Millar and McNiven on Wolverine

I'm a little confused with all of this. I have Wolverine The End and that has him as a right old guy as well. So is both this new one coming out and Wolverine The End just alternate realities or is one more prone to existing than the other?
I'll actually buy this. As long as it's an alternate future type thing I think this could be enjoyable in the same vein as a what if.

Weird point of this: Wolverine looks like a smaller Marv from Sin City.

Best point of this: Wolverine with a hair cut. (why has this never been done? and don't tell me that @ucking clown hair is in any way cool.)
Really? I must have missed that.

What I really like is how they use him for secret agent stuff. Like a midget with that hair cut that's loud, obnoxious and smokes giant cigars and would set off any metal detector on the planet could blend into a crowd. If he was infultrating the circus that might work but if not I just never got Fury using him so often.
Anubis needs to step up now that PJ is banned.
Really? I must have missed that.

What I really like is how they use him for secret agent stuff. Like a midget with that hair cut that's loud, obnoxious and smokes giant cigars and would set off any metal detector on the planet could blend into a crowd. If he was infultrating the circus that might work but if not I just never got Fury using him so often.
I imagine a guy dressed in red, white, and blue with a giant shield would have a hard time sneaking around too, but that doesn't stop Fury from using Captain America. It's just part of the suspension of disbelief.
I thought cap either went in civies and an alias, or went as cap in the full role to distract and misdirect Fury's enemies. Then again the best man Fury can send on these missions, the one guy I truely trust to get the job done, sleep with the chick, kill the bad guy and come back home the hero: Nick Fury.

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