Millar and McNiven on Wolverine

Excellent, another $2.99 returning to my wallet every month once Aaron and Garney are off. Hopefully Garney gets moved to a good book that I'll actually want to read for once.
I like McNiven's art but I'd much rather have him on Iron Man than Wolverine and Amazing Spider-Man.
This actually doesn't sound too bad. The main reason is that it's completely out of continuity. :up:
Or, alternatively, it means you can skip it and feel even better knowing you're not missing anything important. :up:
So Aaron and Garney are coming right back after right? Right?
Who knows? Maybe Aaron will love working on Wolverine and Ghost Rider and decide to stick around.
I suppose it's possible, although I don't see it happening.
Me, either. But you've gotta be optimistic every once in a while or you'll wind up sinking into despair and falling victim to the Doldrums.

Can't see it. But I didn't mean to say that Aaron won't have fun working on GR or Wolverine. I'm sure he will. I just don't think Marvel will put him on Wolverine on a permanent basis.
If sales are good, maybe. But his run will never beat a Millar/McNiven run.
Few things will. Maybe a Bendis/Maleev run, but that's about it.
How is the Wolverine comic right now? I dropped it after that stuff about him and Sabretooth belonging to some ancient cat race (or some ****) was revealed. Then Sabretooth gets killed.:cmad::csad: What's happened since?
How is the Wolverine comic right now? I dropped it after that stuff about him and Sabretooth belonging to some ancient cat race (or some ****) was revealed. Then Sabretooth gets killed.:cmad::csad: What's happened since?
Wolverine fought the angel of death or some ****.
It's written well, but the story is stupid. At least his healing factor is back down to normal.
It's written well, but the story is stupid. At least his healing factor is back down to normal.


But I'm not sure I get you... Written well, but is still stupid? Or do you mean the art?

But I'm not sure I get you... Written well, but is still stupid? Or do you mean the art?

The premise was lame, but the characterization and everything was good. Also, he did die, but then Doc Strange brought his soul back to his body (which contradicts his characterization and rationale during OMD completely :up:).

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