Little Big Planet makes Sackboy sad: No demo this year


Jul 19, 2002
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Santa can go check his own list. I’ve been busy checking one of mine: the games I thought were coming out in 2007 but haven’t shown up yet.
Topping that list is a demo of “Little Big Planet,” the make-your-own levels side-scroller Sony used to steal the show at the Game Developer’s Conference back in March.
And if you have a long memory like me, you may recall that Sony’s official announcement for the game “slated” a demo for release “this fall.” The full game would come out in 2008.

People’s frothing demand for this game is well-documented. And successful demos of the game at E3 and Tokyo Game Show led me to think it’s demo still might squeak out this year, kind of like the Christmas Eve 2006 launch of the downloadable “Gran Turismo HD Concept” on the PS3.

Alas, there will be no squeaker this year. An “LBP” demo is not coming in 2007. I found this out this morning at an otherwise impressive demonstration of Sony’s PSP and PS3 software for early 2008 (more on that stuff in later posts).

“I can officially confirm that there won’t be a demo this year,” Ron Eagle, senior manager of PR for Sony Computer Entertainment America told me. But he did say he’s played 30 of the games 50 planned developer-made levels and that it’s a lot of fun. He seemed genuinely pleased about his time with the game, but his company won’t be showing more “LBP” at least until next month. Eagle could only add that the full game is set for a 2008 release.

And with that, the video game release calendar for 2007 is complete. No more delays. No more surprises. Right?

did anyone really expect a demo in the 3 weeks left?
Enemies? You mean the game isn't going to be the incredibly simple side scroller I thought it was going to be?

Thank god.
The game will alledgedly have enemies according to MM, they were original going to reveal enemies (and if they're be 'programable' or not) like 4 months ago, but decided not to.

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