Comics Marvel Announces Brand New Web of Spider-Man Ongoing Series

It is taking the place of Amazing Spider-Man family. And technically they are having four Spidey titles. The three Amazing books and now the Web of Spider-Man you have a new Spidey story every week breaks.

That's the way I'm reading all of this. The fact that Web will be in continuity with Amazing should be a good thing. Spidey 4 times a week, within continuity. Let's see if they can pull it off. How many folks here DON'T think JMDeM is a great Spidey writer?
Spidey rules
I love J.M. DeMatteis. He is just a great comic writer overall. I just read his run on Captain America in the early 80's with Mike Zeck. It was freakin' awesome. And Kraven's Last Hunt is a Spider-Man classic a must read for any Spider fan. And J.M. DeMatteis also wrote Amazing Spider-Man # 400...while Aunt May is back it was still a very touching and emotional story.

Plus it had Mark Bagley artwork. :woot:
I thought the point of putting out ASM 3 times a month was bc there were too many main Spidey books out there and Marvel wanted to condense the line. Now they are starting to bring back 1 of the other old titles?
I was excited at first becuase i used to buy all the original Web issues...

but this is just gonna fall under Brand New Day it is nothing I'd spend money on sadly.

It's just another issue of
Slowly but surely ASM is going to return to once a month and we're going to have 3-4 main titles again (web of, Sensational, Spectacular, Friendly Neighborhood etc).
I was excited at first becuase i used to buy all the original Web issues...

but this is just gonna fall under Brand New Day it is nothing I'd spend money on sadly.

It's just another issue of

Honestly... I think you're not happy unless you have something to complain about. :whatever:
Marvel always tries to condense their lines, and then they go ahead and go spin-off crazy again. Look how many Avengers books there are now.
It's not like Farmie is hating on the title because he wants to ya know.
He really wants to like this stuff and get his Spidey fix. I mean c'mon they dropped a huge bomb on his favorite character.
If you've been following something for years, it's not so easy to just "move on" or "give it up" If you love it. :csad:

Now that they've canceled all other titles.........that's a pretty hard thing to do.
They pretty much force you to read Brand new day or else! :csad:

Me? I dunno I might be dropping the title again after I pick up 600.
I'll probably pick it back up once "Who was Ben Reily?" comes out. :D
It's not like Farmie is hating on the title because he wants to ya know.
He really wants to like this stuff and get his Spidey fix. I mean c'mon they dropped a huge bomb on his favorite character.
If you've been following something for years, it's not so easy to just "move on" or "give it up" If you love it. :csad:

Sure it is. It's like carrying a bag of rocks around...all you have to do is...let it go.

i had been collecting the Spidey books for twenty five YEARS when Peter was written out of them in favor of Ben Reilly. I have zero interest in reading a Spider-Man book with anyone besides Peter in it, so i just stopped collecting them all together, wrote ONE letter to Marvel complaining about the new direction....and moved on.

See? Simple.

I've had relationships with REAL PEOPLE end, and not spent over a year and a half crying about it. That's just....crazy.
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I was excited at first becuase i used to buy all the original Web issues...

but this is just gonna fall under Brand New Day it is nothing I'd spend money on sadly.

It's just another issue of

Aren't you a fan of Spider-Girl? I thought I remember you enjoying Spider-Girl. If not, nevermind, but Web of Spider-Man is just taking Spider-Man Family's place and will continue the ongoing saga of Spider-girl as a backup story.

And the stories that involve the tie in with the Amazing title are going to be focusing on the villains, mainly the old school Spidey rogues. Well, at least at first.

I don't really see what the big problem with it is. Amazing gets released three times a week and instead of having that gap week you get Spidey every single week of the month now. And if you were already getting Spider-Man family it actually saves you a dollar, which is what it is doing for me. So I still don't see what all the big fuss is about.

And, considering that most posters here don't like the book since Brand New Day (which was almost two years ago now), nothing is going to be changing anytime soon. Marvel do not have any plans on marrying Peter Parker back with Mary Jane. Things are not going to go back to the way they were.
Im getting the same vibe. At some point, people need to deal with it or move on. :yay:

This is an internet message board, CapStacy. We've been around this board long enough to know that the negativity will always outweigh the positivity no matter how "good" or "bad" the book is.

Though I do have to agree a bit with the fact that many dislike Spider-Man TODAY but the actually Brand New Day storyline was almost two years ago now. And it's not like Pete is going to be married to MJ again anytime soon.
This is an internet message board, CapStacy. We've been around this board long enough to know that the negativity will always outweigh the positivity no matter how "good" or "bad" the book is.

you got THAT right, man. :yay:
Sure it is. It's like carrying a bag of rocks around...all you have to do is...let it go.

i had been collecting the Spidey books for twenty five YEARS when Peter was written out of them in favor of Ben Reilly. I have zero interest in reading a Spider-Man book with anyone besides Peter in it, so i just stopped collecting them all together, wrote ONE letter to Marvel complaining about the new direction....and moved on.

