krillin v.s superman

Why do you bother with these dumbass what if threads?... I'm sorry if I seem rude, but every damn forum I've been too there has been a what if thread and at some point or another, they cause nothing but grief and hassle and life is too short for that crap.

I'm not cutting you down in anyway, I'm just saying a point of view from experience.
ster said:
Goku wins
I think he was being sarcastic, Mystic
Mogies you dont keep posting until someone answers you its kinda like a process just wait until someone comments on the thread. In this case willie1 had something to say..............and what he said was right!
:batman: w/ prep time :p

But yeah Superman. There are DB Z/GT characters that can beat Superman, but he is not one of them.

As just a question: why is it so important that your characters could beat other characters? I see that alot with these Dragonball threads, beating Western superheroes. Dragonball characters are deliberately written to just be more and more powerful. Supes is at times too, but still, it's comparing apples to oranges.

And I've seen people on the other side get mad too. That this newer, Anime character can beat their 70-year-icon.

The whole thing is silly. It can fun to argue. I like both DBZ and DC. But to act like it means anything, and that one is better because of it, is silly.

No offense Mogies, just saying.
I've spoken to fans before who feel it's VITALLY important that their heroes are more powerful, and they don't see any appeal for characters like Batman or Hawkeye or whoever because they aren't superpowerfed. They don't understand that there's such a thing as a good CHARACTER, regardless of who he can or can't beat up
I agree totaly with you Elijya :), Another point that is being missed is that Krillin wasn't much of a fighter because he knew his own limits and he knew that his power level was no good when fighting much stronger opponents, but the fact that he tried to ask the Androids to not hurt or attack Goku, shows that he is more of a peaceful person, than a fighter :)

Like Elijya said, it's not about the fighting ability, it's about the character :)
Besides the movies and the batmans the best thing i think mine is better!:D
Is there really any point to this thread?... There's not a single 1 of you that can reply to make any sense of the topic, in fact why do some of you even bother to post?
WILLIE1 said:
Is there really any point to this thread?... There's not a single 1 of you that can reply to make any sense of the topic, in fact why do some of you even bother to post?

Because I can.
superman... cause he has a spacesuit

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