Who would you say is Marvels most underated Character of all time?
Here's my Vote
Well, he has ****ed Kitty so hard she's fallen through the floor.No, Colossus deserves to be errr... not rated well. He doesn't do anything. Apart from get the powers of Cytorakk what has he done in the last few decades about from moan and be an emo about Kitty Pryde? He's the most useless "tank" Marvel has.
Strange is underrated as well, he's an integral part of the Marvel Universe as far as I'm concerned. Like I said above, Ghost Rider is one of those guys that was so over-exposed in the 90's he shouldn't be considered.
You do realize that was 20 years ago?
Black Panther is maybe a good choice too. Guy should be in the top ten in importance in the Marvel Universe, IMO.