See? Simple.

I've had relationships with REAL PEOPLE end, and not spent over a year and a half crying about it. That's just....crazy.

well.......your on your own this time Farmie.

Who knows, maybe soon we'll get an alternative. :cwink:
I've had relationships with REAL PEOPLE end, and not spent over a year and a half crying about it. That's just....crazy.

I was actually kind of thinking the same thing. It's very comparable to being in a very long term relationship with a woman, or man, and that said person breaks up with you. And it's like the person just can't move on and can't stop thinking about that person. And when that love of their life moves on to someone else they sit and make fun of the person and say that they will never treat them the same way.

I can see how comparable that can be. Everyone has a right to their opinion though as this is a comic book and not a woman, or man.

But you can definitely apply the analogy with certain posters I have seen. It's like Amazing Spider-Man broke up with them after One More Day and they can't let it go.
I can sit on here and type for years how much I love Spider-MAn.

I am not going to just disappear because of a horrible new direction.

I am still reading. My best friend is still buying for his runs. (tho not reading too much)

This isn't like some 2 year relationship with a girlfirend and we broke up and moved on.

It is something i've bought and loved (and comics in a whole) my ENTIRE life.

I even broke down and actually BOUGHT NWTD TPB. I am trying and prone to like my fav character here.

Saying...i just like to like saying the opposite about others on here....they just like to CHEERLEAD no matter what. It is a narrow minded statment and ignores all the thought i've put into all my inner feelings and opinions.

Either is a dumb statement. Pro or con. Narrow minded labeling.

This is a message board for us to share our OPINIONS of our beloved character.

I shared mine. I was pumped at first at the news of a new WEB title...then it wore off and i thought about it and it was not as exciting. Sorry i shared. Sheesh. Next time i will jopin the popular crowd and lie about how pumped and jumping around i am.

This is why i didn't post for months a while get sterotyped unfairly...and this reboot is devisive.

I am not gonna shoot back at anyone, but to just boil a person's OPINION down to a statement saying...THEY JUST LIKE TO COMPLAIN....has nothing to do with my opinions.

And i've never just "moved on" during any of the spidey lows during my life.

Just like my own kids..they go astray in life...but i don't ignore them...i wait for them to come around again, and be the people i know they can be...because i care.

sheesh...some attitudes here bring me down...:csad:
And being a nurse and a psych major....i find comparing comic collecting to a relationship silly. Tho i kinda get Cap's point..but still....

Even more, everyone handles relationships and possible break ups or divorces differently based on past life lessons, teachings, religious beliefs, role models and their own personal temperments.

Even if they are mad over a break up, it is important to feel your emotions, know that your emotions are ok to be felt, and not feel pressured to handle them in a way others want you to. CAnnot just box them up.

This is a COMIC BOOK. I know it will change. I am ok with the current reboot in that i show no hate towards anyone that likes it. It's all cool...all opinions. Still, i know this too shall pass, and things will change, jsut as the did with clone saga.

Some of the anger is that, UNLIKE REAL LIFE....these people don't always act the same because they are written however needed for an event, arc, etc. OR sometimes for an agenda or reboot. I like to write in my spare time, so it does perturb me to see anyone spidey or not, so poorly forced into out of character episodes.

I can easily sum up many of you, simple mindedly, that you "JUST WANT TO OOZE SPIDEY LOVE"
no matter what...and ignore your actual opinions and thoughts on things. I won't.

Sorry, just my Dr. Phil
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Originally Posted by CaptainStacy
Sure it is. It's like carrying a bag of rocks around...all you have to do is...let it go.


Sorry to inform you, my life is fine, happy, and marriage is still great, good job, i love life, enjoying Stargate on a great weekend...good on here today...guess i shouldn't have??

I didn't know i was in any way carrying a bag of heavy rocks around or had anything to let go?! :wow: I should let my friend who is BUYING spidey and not reading it to let go of his rocks

Maybe some people need to let go and stop hugging their comics? :cwink:
I'm just being silly now.......

Sorry to inform you, my life is fine, happy, and marriage is still great, good job, i love life, enjoying Stargate on a great weekend...good on here today...guess i shouldn't have??

I didn't know i was in any way carrying a bag of heavy rocks around or had anything to let go?! :wow: I should let my friend who is BUYING spidey and not reading it to let go of his rocks

Maybe some people need to let go and stop hugging their comics? :cwink:
I'm just being silly now.......

I just think it is sad that some people on here are quick to label certain posts with certain opinions, good or bad. Sad.

I think this forum is great, just like spider-man is, but what makes this forum great, is varying opinions, respectfully placed here.

I am never one to call names, or label. I enjoy reading an educated opinion nicely written, whether they're happy with an issue or not.

Those that just blow someone off as negative, positive, not a fan, a fan, or whathaveyou without getting an understanding are the one's with a heavy sack of rocks around their necks missing the point, imo.

I consider myself a giant fan of spider-mana nd of comics in general. My friends and i talk comics all the time. None of us are going to stop. We love reading and talking the subject, period. We don't ever encourage each other to stop reading/writing/talking.

