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Marvel One-Shots

too bad he iis licensed to netfix under the daredevil characters
Yeah, he'd make for great set up of the kingpin (if marvel can use him) and for the Daredevil show.
I guess we will either get a Eric Selvig or a Darcy Lewis one-shot on the TWS Blu Ray. The budgets for the short films are not that high and focusing on one of the midgard characters keeps it cheap.
The only other option I can envision right now would be reusing GotG sets IF they are still intact and doing something like What Happend On The Way To Thor's Hammer with the Warrior's Three & Sif on their way to the Collector
Warriors three and Sif! That has to be the next one shot! Screw Darcy we got enough of her character in the Thor movies.
The only other option I can envision right now would be reusing GotG sets IF they are still intact and doing something like What Happend On The Way To Thor's Hammer with the Warrior's Three & Sif on their way to the Collector

This is what I've been saying. Cosmic bar fight in a galactic pub after dropping off the Aether. I want it. I need it. :)
Weird that we haven't gotten any rumors thus far. If the pattern holds, I'm thinking a Thor-universe One Shot. Sif And The Warriors Three would be absolutely fantastic, but the budget might not really support it.

Also, whatever happened to the rumor that was floating around a while back wherein some of the China-only Iron Man 3 footage would be re-purposed into a One Shot? I wonder if that's still on the cards.
Weird that we haven't gotten any rumors thus far. If the pattern holds, I'm thinking a Thor-universe One Shot. Sif And The Warriors Three would be absolutely fantastic, but the budget might not really support it.

Also, whatever happened to the rumor that was floating around a while back wherein some of the China-only Iron Man 3 footage would be re-purposed into a One Shot? I wonder if that's still on the cards.
All Hail The King was announced on February 1st and then we knew nothing about the plot and there weren't rumors beforehand. If they keep security tight and and stick with their pattern, we won't hear anything about the One-Shot until summer

I want to see one with Hawkeye that takes place during the events of CATWS, explaining why he was nowhere to be found. I'm thinking he's on a random mission with a small team. Maria Hill chimes in to his comm, surprising him (obviously), warning him in a panic. At just that time, he gets ambushed by the members of his team (much like Cap in the elevator). Upon defeating them, he just asks Hill what's going on, she basically just tells him briefly what's going on and to stay off the grid, she will find him.

I understand not every character can be in every movie, but Hawkeye seems like he would be one of the few that should know about Fury and the SHIELD infiltration.

That and I'd love to see one about Damage Control cleaning up Washington DC after CATWS.
so... how long until we get the first rumors for the new one-shot? or a title?
This sucks. It is by far the #1 reason I purchase the blu ray DVD's. I don't care about deleted scenes or bloopers or audio commentary. I was going to sign up and pre-order this like I did all the others before it, then watch it as soon as it come in.

However, it will get on my "items I'm interested in for Christmas" list, which means I'll not get it before the end of the year. In all likelihood, I'll purchase it next year at Wal-Mart when it finds its way to the bargain bin.
I'm guessing they couldn't both deal with Asgard and top Return of the King... so they didn't try.

I doubt the Ant-Man stuff was involved. It's more likely that all hands were on deck for Avengers 2 and they'd rather have a 3rd unit director and D'Esposito on the ground in Korea than working out a One-Shot.
Is there a statement why they didn't bother to include one?
Is there a statement why they didn't bother to include one?

Marvel themselves haven't explained yet but the possible explanation from the EW article makes sense:

Executives (at Marvel) have told EW in the past that they might bring a temporary halt to the One-Shots if they didn’t have a strong story idea or their full focus was needed on the feature film pipeline.
Right now, the studio has Guardians of the Galaxy wrapping up and headed to theaters in August, Joss Whedon’s Avengers 2 currently shooting in the U.K., and the now director-less Ant-Man speeding toward production to meet a July release next summer.
With those two TV shows also drawing resources, it may simply be that the One-Shots have fallen victim to a rare Hollywood disease — too much success. But like Agent Coulson, that’s also something that leads to resurrection.

If that's the case, I hope they'll have the time to do a One-Shot for GoTG's BR at least...

Bummer indeed!

It is by far the #1 reason I purchase the blu ray DVD's. I don't care about deleted scenes or bloopers or audio commentary.

I agree. Personally, i'm still buying the DVD, but the new content in the one-shot is the thing I look forward to the most.

Of course, I understand that they don't have to do one, and it's really just something nice for the fans. Plus they have so many projects going on right now that they want to make everything they do as high quality as they can, rather than spreading their team thin or turning out crap.

At least we aren't starving for MCU stuff at this point. I just read that the AoS dvd should come out on the same day. .... maybe there will be a one shot on there. :awesome:

I don't think its that big of a deal, we got a lot of info on asgard and loki from SHIELD. I would rather they put all of their effort into making Antman work now that Wright is gone.

It's not like a One Shot would take much attention from the higher-ups. Feige basically just has to approve a story and cast/crew decisions and check in on the week (ish) of filming a couple times. They wouldn't have to take much time away from Ant Man.

I had a little rant about this topic in the CATWS Bluray release thread, so I'll put it here in spoiler tags for those interested. I normally hate when people copy and paste the same post in different threads, but whatever.

As a couple of other people have said, I hate that there's no One Shot. Those are some of my favorite parts of the Bluray. I love seeing what happened between the movies and behind the main plot of these stories. To me, they add a whole new perspective to the MCU. And it means even more to the fans when they do something like they did with Agent Carter and All Hail the King. Those weren't just little side stories. They took on a personality of their own and became their own story respectively. I mean, one led to a TV series and another changed the entire face of one of the most mysterious storylines in the MCU to date (The Ten Rings question and hype).

It surprises me because they know fans love them, they know they get attention, they aren't expensive to make, they take virtually no time to film and little time to edit and they don't really HAVE to go out and get big name stars for them. Sure, they had Hayley Atwell and Ben Kingsley in a couple. But look at A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer. Clark Gregg was still a nobody, the other cast members were basically extras, it was filmed in one location and it was still one of the most entertaining pieces of film in the MCU (IMO at least). And there's so much they can do, some of which they already have some footage of that they can use (Damage Control cleaning up after the events of CATWS, as seen in the background of AOS).

Do one about Damage Control cleaning up DC, or show Agent (Eric) Koening or both Koenigs, really, doing his thing at Providence, playing Call of Duty. You know Patton Oswalt would LOVE to do it, being the comic book nerd he is. A more expensive one would be to bring Renner back as Hawkeye to film a mission of him and a team of field agents during the events of TWS, with him getting a warning from Natasha about HYDRA, his entire team being HYDRA sleeper agents and him having to fight them off.

Needless to say, I'm extremely disappointed. I'll still get the Bluray, probably the week it comes out (for the sale prices), but I won't exactly be counting the days until the release at this point.


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