
Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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Release Date: TBA 2007
Studio: Columbia Pictures

Director: Lee Tamahori
Gary Goldman
Starring: Nicholas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel
Genre: Action, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Plot Summary: In this adaptation of Philip K. Dick's 'The Golden Man', Nicholas Cage plays a man who can see into the future and change it any way that he wants. As he tries to avoid capture by a government organization, he must win the love of a woman (Julianne Moore) who he learns will be the mother of his child.

Jessica Biel Finds Her Next Project

Source: The Hollywood Reporter
February 23, 2006

Jessica Biel has signed on to co-star in Lee Tamahori's sci-fi thriller Next, joining topliners Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore, says The Hollywood Reporter.

The Revolution Studios project is based on Philip K. Dick's short story "The Golden Man."

Written by Gary Goldman (Total Recall), the story centers on a man (Cage) with the unique ability to see future events and affect their outcome. Pursued by the FBI, which is seeking to use his abilities to prevent a global terrorist attack, he ultimately must decide whether to save himself or the world.

Biel will play Liz, the love interest of Cage's character, whom he must attempt to save from terrorists.

Revolution has set a late March start date for the film.

More phillip k dick?

jesus..Ive had enough of his world.

directed by the dude who did Die Another Day and XXX2..... thanks. i'll prolly rent it for Jessica Biel though...hehe
ooooh written by the guy who did Total Recall thats interesting but itll probably be mediocre

Next Set Visit!
Source: Heather Newgen
August 31, 2006

Being assigned a set visit can be both good and bad. It's fun traveling and getting to interview the talent you're really excited about and that you really admire. It's also nice for me to get out of Los Angeles every now and then. However, it's always a really long day, it takes forever to set up a shot and then you have to watch the same scene over and over. If the scene is at night, it's even worse because you have to stand outside in the cold while this is taking place.

If it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not. I love my job and set visits are almost always more fun and cool than not. This was especially true of the visit to the set of Columbia Pictures and Revolution Studios' new sci-fi action-thriller, Next, starring Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore and Jessica Biel.

Next was filmed in San Pedro, California and I was only on set for about five minutes before I found myself in the middle of a shootout between FBI agents and terrorists. It was the most frightening, but exhilarating set visit moment I've had yet. I was typing away on my Blackberry standing on the port in front of huge cargo containers and not really paying attention, since I had just gotten there. The publicist for the movie told me I was missing the helicopters, so I moved to the center of the port and saw two helicopters lower from the air. They got very close to the ground and we watched as guys wearing all black were hanging out of the sides shooting guns.

The next thing I know, guys on the ground were running towards me and away from the choppers also firing their guns. I had no idea what was happening. I almost wanted to duck even though I knew they were only blanks, but it was just instinct. I was standing there with three other reporters covering our ears because the shots were so deafening. We couldn't believe what was taking place. The scene was only a couple of minutes, but it seemed so much longer because it completely took us by surprise.

When it was over, I looked down at the ground and there were shell casings everywhere around us. It looked as though we were their direct targets. We all laughed and had to admit that while it was alarming and scary at first, it was the coolest thing we had ever experienced on a set.

"That is a scene where Nic has helped the FBI locate terrorists and they are attacking to try to head off a plot to blow up Los Angeles," producer Todd Garner explained.

The film is based on Phillip K. Dick's short story "The Golden Man." Cage plays Chris Johnson, who has the unique ability to see future events and affect their outcome. The FBI learns of his abilities and they want to utilize his power to help prevent a global terrorist threat - European terrorists have stolen a Russian bomb and have threatened to blow up the ports of the city.

Johnson is reluctant to help the FBI for reasons that couldn't be revealed to us or the plot would be given away. However, we were told that after the terrorists have captured Johnson's girlfriend Liz (Biel), he is forced to work with the FBI to help get her back. Johnson is ultimately faced with the daunting choice of saving the world or the woman he loves.

In a second scene we watched the production film, head FBI agent Callie Ferris (Moore) joined Johnson as he lead them to the terrorists who have Liz. There was another shootout between the two sides, but this time Biel, wearing a purple shirt, jeans with fake blood on her face and clothes, was dragged across the port and onto a ship in the middle of the gunfire.

Ferris and Johnson were not far behind and they were determined to get her back.

Lee Tamahori (Die Another Day, Along Came a Spider) is directing the film, hitting theaters on September 28, 2007. Stay tuned for more interviews from the set!

nah I'm kidding, it could be ok I suspec the director might do such an outstanding job but it will be consolitary enough....
First Images



My biggest concerns are the director and the dumping ground release date
Cage looks pretty good and plot also sounds intersting.

But the only my problem is Lee Tamahori, he isn't so good director.
Cage looks very differnet since he dropped all that weight for ghost rider.

I thought Moore would be playing Cage's girl not Biel,the cradle snatcher :p
It sounds promising but i keep thinking back to XXX2 and wondering why it is being released in September instead of the summer :(
Holy crap that was AWESOME! I know, I know it's the Die Another Day and XXX 2 guy... but, this still could be good. Has there been a bad Philip K. Dick movie?? Never!
Yeah, seems really cool- the writers are great as well which really shows promise. Jonathon H did Die Hard and Punisher, while the other writer wrote Total Recall!!! Really seems promising.

Only complaint, they need to continue work on the CGI effects- but, that's typical for most films in the difference between trailer and final product. So, that's probably being worked on and finalized as I type.

Overall looks really cool and Cage looks, well, different-
Yeah, seems really cool- the writers are great as well which really shows promise. Jonathon H did Die Hard and Punisher, while the other writer wrote Total Recall!!! Really seems promising.

Only complaint, they need to continue work on the CGI effects- but, that's typical for most films in the difference between trailer and final product. So, that's probably being worked on and finalized as I type.

Overall looks really cool and Cage looks, well, different-

That's pretty much how i felt when i watched the trailer,it looks very good and well made but the CGI needs polish in some scenes
Only complaint, they need to continue work on the CGI effects- but, that's typical for most films in the difference between trailer and final product. So, that's probably being worked on and finalized as I type.
Yep, that is usually always the case. They seem cool phsyically (like the logs on the highway, the car over Nic, and the BOAT!!!) but they need a little bit of cleanup, but of course it'll look spectacular by release day.
A few movies coming out soon dealing with seeing the future. This one & Preminition.
Yep, that is usually always the case. They seem cool phsyically (like the logs on the highway, the car over Nic, and the BOAT!!!) but they need a little bit of cleanup, but of course it'll look spectacular by release day.

The worrying thing is the last 3 Tamahori movies have had horrid CGI
Awesome trailer, it reminds me some of other Dick's book adaptations like A Scanner Darkly and Minority Report :up:

It can also turn out as first quality movie with Cage after five or six years of failures.

Everything looks great, except CGI (yeah it truly sucks).
that reminded me of paycheck, with the affleck (which i actually kind of liked)... i might have to check this out.

the cgi looked like complete butt, though. oh well.
I'd call Nicholas Cage's character's power to be a combination of precognition and psychokinesis.

Reminds me a little of the other film called Jumper - the protagonist being a harbour of an ability to teleport, and authorities are involved too, of course.

Leave 'em out of this and let a superpowered man enjoy his picnic! :mad:

Not the 'choosing between ____ and the woman he loves' thing though.

How very tediously sacrificial.
I think this looks cool

Probably won't blow anyones mind, but it should be a solid action movie

Nic Cage needs to cut his hair

Any word when this is coming out? Is this gunna be the movie that fills the gap between Transformers and Harry Potter in July?

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