Anyway...hope everyone has a good to work!
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I just think it is sad that some people on here are quick to label certain posts with certain opinions, good or bad. Sad.

I think this forum is great, just like spider-man is, but what makes this forum great, is varying opinions, respectfully placed here.

I am never one to call names, or label. I enjoy reading an educated opinion nicely written, whether they're happy with an issue or not.

Those that just blow someone off as negative, positive, not a fan, a fan, or whathaveyou without getting an understanding are the one's with a heavy sack of rocks around their necks missing the point, imo.

I consider myself a giant fan of spider-mana nd of comics in general. My friends and i talk comics all the time. None of us are going to stop. We love reading and talking the subject, period. We don't ever encourage each other to stop reading/writing/talking.

Anyway...hope everyone has a good to work!

Yeah, that was pretty silly. Honestly, who likes to complain?

Why would you be following a comic character for YEARS just to complain? :huh:

This is crazy how the after shocks of One more day are still being felt.
Now fans are fighting amongst themselves.

Saying if you don't dig it, get the heck away from Spidey.
Go read another book. With a character you like less. It's fine.

What's funny is, there are more Pro fans attacking than there were anti fans at the beginning.

I just made a conscious decision to drop the title after 600.
For two main reasons:

  • The story telling is way too divisive. (I can't support a title with fans like it has now.)
  • I don't care for Peter's social life or his new cast.
I don't completely enjoy this title anymore for those reasons. Peter Parker should always be the main draw, but his cast has had more growth than he has. He might as well be in college again. Having Aunt may get married in his OWN 600th issue (I assume) after Peter's own marriage failed is kind of a slap to the face. May not be to some posters here but that's how I see it. Mainly because I really loved the marriage.

Having them play it up like it was the best one in the MU wasn't a great idea either. :whatever:

Since I have an opinion that "disagrees" I may as well be an "anti-poster" like some people on here may think. So I might as well go all the way and quit the title and post some where else. :csad:
Saying...i just like to like saying the opposite about others on here....they just like to CHEERLEAD no matter what. It is a narrow minded statment and ignores all the thought i've put into all my inner feelings and opinions.

I agree here. Cheerleading is annoying. And I'm definitely no cheerleader. I'm a completely mixed bag, judging stuff independently of all the fan noise out there. I hated JMS's later work, but liked his early stuff. I hated One More Day, but liked Brand New Day once it got rolling (about 3 or 4 months in). I hated Mackie and Byrne's reboot, but liked the clone saga. See? But as bad as cheerleading is, the other side of the same coin is what you represent, just dumping on everything. It reminds me of those 'Debbie Downer' skits from SNL. Brand New Day doesn't have a chance with you, because no matter what the story is about you'll find some way to connect it to the original sin of One More Day, which is never even freakin' referenced! A writer who comes onboard a year after that story was published will still be judged by it in your eyes. Newsflash: It's not getting retconned. Move on.

I shared mine. I was pumped at first at the news of a new WEB title...then it wore off and i thought about it and it was not as exciting. Sorry i shared. Sheesh. Next time i will jopin the popular crowd and lie about how pumped and jumping around i am.

You're trying not to be excited about a book that you obviously want to be excited about, for no other reason than to spite the creators of 'Brand New Day'. But you're really spiting yourself. What, you think Kaine is going to talk about Peter's deal with Mephisto in that issue? Or will Spider-Girl who is in a different reality completely? Why can't you approach these stories (and these writers, such as DeMatties and DeFalco who have NOTHING to do with BND) independently? Your logic is effin' ridiculous.

This is why i didn't post for months a while get sterotyped unfairly...and this reboot is devisive.

I am not gonna shoot back at anyone, but to just boil a person's OPINION down to a statement saying...THEY JUST LIKE TO COMPLAIN....has nothing to do with my opinions.

And i've never just "moved on" during any of the spidey lows during my life.

Just like my own kids..they go astray in life...but i don't ignore them...i wait for them to come around again, and be the people i know they can be...because i care.

sheesh...some attitudes here bring me down...:csad:

Yeah, I'll say. Every time you post I feel like I'm at a wake. :o
You're trying not to be excited about a book that you obviously want to be excited about, for no other reason than to spite the creators of 'Brand New Day'.

You've got it wrong just a tad bit.
He's not trying to spite anyone....

It's just that One more day (whether we all want to admit it or not)
Is the very foundation of Brand new day. That's a reminder in itself.

Thats understandable, at least to me.

It's just like when John Bryne wanted Rick Jones to be the hulk. (or the hulk separated from Banner, I forget)
controversial eh? Well Jim shooter had it flipped back and than Peter David had arguably the BEST run on hulk.

Of course they didn't change the identity of Spider-man. But to some readers this feels like Ultimate Amazing.....and they aren't really wrong for thinking that either. It really feels like the book ended in ASM 544
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What's the matter with Flintstone?
He's alright!!!!


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