.

British Spidey
Indie director
AILF Aunt May
Multiple writers

Marvel has never been known for getting big time directors but you would think with Sony being involved they could work something out.

I mean the Batfleck solo film with have an Oscar winning director (he won best film not director but people said he was robbed but still director winning best film is big) who is also an Oscar winning writer plus he's a big fan of Batman.

If this was Goddard, I'd be more cheerful but still nothing has sold me.

Maybe its good going with low-key writers and an indie director but this is your biggest hero. Spidey is the face of Marvel. Just seems odd at how out of all the MCU stuff, the solo Spidey film has had perhaps the most unknown director and writers.
This whole direction towards Spidey just seems like a big ball of meh and nothing overall exciting. Except maybe Tomai as Aunt May but even with her I'm getting Déjà Vu.

British Spidey
Indie director
AILF Aunt May
Multiple writers

Marvel has never been known for getting big time directors but you would think with Sony being involved they could work something out.

I mean the Batfleck solo film with have an Oscar winning director (he won best film not director but people said he was robbed but still director winning best film is big) who is also an Oscar winning writer plus he's a big fan of Batman.

If this was Goddard, I'd be more cheerful but still nothing has sold me.

Maybe its good going with low-key writers and an indie director but this is your biggest hero. Spidey is the face of Marvel. Just seems odd at how out of all the MCU stuff, the solo Spidey film has had perhaps the most unknown director and writers.
Yeah, it is a bit odd. Maybe this plays into the Marvel yes man approach. Maybe Feige is a shadow director and ghost writer. And everyone else is just a face.
In Marvel we trust...
In Marvel we trust...

but it´s not exactly Marvel, i think the involvment is Sony 90% and Marvel like 10% at least for the reboot, where in movies like C.W. is Marvel 80% and 20% Sony when comes to spider-man
Once again, I'm seeing a lot of hypocritical behavior and comments here from people who just a few short months ago were cheering the idea of Marvel Studios getting to use Spider-Man, and it's rather pathetic, IMO, how quickly Kevin Feige can go from being considered the "God" who's going to 'save' Spider-Man to people acting like this movie is going to bomb.
Once again, I'm seeing a lot of hypocritical behavior and comments here from people who just a few short months ago were cheering the idea of Marvel Studios getting to use Spider-Man, and it's rather pathetic, IMO, how quickly Kevin Feige can go from being considered the "God" who's going to 'save' Spider-Man to people acting like this movie is going to bomb.

Who said the movie is going to bomb?

Being concerned about choices in the writers or the director is hardly saying the movie is going to bomb. We have a right to be concerned even though it is still a very positive thing that Feige is heavily involved in the production of this new franchise. He has a good track record with hiring and finding new talent however it's still a cause for concern as I previously stated in my other post.
Given the attitudes surrounding this deal when it was announced, exhibiting any degree of concern NOW amounts to hypocrisy. People were acting like Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios getting involved in Spider-Man was the Second Coming of Christ, and when you start out with that kind of 'shade' on the conversation, any degree of backing away from or tempering of expectations becomes a negative in and of itself.
Given the attitudes surrounding this deal when it was announced, exhibiting any degree of concern NOW amounts to hypocrisy. People were acting like Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios getting involved in Spider-Man was the Second Coming of Christ, and when you start out with that kind of 'shade' on the conversation, any degree of backing away from or tempering of expectations becomes a negative in and of itself.

People had every right to be excited by the news that the ASM series was cancelled and Sony entered into a partnership with Marvel to not only get Spidey into the MCU but to also have Feige lead the way with their new solo project. That in and of itself is enough to make any Spider-Man fan be overjoyed. The news got everyone excited for sure...but that news alone doesn't take the bitterness out of people's mouths from the previous let downs. Know what will? A highly successful movie. At least with Feige running things there's a return of faith and hope.

Despite Marvel and Feige's recent success people have every right to be concerned about this production when we start introducing writers and directors that have very little experience or are unknown entities. Again, the 'go to' statement is that Feige has a good track record with hiring these unknown people to make good movies. It's not hypocritical to question these things nor is it to be reminded of our scars from the past productions.

I still have yet to see anyone say this movie is going to bomb as you stated.
Given the attitudes surrounding this deal when it was announced, exhibiting any degree of concern NOW amounts to hypocrisy. People were acting like Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios getting involved in Spider-Man was the Second Coming of Christ, and when you start out with that kind of 'shade' on the conversation, any degree of backing away from or tempering of expectations becomes a negative in and of itself.

Wow!, so beeing excited for Something without details when announced and as we get details and beeing concerned about it the more we hear about it, does it makes us hypocrits?...ok, look i´m still excited for the movie but the writters choice makes me concerned (i know a minor detail :o), the involvement of Marvel still calms some of my concerns as they´ve chosen weird choices that end up beeing great choices, but i know is still a Sony movie... and i don´t know who chose the writters or how it went down...
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I tried to stay hopeful, optimistic but I have to confess... the choice of Tom Holland as Spider-Man (I wanted Asa), Tomei as Aunt May, the director (Jon Watts), and now the writers (Daley & Goldstein) is not exactly filling me with great confidence on this project.

