Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel heroes & normal characters cameos


Apr 8, 2002
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We have threads for Villains and Guest stars so how about other Heroes and other characters in the MU you should show in the show? We know not many high profile heroes like the Avengers will show up too much for cost reasons but for the second-string and low powered heroes could appear.

My ideas would be
  • Moonknight - since they were talking it a series awhile back
  • Cloak and Dagger - same as Moonknight
  • Jessica Drew - Spider Woman is was for a series
  • Daredevil or just Matt Murdoch just doing lawyer part
  • Punisher maybe

What are your ideas for cameos?
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We have threads for Villains and Guest stars so how about other Heroes and other characters in the MU you should show in the show? We know not many high profile heroes like the Avengers will show up too much for cost reasons but for the second-string and low powered heroes could appear.

My ideas would be
  • Moonknight - since they were talking it a series awhile back
  • Cloak and Dagger - same as Moonknight
  • Jessica Lang - Spider Woman is was for a series
  • Daredevil or just Matt Murdoch just doing lawyer part
  • Punisher maybe

What are your ideas for cameos?

You mean Jessica Drew?
Sitwell and the MIB from Lost(Item 47) should make a appearance.
It would be neat to see Valerie Cooper in at least one episode.
I really want to see one of the LGBT Marvel heroes. We're not going to see them on film any time soon probably, so the first step would seem to be in the TV realm. It would get a lot of promotions, even people who don't read comics would be interested because it'd be the first time an LGBT person is viewed in such a light - it makes news, driving more interest in the shows and more viewers than before. I know people who don't know anything about comics yet somehow heard about the Northstar wedding before I did, I think that says something. Plus, I'm all for being innovative - it'd be the first time it ever happened. And the role could be played by Neil Patrick Harris, a friend of Joss and I'm pretty sure he'd be more than interested because of the positive message and forward momentum this character would have.

Other than that, everyone I've stated before has already been mentioned other than --

- Werewolf by Night
- Ghost Rider
- Blade
I'm sure that there'll be plenty more agents created specifically for this show, but I'd like to see more comics based agents have cameos like Jimmy Woo, GW Bridge, The Countessa, Clay Quartermain, Bobbi Morse, Yelena Belova, or Pete Wisdom.
I really want to see one of the LGBT Marvel heroes. We're not going to see them on film any time soon probably, so the first step would seem to be in the TV realm. It would get a lot of promotions, even people who don't read comics would be interested because it'd be the first time an LGBT person is viewed in such a light - it makes news, driving more interest in the shows and more viewers than before. I know people who don't know anything about comics yet somehow heard about the Northstar wedding before I did, I think that says something. Plus, I'm all for being innovative - it'd be the first time it ever happened. And the role could be played by Neil Patrick Harris, a friend of Joss and I'm pretty sure he'd be more than interested because of the positive message and forward momentum this character would have.

Other than that, everyone I've stated before has already been mentioned other than --

- Werewolf by Night
- Ghost Rider
- Blade

having a LGBT hero in the show would be a really cool thing to see, I know a few gay people and it always bugs me when I hear people talk down about someone for how they were born and who they are, so seeing something positive in the MCU and media would be a great thing. (also when people make fun of mentally handicapped people as well... I HATE the 'r' word, it's just so ugly and rude.) Also Seeing NPH would be cool, but he might overpower the character itself and only be seen as NPH or a superhero Barney to most lol.
Also Seeing NPH would be cool, but he might overpower the character itself and only be seen as NPH or a superhero Barney to most lol.
It depends on what type of character it is. I'm sure he'd be able to play a cool villain.
It depends on what type of character it is. I'm sure he'd be able to play a cool villain.

yeah I'd love to see him in a new role, since HIMYM is ending fairly soon, and he hasn't really done much that isn't voice acting roles lately outside of Smurfs and Harold and Kumar I'm curious to see where he goes next. MCU would be amazing! haha
having a LGBT hero in the show would be a really cool thing to see, I know a few gay people and it always bugs me when I hear people talk down about someone for how they were born and who they are, so seeing something positive in the MCU and media would be a great thing. (also when people make fun of mentally handicapped people as well... I HATE the 'r' word, it's just so ugly and rude.) Also Seeing NPH would be cool, but he might overpower the character itself and only be seen as NPH or a superhero Barney to most lol.

I've hoped the MCU would have a canonically LGBT character for a while. This isn't the 60s any more; it's way past time for diversity in terms of sexuality in the film universe. Some trolls over on the IMDb forums were making snide comments about Coulson's sexuality because he was fanboying over Cap in TA, but why would anyone assume that it would be a negative if he or any other character were gay? It wouldn't make them any less heroic or badass because it's just another facet of their personality.
yup being gay is just like race, you can't choose to be who you are or what you look like, you're born with it. I just wish others could see that and not be so cynical towards others.

(and please no one turn that comment into a debate point if you feel differently about sexual orientation, this isn't the place. If someone is uncomfortable I can delete the post.)
yup being gay is just like race, you can't choose to be who you are or what you look like, you're born with it. I just wish others could see that and not be so cynical towards others.
Sexual orientation isn't quite comparable to race, but I agree that no harm comes from homosexuality.
Do you guys think it's possible that this series will set up Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver for Avengers 2?
Do you guys think it's possible that this series will set up Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver for Avengers 2?

I'd say that is a distinct possibility. I liked Joss' quote yesterday that this is going to be flowing in and out of the MCU. I'd venture to say that they are going to use this medium as much as they possibly can and I think that actors that they sign from this point forward will probably have a clause in their contract for TV work.
If so, it will probably only do so indirectly, by expanding upon what eventually becomes their power source.
Thought of another character that would be a cool guest star:
It depends on what type of character it is. I'm sure he'd be able to play a cool villain.

If you ever saw him in the Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode "Want", he played a completely different character to Barney - almost his polar opposite. He was a chilling and yet sympathetic villain. Everything that Barney is, NPH's character wasn't. And his hair was dyed brown as well, so he looked quite different.

But I would rather he were saved for a different role than just a small cameo or villain. I think he could play a hero. But even if he did play a villain he would rise to the task as his performance in there was extremely memorable. Unfortunately they no longer have a proper clip of that episode on You Tube.
^Nooooo. That thing should be burned with napalm.
Billy & Teddy (Wiccan & Hulkling) would make such great television charactes but sadly there's no way they could introduce them on the show :(
This show could be a good place to introduce She-Hulk.

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