Most Overreated Actor/Actress of all time

How many times has one of these threads been started?

Come on people let's use the search button.
Cyrusbales said:
Just because my opinion isn't yours, doesn't mean it's less worthwhile, I just think about things more, rather than just going with the flow without cognitive thought.

No you don't think about things more you simply give the opinion that is furthest from the common voice to sound more artistic or whatever your gimmick is
C.F. Kane said:
I think the most overrated actors are everyday people.

Hear me out.

One of the biggest problems with actors and the acting art today is that anyone thinks that they're an expert at the craft. From the first steps onstage in a Christmas pageant there's some soccer mom who's never heard of Hagen or Strasberg advising her kids to put emphasis on nice sounding words. And it continues, right up to the professional level, with people like us criticizing what we consider to be "bad" acting, "playing the same character over and over", "working on emotion rather than text", and on and on. None of us, save for those who've had professional acting experience, have any authority to judge what constitutes and good or bad acting habit; and for any of us to even attempt to be the be-all and end-all critics of professionals, it signifies the further decay of the art of acting.

It's disrespectful to the art and the artists.
I can see what point you're trying to make, but that's like saying I don't have the authority to say that a dish of food tastes bad because I haven't undergone the training to become a chef. Or that because I've never sat down and written a novel and went through all the rigors to get it published that I can't say a book I've read is bad.

Actors perform for an audience, whether it's on a stage live or filmed for an audience to watch in a movie theater. Obviously they have their own love for the craft and they don't always pick projects with a "mass market audience" in mind, but at the end of the day they want to do work that people like...they want the audience watching their performance to enjoy their work. And if I'm a member of that audience, then I do have some authority to judge if a performance is good or bad. Because their intent was for their performance to entertain me, to speak to me, to affect me as a member of the audience. Of course, movies like all other forms of art are subjective...just because I think a certain actor is bad or good doesn't mean its a universally accepted truth. If it was, there wouldn't be a need for message boards or any other forum of expressing and discussing opinion.

Let's put it another way...if we average joes don't "have the authority to judge what constitutes a good or bad acting habit" then that means we can't praise an actor for his or her performance either, because we have no professional acting experience. Which means that any movie we see can neither be good nor bad because without experience in the industry our opinions mean nothing. And if that were true I doubt an actor would go through all that they do to hone their craft for a meaningless response.
I'm sorry to pop-up but was Jude Law ever mentionned before in the overrated list? If he was, it's good to remind you.
Elizabeth Taylor. I've watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Suddenly Last Summer, BUtterfield 8 and Cleopatra and I'm still not impressed:o

Cyrusbales said:
marlon brando

His style is derived from his lack of ability to remember lines, he squints and stares because he's looking at a cue card, so basically all he does is read
Obviously you haven't watched A Streetcar Named Desire.
hunter rider said:
No you don't think about things more you simply give the opinion that is furthest from the common voice to sound more artistic or whatever your gimmick is

no, it's my genuine opinion, I can't understand why that's so hard for people to grasp. My opinions are quite widely held and are 'popular' among the circles I travel and work in, so really, I'm not trying to be 'gimmicky', just because someone holds a different opinion to you, they have to be trying to do something or be gimmicky? That sounds a lil silly to me personally:whatever:
Cyrusbales said:
no, it's my genuine opinion, I can't understand why that's so hard for people to grasp. My opinions are quite widely held and are 'popular' among the circles I travel and work in, so really, I'm not trying to be 'gimmicky', just because someone holds a different opinion to you, they have to be trying to do something or be gimmicky? That sounds a lil silly to me personally:whatever:

Actually you don't have an opinion you have a condescending air that your views are superior to everyone elses and the minority circles you run in as you put it are probably running the same "let's look smart by hating on popular opinion" gimmick
Cinemaman said:
Nicolas Cage? That's guy is new Robert DeNiro, he is born to be amazing actor.

Just watch such movies with him as:
Rumble Fish
Racing with the Moon
Peggy Sue Got Married
Wild at Heart
Honeymoon in Vegas
Leaving Las Vegas
City of Angels
Snake Eyes
Bringing Out the Dead
Matchstick Men
Lord of War
yeah and in all of those movies he always plays the same guy. The not funny confidant akward guy, who thinks he is funny. He has a very limited range. I'm so sad that he finally ended up with a comicbook movie. he is going to run ghost rider into the ground. Shoot me
hunter rider said:
Actually you don't have an opinion you have a condescending air that your views are superior to everyone elses and the minority circles you run in as you put it are probably running the same "let's look smart by hating on popular opinion" gimmick

I've only stated my opinion, not actually attacked other people's opinions and themselves. ANd my limited circles aren't exactly that limited, I spend vast amounts of time travelling across the UK and some of europe for festivals etc. Where is the gimmick? Why exactly would I even try to be gimmicky online or in life for that matter? It's just weird!

Things/people I like with popular recognition: Kar Wai Won, Terry Gilliam, hithcock, kubrick, almodovar, classic john huston, johnny depp, robert downey junior etc.

So these points would contradict me being gimmicky, so I really have no idea what you are getting at here.
Cyrusbales said:
I've only stated my opinion, not actually attacked other people's opinions and themselves. ANd my limited circles aren't exactly that limited, I spend vast amounts of time travelling across the UK and some of europe for festivals etc. Where is the gimmick? Why exactly would I even try to be gimmicky online or in life for that matter? It's just weird!

Things/people I like with popular recognition: Kar Wai Won, Terry Gilliam, hithcock, kubrick, almodovar, classic john huston, johnny depp, robert downey junior etc.

