Sequels Let's pretend for a minute...

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
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that there are no symbiotes or monsters of any kind. Let's pretend that Spider-Man works ALONE & has no time to devote to cat-burglars, reformed or otherwise. Let's pretend that nobody by any name other than Osborn has ever tossed a pumpkin. Let's pretend that Sony's not going to waste time & money on lame-os like the Spot & Kangaroo. Now, what villains would you really like to see? :spidey:
i just can't get why people don't want to see the scorpion.

a villain tha spidey physically can't take in an all out battle because gargan has been designed to be BETTER

One that you have to see spidey using his applied knowledge to be able to defeat, by the constructions of spidey tracer, web enchancer (possibly mixing his ordinary webbing with concrete), and just happenin to be able to use his surroundings to come out on top (jackie chan style)

I'd like to see an intelligent spiderman, one that starts off ol joky at the beginnig of the film, but becomes deadly serious at the end when he realises that Gargan could crush him without a thought, only to pull the GREATEST one liner ever right at the end of the tension.

There's only one choice, there's only Mac Gargan to consider....
Odin's Lapdog said:
i just can't get why people don't want to see the scorpion.

a villain tha spidey physically can't take in an all out battle because gargan has been designed to be BETTER

One that you have to see spidey using his applied knowledge to be able to defeat, by the constructions of spidey tracer, web enchancer (possibly mixing his ordinary webbing with concrete), and just happenin to be able to use his surroundings to come out on top (jackie chan style)

I'd like to see an intelligent spiderman, one that starts off ol joky at the beginnig of the film, but becomes deadly serious at the end when he realises that Gargan could crush him without a thought, only to pull the GREATEST one liner ever right at the end of the tension.

There's only one choice, there's only Mac Gargan to consider....

Dude, believe me I really want to see Scorpion. Everything you said was bang on the money. Scorpion would be a great villain to have in the Spidey movies.
Chris Wallace said:
Let's pretend that nobody by any name other than Osborn has ever tossed a pumpkin.

That's a great line.

As for my choice, Kraven.
Mysterio,Electro,and Sandman.
OtepApe said:
Dude, believe me I really want to see Scorpion. Everything you said was bang on the money. Scorpion would be a great villain to have in the Spidey movies.
Don't worry OtepApe, i've known for a while how you've felt about Gargan, and i think it's great that you can see his awesome potential as a realistic villain.

With also Kraven and Mysterio, i think the line of realistic villains for spidey is starting to run slightly thin....

As long as one person doesn't think i'm crazy, i'm all for it...

cheers for the support....

lizard is blatantly a monster, the Admiral just decided to not play by the full set of rules...

Odin's Lapdog said:
lizard is blatantly a monster, the Admiral just decided to not play by the full set of rules...

Nice picture you got....That's Tranks,right?
no, it's festive trunks


he defeated festive frieza when he first showed up in Dragonball X(MAS)....

the trunks you're thinking of is this one below


Odin's Lapdog said:
no, it's festive trunks


he defeated festive frieza when he first showed up in Dragonball X(MAS)....

the trunks you're thinking of is this one below


Yeah..I saw that one on comic book.
I have like 20 Dragon Ball comic books in my house
Odin's Lapdog said:
i just can't get why people don't want to see the scorpion.

a villain tha spidey physically can't take in an all out battle because gargan has been designed to be BETTER

One that you have to see spidey using his applied knowledge to be able to defeat, by the constructions of spidey tracer, web enchancer (possibly mixing his ordinary webbing with concrete), and just happenin to be able to use his surroundings to come out on top (jackie chan style)

I'd like to see an intelligent spiderman, one that starts off ol joky at the beginnig of the film, but becomes deadly serious at the end when he realises that Gargan could crush him without a thought, only to pull the GREATEST one liner ever right at the end of the tension.

There's only one choice, there's only Mac Gargan to consider....

Nicely put. I concur.
Odin's Lapdog said:
i just can't get why people don't want to see the scorpion.

a villain tha spidey physically can't take in an all out battle because gargan has been designed to be BETTER

One that you have to see spidey using his applied knowledge to be able to defeat, by the constructions of spidey tracer, web enchancer (possibly mixing his ordinary webbing with concrete), and just happenin to be able to use his surroundings to come out on top (jackie chan style)

I'd like to see an intelligent spiderman, one that starts off ol joky at the beginnig of the film, but becomes deadly serious at the end when he realises that Gargan could crush him without a thought, only to pull the GREATEST one liner ever right at the end of the tension.

There's only one choice, there's only Mac Gargan to consider....

I'd love to see the Scorpion as well. Afte him it would have to be the Lizard.(my first choice is Venom,of course) ;)
Odin's Lapdog said:
i just can't get why people don't want to see the scorpion.

a villain tha spidey physically can't take in an all out battle because gargan has been designed to be BETTER

One that you have to see spidey using his applied knowledge to be able to defeat, by the constructions of spidey tracer, web enchancer (possibly mixing his ordinary webbing with concrete), and just happenin to be able to use his surroundings to come out on top (jackie chan style)

I'd like to see an intelligent spiderman, one that starts off ol joky at the beginnig of the film, but becomes deadly serious at the end when he realises that Gargan could crush him without a thought, only to pull the GREATEST one liner ever right at the end of the tension.
There's only one choice, there's only Mac Gargan to consider....

My sentiments exactly! :up:
and there i was beginning to believe there weren't any gargan lovers on these boards...

you guys have restored my tiny faith in humanity...
Though I would love to see Scorpion, I don't think he will make it.

1) He was in the first movie game.

2) Jameson has already seen what happens when Spider-Man isn't around and has admitted he was a hero. Paying for Scopion's creation would be going back on that.

(And yeah, I know that Harry could do it ok.:o)
Chris Wallace said:
that there are no symbiotes or monsters of any kind. Let's pretend that Spider-Man works ALONE & has no time to devote to cat-burglars, reformed or otherwise. Let's pretend that nobody by any name other than Osborn has ever tossed a pumpkin. Let's pretend that Sony's not going to waste time & money on lame-os like the Spot & Kangaroo. Now, what villains would you really like to see? :spidey:
no symbiote suck
Dark Carnage said:
Though I would love to see Scorpion, I don't think he will make it.

1) He was in the first movie game.

2) Jameson has already seen what happens when Spider-Man isn't around and has admitted he was a hero. Paying for Scopion's creation would be going back on that.

(And yeah, I know that Harry could do it ok.:o)
he''l be the first to break the current mould...

jameson trusts his babour, i'd put not faith in what words lie on his tongue

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