Marvel and Fox


Not lactose, it's milk!
Oct 23, 2002
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Is it me or does it seem like Fox rushes the making of their Marvel films more than another studio might? And it seems like between the Fox Marvel movies and the ones done by other studios, the ones from Fox usually get more bad reviews then the others.
Well, Ghost Rider (which I think is going to be sweet) was supposed to come out this July, but they delayed it to February 07 so it wouldn't compete with Superman, so while I see your point, I have to point out that maybe they've learned their lesson. Then again maybe Ghost Rider is a special case and they're going to go right back to their old ways. Also, the last Fox/Marvel movie was FF and it's been almost a year between that and X3. A one year gap isn't a problem IMHO.
Thankfully there will be no future deals made with FOX.
captainmarvel said:
Well, Ghost Rider (which I think is going to be sweet) was supposed to come out this July, but they delayed it to February 07 so it wouldn't compete with Superman, so while I see your point, I have to point out that maybe they've learned their lesson. Then again maybe Ghost Rider is a special case and they're going to go right back to their old ways. Also, the last Fox/Marvel movie was FF and it's been almost a year between that and X3. A one year gap isn't a problem IMHO.

Ghost Rider isn't Fox, maybe you realize that, it isn't totally clear from your post.
It isn't? Sorry for the slip up then. For some reason I thought it was (probably because it has the same director as Daredevil).

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