So these points would contradict me being gimmicky, so I really have no idea what you are getting at here.
Ok let me lay it out for you

Since you got here you have trashed most popular opinions and appear to like indie,old and foreign films only while constantly belittling other forms of cinema and making some orgasmic comments about actors/directors that 90% of ppl most probably would find completely unentertaining and you do it in a way that is in condescending fashion

Now couple that with your anti-everything held as classic and add in a dash of cliche' movie snob and i came to the conclusion that you were either running a gimmick to get a rise out of posters or you are very poor at giving your view without coming across like a condescending elitist snob
hunter rider said:
Ok let me lay it out for you

Since you got here you have trashed most popular opinions and appear to like indie,old and foreign films only while constantly belittling other forms of cinema and making some orgasmic comments about actors/directors that 90% of ppl most probably would find completely unentertaining and you do it in a way that is in condescending fashion

Now couple that with your anti-everything held as classic and add in a dash of cliche' movie snob and i came to the conclusion that you were either running a gimmick to get a rise out of posters or you are very poor at giving your view without coming across like a condescending elitist snob

I've found that a lot of people are very close minded when it comes to anything other than american mainstream, which disheartens me greatly. So I do try to broaden people's horizons, but using my genuine opinion! If we were talking about sci-fi, there would be lots of films that spring to mind, that many people would have heard of, star wars, blade runner, 2001 etc. Whilst i do try to encourage others to watch a wider range of cinema, I am just expressing my opinion passionately, as this is something that i feel very strongly about.
Cyrusbales said:
I've found that a lot of people are very close minded when it comes to anything other than american mainstream, which disheartens me greatly. So I do try to broaden people's horizons, but using my genuine opinion! If we were talking about sci-fi, there would be lots of films that spring to mind, that many people would have heard of, star wars, blade runner, 2001 etc. Whilst i do try to encourage others to watch a wider range of cinema, I am just expressing my opinion passionately, as this is something that i feel very strongly about.

That may be so and i have tried a lot of cinema and i know what i like and i don't need anyone trying to tell me what is and isn't good,i'll make the decision myself
Your passion and interest in getting other types of cinema out there is fine but you have to remember that the reason a lot of that stuff is niche' is because for regular folks who watch movies purely as entertainment and to relax after work etc they are always gonna prefer the latest frat pack comedy or Statham actioner over some obscure/abstract indie flick

Getting the films out there is admirable but i'd suggest a more subtle track if i was you as the way you are presenting it is only gonna put ppl's backs up and that is advice from someone who has seen all types on here
hunter rider said:
That may be so and i have tried a lot of cinema and i know what i like and i don't need anyone trying to tell me what is and isn't good,i'll make the decision myself
Your passion and interest in getting other types of cinema out there is fine but you have to remember that the reason a lot of that stuff is niche' is because for regular folks who watch movies purely as entertainment and to relax after work etc they are always gonna prefer the latest frat pack comedy or Statham actioner over some obscure/abstract indie flick

Getting the films out there is admirable but i'd suggest a more subtle track if i was you as the way you are presenting it is only gonna put ppl's backs up and that is advice from someone who has seen all types on here

their loss:oldrazz:

there are some great films that blend action and art for 'lower pleasure' entertainment, and higher pleasure art, ie: A bittersweet life, oldboy etc.
Cyrusbales said:
their loss:oldrazz:

there are some great films that blend action and art for 'lower pleasure' entertainment, and higher pleasure art, ie: A bittersweet life, oldboy etc.

There you go again,That wasn't my point at all.nevermind
hunter rider said:
There you go again,That wasn't my point at all.nevermind

I know, i was trying to be funny and wind you up a little, lol:cwink:

you luv it really
Cyrusbales said:
I know, i was trying to be funny and wind you up a little, lol:cwink:

you luv it really

See im unwinduppable,that's my gimmick:cwink:

Now go take a look at the Mountains of Madness thread:cmad::ninja:
yeah and in all of those movies he always plays the same guy. The not funny confidant akward guy, who thinks he is funny. He has a very limited range. I'm so sad that he finally ended up with a comicbook movie. he is going to run ghost rider into the ground. Shoot me


In Racing With the Moon he played a unserious hooligan, who always gets into trouble.

In Wild At Heart he was a cool self-confident guy named Sailor, who's in love with his girlfriend.

In Honeymoon in Vegas he played Jack Singer - detective for hire (as I remember), who loses his wife after another poker game in Vegas during their Honeymoon.

In Leaving Las-Vegs he played role of ex-screenwriter becoming a real alcoholic to begin the process of killing himself, so the only his friend (except green snake) is prostitute Sera. BTW, Cage got his Oscar Award for this role.

That's only example of his first movies. So if you still don't think that I am right, I will continue explaining his other roles to prove my point.
Nicolas cage hasn't done anything to deserve huge acclaim, however, lately he's been swaying towards much more interesting roles, like lord of war and GR.

Most people don't really rate him that much, so I don't think he's overrated. I'm not really a fan, but I don't think he's terrible, although he's taken a few not so hot roles. As he's maturing, I think people will now begin to see him in a better light, especially now he's got a more interesting out look to his choices of role.

In Racing With the Moon he played a unserious hooligan, who always gets into trouble.

In Wild At Heart he was a cool self-confident guy named Sailor, who's in love with his girlfriend.

In Honeymoon in Vegas he played Jack Singer - detective for hire (as I remember), who loses his wife after another poker game in Vegas during their Honeymoon.

In Leaving Las-Vegs he played role of ex-screenwriter becoming a real alcoholic to begin the process of killing himself, so the only his friend (except green snake) is prostitute Sera. BTW, Cage got his Oscar Award for this role.

That's only example of his first movies. So if you still don't think that I am right, I will continue explaining his other roles to prove my point.
pal at this point I will say just about anything to get you to stop talking about nicholas cage. Lets just agree to disagree alright. I really don't like him. You obviously do. Since neither of us will budge lets just let it go.

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