Mayor fights entire town to have family dog killed

If Mayor Brown bit me, I wouldn't demand his execution. I would be satisfied with him living out his days on a farm far away. So he should take the same approach towards the dog.
He's effing up a future reelection. 1,000 people rallying to save the dog in a town of 5,000 people?
This is like Joffrey and the Direwolf all over again...
A dog can't control what it does. A person can. It sounds like everyone is siding for human over animal as well which says a lot about the mayor. The mayor should be put down, not the dog.
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This guy is a real Greg Stillson.
Put the dog down because of a bite?? Dafuuuuuu?

If I had every dog that ever bit me put down...

Geez people, let's get it together here.
Damn autoplay, scared the crap out of me since I had headphones on. -_-
There does seem to be legitimate cause for concern as far as the dog being in close proximity to children. However, since the shelter says the dog usually displays a mild disposition, the idea of sending it somewhere else to live seems preferable to putting it down.
Well done, Salem, Missouri. You elected Satan as your mayor.
There does seem to be legitimate cause for concern as far as the dog being in close proximity to children. However, since the shelter says the dog usually displays a mild disposition, the idea of sending it somewhere else to live seems preferable to putting it down.

Agreed, it seems the dog has a history of biting, but that's probably due to being agitated by the neighbor's kid.

I understand the Mayor's concern, but he's going about this the wrong way. There are alternatives, the dog doesn't need to be killed.
Agreed, it seems the dog has a history of biting, but that's probably due to being agitated by the neighbor's kid.

I understand the Mayor's concern, but he's going about this the wrong way. There are alternatives, the dog doesn't need to be killed.

Not all dogs deal well with kids, but that doesn't mean they are vicious. The dog seems to have done well with a change in surrondings, so it's only logical that a permanent change is the best way to go.
The dog's a product of its environment and the people that nurtured it. Mayor's being an idiot about this.
So who wants to take bets on him not getting re-elected due to this?

Also, my dog doesn't bite when he gets mad/excited. Although he will wrap his mouth on your arm and rest his teeth on your skin. I had one person freak out until they realized what was going on.
"But Mayor Brown tells NewsChannel 5 he stands by his ruling. He's worried that if Phineas is allowed to live he may bite someone else."

I'd just tell him give me back my ****ing dog and get the **** out of my face, if you know what's good for you.
I'd just tell him give me back my ****ing dog and get the **** out of my face, if you know what's good for you.

I'd remind the mayor that he is a public servant. Furthermore, I'd inform the mayor that he has no right to exercise his political muscle to cover up being a little *****.
A dog can't control what it does. A person can. It sounds like everyone is siding for human over animal as well which says a lot about the mayor. The mayor should be put down, not the dog.

You're probably being facetious as I was, but gassing the mayor over this might be a bit over the top. He's just an egomaniac who probably makes a lot of his decisions based on pride and stubbornness, rather than reason. And the voters will punish him enough either with a recall or his re-election.
I'd just tell him give me back my ****ing dog and get the **** out of my face, if you know what's good for you.

Verbal threats won't work (except to land the guy in jail). If the owners want to save the dog, start campaigns on social networks like reddit and Facebook, maybe get anonymous involved. And make a lot of noise to any media outlets that will listen, which it looks like they're doing. I think this will end with the mayor eventually backing down.
Looks like the dog took a bite out of the mayor's reelection chances too.
Mayor Brown - Biggest *****e Bag of 2013

I'll start making the trophy. It'll be a golden retriever biting his balls off

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