New Joe Fridays: Nick Lowe Edition

He pours his heart out to you and all you can say is "Eh"? Ungrateful is what is say.:cwink:

Decent interview but depending on how MC goes I may (not) be reading the X-books. I wish Newsarama had asked point blank "What the heck is up with AXM continuity" but Marvel has no reason to answer that question. They've got really good reasons not to.

Well Darth it was your stalwart defense of X-factor that put it next on my list... So do "eh" too hard. I *finally* got around to Avengers the Initiative, so now it is time for X-Factor. I may as well since I plan to read all the MC books. I definitely wasn't going to do it for Endangered Species (lol wut) but I am interested in Messiah Complex.
Are we supposed to know this Joaquin Murrieta?
Joaquin Murrieta is Rictor's real name? Or just an alias for going undercover? What the hell is Rictor's real name? I always thought it was just coincidentally "Rictor Jones" or something.

Those preview pages are cool, but the coloring's icky. It's too glossy and it overpowers Eaton's magnificent pencils.
It's an alias. Rictor's real name is Julio Esteban Richter.
Ha, I was right, he does have one of those way-too-coincidental names. Thanks. :)
Those preview pages are cool, but the coloring's icky. It's too glossy and it overpowers Eaton's magnificent pencils.

That's D'Armata for you. The only time I like his coloring is when it's overtop of Epting's or Perkins' art.

Ha, I was right, he does have one of those way-too-coincidental names. Thanks. :)

When Sam and Bobby infiltrated Graydon Creed's campaign, they went by Samson Guthry and Drake Roberts. :dry:
Graydon Creed. They should bring him back.
Eh, he's pretty interchangeable with any mutant-hating zealot. No need to go to the trouble of undoing his death somehow.
I for the life of me have not been able to get to Newsarama for the last month. It keeps saying it can't display webpage.

It really sucks because I used to go thier every day.
Graydon Creed. They should bring him back.

Eh, he's pretty interchangeable with any mutant-hating zealot. No need to go to the trouble of undoing his death somehow.

Graydon Creed was a cool character and his campaign storyline was one of the highlights in Lobdell's run, in my opinion. I remember him discovering Bobby's identity and letting him know by directing him to his father's mangled body. That said, he should stay dead.
Yeah, he had a good story and served his purpose well. But there's no need to resurrect him and use him to revisit the "anti-mutant organization tries to kill mutants through politics" plot, since any number of other characters could easily fill that role if they wanted to do that. Retcons should be used if a character is really, truly indispensible or a fan-favorite. Retconning Graydon's death would just be retconning for retcon's sake, and we've had more than enough of that lately.

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