thealiasman2000 said:
1-It's not a fact that Sarah Michelle Gellar is strong either.
No. But it's a fact that Buffy is. She's dead lifted a port cullis before. The lightest port cullises are still roughly two tons.
thealiasman2000 said:
Kim Possible has actually defeated mad magicians, gods and cyborg assasins WITHOUT "Slayer powers"
She's never fought cyborg assasins or magicians. The one time she fought a demon, she got two very muscular men to distract him while Fufus bit off the source of his powers.
thealiasman2000 said:
2-Xander is a wuss and a weakling who follows Buffy's command like a sheep dog.
He may be a wuss, but he's also a rather inteligent tactician. He planned the atack against the Mayor in season three.
thealiasman2000 said:
3-Cartoon characters CAN break the laws of physics even if you don't think so. Ever watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"? Ever SEEN Bugs Bunny or Woody Woodpecker in action?
Some cartoon characters have broken the laws of physics. To the best of my knowlege, Kim Possible hasn't.
thealiasman2000 said:
4-Ron is WAY smarter than Xander, and a better fighter.
Better fighter, maybe. But smarter? Xander's a better tactical thinker.
thealiasman2000 said:
And Rufus would own Dawn.
He's a naken mole rat. All she'd have to do is step on him.
GL1 said:
Kim Possible has unfathomable agility and jumping skill. She goes hand to hand with world class assassains, and can cross an entire gym with a back handspring (Thats two jumps, one with her feet and one with her hands). While she's not technically superhuman, her cartoon attributes allow her to do things that the rest of us simply can't. Buffy will never TOUCH Kim Possible in a fight. Buffy's just too slow.
Not true. Kim may be a highly skilled hand to hand combatant, but I haven't seen her do anything that's glaringly superhuman. Buffy has liften several tons, kicked down vault doors, and has super speed in short sprinting bursts, and super agility. In hand to hand, Buffy would kick Kim's ass.
GL1 said:
Ron and Rufus, while weak independently are a pretty terrific team. Rufus knows how to use Ron's equipment and Ron, about once an episode (or fight), does something brilliant... brilliant. And if we're going by the present, Ron has dealt with his issues and "manned up," and, based on his skills, is an outstanding (on the world stage) warrior himself.
Ron is a highly skilled hand to hand combatant aswell, when he gets over his insicurities. But, Xander retains all of the memories and skills from when he was turned into a marine in the second season halloween episode. He's a very skilled tactitian, and is most likely an acomplished hand to hand combatant and marksman.