Having said that Marvel Studios have hired pretty cheap and upcoming directors before, some did great job (like Russos, James Gunn) and some were just OK (Alan Taylor, Louis Letterier)

At this point I am just indifferent to this.
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How it's Watts "not comparable" to those other guys exactly? He seems VERY comparable to them actually.
How it's Watts "not comparable" to those other guys exactly? He seems VERY comparable to them actually.

Comparable to whom ? Letterier, Alan Taylor, Wan or Russos ?

Cause not all of them made great Marvel movies (IMO.)

Then Marvel had hired experienced directors like - Joe "Jumanji" Johnston, Jon "Zathura" Fareveu and Shane Black also, only thing common between all of them is that they have directed many comedy movies in the past. (except Taylor)
So the following doesn't count as a statement that this movie is going to fail?

Maybe Neno didn't like the idea of the deal/reboot in the first place. I don't know what the less in 6 years thing means but it seems he's comparing this reboot to the ASM reboot with regard to how there's an unknown director involved and a writing duo that is also relatively unknown. It's a fair comparison. Prior to ASM2, I didn't know anything about Orci/Kurtzman (not a MI fan nor a ST fan) but they did write the awful Transformer movie(s). Like I said, there's cause for concern and as new info comes out more and more since the announcement of this deal...people have a right to question the decisions being made with both caution and feel hesitant about those choices.
Maybe Neno didn't like the idea of the deal/reboot in the first place. I don't know what the less in 6 years thing means but it seems he's comparing this reboot to the ASM reboot with regard to how there's an unknown director involved and a writing duo that is also relatively unknown. It's a fair comparison. Prior to ASM2, I didn't know anything about Orci/Kurtzman (not a MI fan nor a ST fan) but they did write the awful Transformer movie(s). Like I said, there's cause for concern and as new info comes out more and more since the announcement of this deal...people have a right to question the decisions being made with both caution and feel hesitant about those choices.


Keep all the actors, writers, director and remove Feige's involvement in this movie, then see how many support this movie, everyone is staying positive due to Feige, take him away and suddenly the reality will emerge.
People have a right to question the decisions being made with both caution and feel hesitant about those choices.

They really don't. Not when the prevailing attitude coming out of the announcement of this deal was that Marvel Studios can do no wrong and were going to swoop in like the conquering hero and save the Spider-Man franchise from itself.
Marvel Studios has not had a 100 % quality movies record either, some of their movies are great (Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, GotG), some are just average ( Avengers AoU, Captain America, Thor) and some are bad (but commercially successful) (Thor The Dark World, Iron Man 2, TIH, Iron Man 3)

The only thing Marvel Studios involvement will guarantee is the commercial success of this Spider-Man movie, regardless of the quality of the movie itself.
They really don't. Not when the prevailing attitude coming out of the announcement of this deal was that Marvel Studios can do no wrong and were going to swoop in like the conquering hero and save the Spider-Man franchise from itself.

I've already answered this in a previous post.

Feige's involvement has made people excited and hopeful about the next Spidey movie. That isn't a guarantee for success. There's more pieces to this puzzle and based on the current state of how many feel about the recent attempts to make a quality Spider-Man film, people absolutely have every right to question the new info as it comes available. Especially when it involves writers and a director we hardly know. To think people are just rats that follow the piper without question is quite ridiculous.
I am more excited for Phil Lord and Chris Miller's animated Spider-Man movie at this point. :oldrazz:
I can't judge any of them because I haven't seen their work and what they've managed to accomplish. What I can take from this is both Marvel and Sony agreed with these guys on their take with the character. I'm being optimistic.
I've already answered this in a previous post.

And I reject your argument.

Feige's involvement has made people excited and hopeful about the next Spidey movie. That isn't a guarantee for success. There's more pieces to this puzzle and based on the current state of how many feel about the recent attempts to make a quality Spider-Man film, people absolutely have every right to question the new info as it comes available. Especially when it involves writers and a director we hardly know.

Feige and Marvel Studios choosing "writers and a director we hardly know" is nothing new, so trying to use that fact as a criticism or grounds for concern doesn't get a 'pass', at least from me.

When you add in the fact that, as I mentioned, everybody was like "Marvel Studios gets to be involved with Spider-Man! We'll finally get to see the character done right!", it's hypocritical to suddenly sit back and go "maybe this isn't going to be the slam-dunk success we took for granted that it would be JUST because Marvel Studios is involved, it may just be that it has as much a chance of failing NOW as it did before", and I'm going to call out that hypocrisy.
And I reject your argument.

Feige and Marvel Studios choosing "writers and a director we hardly know" is nothing new, so trying to use that fact as a criticism or grounds for concern doesn't get a 'pass', at least from me.

When you add in the fact that, as I mentioned, everybody was like "Marvel Studios gets to be involved with Spider-Man! We'll finally get to see the character done right!", it's hypocritical to suddenly sit back and go "maybe this isn't going to be the slam-dunk success we took for granted that it would be JUST because Marvel Studios is involved, it may just be that it has as much a chance of failing NOW as it did before", and I'm going to call out that hypocrisy.
We're all spider-man fans. We all wanna see it succeed. Marvel has a great track record so we thought that it was a great thing. Nothing Marvel has announced so far though has been exciting and so we're all collectively going "meh". There's no big deal to be found here.

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