Master of disguise: The official "Arnold Vosloo is Zartan" thread

I'm extremely worried about Zartan's look after seeing all of the pics coming out. It all looks so... normal. I doubt he will show up with a red hood, black around his eyes, etc. He may just be Arnold V. in a red shirt and black leather jacket or something.

I hope I'm wrong though. DAMN wrong.

You've seen pictures of General Hawk in... a general's uniform, and Duke and the Baroness before they become Duke and the Baroness, so to speak.

When we start seeing people actually holding a weapon or something, then it's time to judge.
Good point, but I merely said I'm worried, not that I've judged anything or completely walked away from the film. ;)

And true, all we've seen so far is normal people in their normal clothes. I guess after seeing all the pics it just popped in my head it would be weird to see 100% accurate Zartan in the background of any of the pics.

But we'll see, when they show Destro in the silver helmet, Zartan as he should be, or Baroness in a tight ass sexy black leather outfit, I'll shut up. :o
I'm pretty sure Destro isn't going to be wearing the helmet all the time. :( I have a feeling the film makers are thinking it's going to resemble Dr. Doom too much and limit the amount of time he wears it.
I'm pretty sure Destro isn't going to be wearing the helmet all the time. :( I have a feeling the film makers are thinking it's going to resemble Dr. Doom too much and limit the amount of time he wears it.

He had better not take that shiny metal face off....he's Destro, that's his thing!
That would be like Batman showing up with a bandana wrapped around his mouth like, "Eh- I didn't feel like it today!"
Zartan has three scenes, but they're EXTREMELY important. No description, and he doesn't seem out of character.
as for the actor playing Destro,
he is big in the UK
and to the kids he was the recent Dr Who - pretty much responsible for kicking new life into the franchise
I hope he wears the mask as that is how Destro looks,but dont write C.E. off
A.V. as Zartan is an awesome choice :)

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