Next Trailer won't be revealed until Spiderman 3

was is it ever confirmed that 300 would a trailer?

remember, fox debuted the x3 trailers during tv shows before being shown in theaters. this could be a similar tactic. expect ff2's marketing to mimic that of the xmen sequels.
Yes, it was said by Fox it would be with 300, and then retracted...
hmmm. that is odd. fx might be taking a while though you wouldnt know it from the tv spot.
You know what they should do?

They should put the trailer with the season premire of the Shield. Chiklis's show. It comes back on the start of April.

They debuted a final trailer with the shields season finale in 2005 i remember. So i think this could work here. Remind all the shield and Chiklis fans a new FF movie is coming out.

What does anyone think of this idea?
Well, it seems obvious that a trailer will be attached to Spider-Man 3. They're both Marvel movies.

However, that doesn't mean a trailer (even the same one) won't come out before SM3. It's not like attaching a trailer to a movie makes it an exclusive.

The fact that TV spots featuring new footage are being shown (never mind billboards are popping up here in Los Angeles) leads one to believe that a trailer might be closer than we think.
Well, it seems obvious that a trailer will be attached to Spider-Man 3. They're both Marvel movies.

No they are both Marvel is a Fox movie, one is a Sony movie....there will have to be a deal to attach a Fox movie to a Sony movie....

However, that doesn't mean a trailer (even the same one) won't come out before SM3. It's not like attaching a trailer to a movie makes it an exclusive.
The same trailer is being shown with other movies besides "Night At The Museum"....but I hightly doubt we will have another full trailer either the same or different attached to another movie before Spiderman 3. Maybe some more TV spots...

The fact that TV spots featuring new footage are being shown (never mind billboards are popping up here in Los Angeles) leads one to believe that a trailer might be closer than we think.
Highly doubtful, but it would be a nice surprise.
You know what they should do?

They should put the trailer with the season premire of the Shield. Chiklis's show. It comes back on the start of April.

They debuted a final trailer with the shields season finale in 2005 i remember. So i think this could work here. Remind all the shield and Chiklis fans a new FF movie is coming out.

What does anyone think of this idea?

The Shield is not necessarily the demographic they are looking for, so I don't see them premiering the trailer with it....but they could certainly throw some TV spots in there.....

It would be better premiered with something like "American Idol" or something....wider demographic....AND larger number of people watching....
Doesn't seem so bad to me. We got a good TV Spot, 2 infact, but the difference is almost non exsistent. IMO It's not god-awful. They didn't say anything not releasing some official pictures. We could still get some of those no?
I don't think this is such a bad move considering Spider-Man 3 is going to open big and make about a gazillions dollars. We comic book fans tend to have tunnel vision and forget about the other 95 percent of the movie going public has a short memory. If they hit hard and fast with a new trailer close to the release date, they will remember it.

I agree, theres an OVERWHELMING AMOUNT of spidey fans...this is probably the worse move a huge budget superhero film has done in a good while.:csad:

I am highly disspointed, I am overwhelmed, I beside myself.
That's cause it's not done yet. I sent a message to Tim on myspace and he just responded in the last 30 minutes. I specifically asked if DOOM would be in the final trailer. I'm sure he knows but he wouldn't tell me either way however he did say he's still working on the trailers and they are not done yet. Maybe waiting for post production to catch up on the scenes he wants to put in the trailer, maybe tweaking f/x more, etc...I'm sure they're trying to get all the TV spots done now too.

Just a litte info. So we still don't know if Doom is gonna be in the next trailer but I imagine if he's in any big action sequences (and we know he is) that we would see him in some form or another. LOL
I find it amazing that not one photo of Julian in the final costume, flying around on the Surfer's board, hasn't leaked out by now...
It's not like someone on the set could snap a photo of that on the outdoor sets. LOL That was all done in the studio w/FX being added now. I am surprised we haven't seen anything of DOOM yet.
I realize Doom will be added to the shots later but you know what I mean... we saw a behind the scenes photo of Doug Jones in the studio. That kind of thing.
I realize Doom will be added to the shots later but you know what I mean... we saw a behind the scenes photo of Doug Jones in the studio. That kind of thing.
I hope we don't see a pic of Doom, just something else to look forward to.....I love the fact that they've kept the lid on this so well....
It is nice, especially after listening to this audio interview with McMahon where he said he went to LA to shoot Nip/Tuck for 3 days and then fly to Vancouver for 4 days to shoot F4 ROTSS, to know that Doom does seem to have quite a bit of a role in this film. There is no reason this film shouldn't be a 2 hour film. With that said, I like how Doom has been kept a secret and that we can explode on to the big screen during Spiderman 3 with his new and improved look...and I want to see some great scenes with Doom in that final trailer....this final trailer better be the trailer to end all trailers for as long as they have kept us waiting :) lol
Is Doom in the final trailer?????
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and would like to be a part of this community by discussing upcoming comic based movies.

I am not a big fan of fantastic four but i remember watching the movie at my friends house and i enjoyed it.

I came to know that there is a sequel coming to Fantastic four this year on june 15th 2007 which is also the date of my birthday. :yay:

Since i liked the first movie, I am looking forward to the next chapter of this franchise.

I cannot wait till june 15th when me and my freinds will go to watch this movie.
I asked albafan but I'm not gonna ask again until maybe mid to late april...unless he or someone else finds out or annouces it.
I asked albafan but I'm not gonna ask again until maybe mid to late april...unless he or someone else finds out or annouces it.

Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see......I like not

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