Have any of you seen the new Adam Sandler movie, Click? If you haven't, it's about a guy who gets a super-powered remote control with which he can speed up or rewind his life. Sounds like a wild idea, huh?
Well, what you probably don't know is that in the 90's there was a TV series called "Weird Science" which was based off the 80's movie of the same name, and in one of the episodes, one of the two main characters gets a remote that can speed up time, reverse it, etc. He originally finds its a great way to skip by the boring parts in life and finds other ways to use it to his advantage, but eventually he realizes he missed to much and has to fix thing... JUST like in the new Sandler film. So basically, in Hollywood, its only plagerism if the idea your stealing is still fresh in everyone's memory.
The film "Cars" may also be a good example of this, because it features a plot very similar to an early 90's Michael J. Fox film, "Doc Hollywood." The plot outline is virtually the same... Big city hotshot gets into a car accident in a hicktown in the middle of nowhere, gets sentenced to do community service by the judge, falls for the hometown girl, learns some lessons on life, etc. Just replace Marty McFly with a racecar and there's your movie.
Have you noticed any blantant ripping off in any recent movies?
Well, what you probably don't know is that in the 90's there was a TV series called "Weird Science" which was based off the 80's movie of the same name, and in one of the episodes, one of the two main characters gets a remote that can speed up time, reverse it, etc. He originally finds its a great way to skip by the boring parts in life and finds other ways to use it to his advantage, but eventually he realizes he missed to much and has to fix thing... JUST like in the new Sandler film. So basically, in Hollywood, its only plagerism if the idea your stealing is still fresh in everyone's memory.
The film "Cars" may also be a good example of this, because it features a plot very similar to an early 90's Michael J. Fox film, "Doc Hollywood." The plot outline is virtually the same... Big city hotshot gets into a car accident in a hicktown in the middle of nowhere, gets sentenced to do community service by the judge, falls for the hometown girl, learns some lessons on life, etc. Just replace Marty McFly with a racecar and there's your movie.
Have you noticed any blantant ripping off in any recent movies?