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Dark of the Moon OFFICIAL Dark of the Moon REVIEW THREAD

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Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Review Thread;

Scott Mantz – Access Hollywood
“The best 3D since Avatar.”

Mike Wilber – NBC
"The best Transformers ever!"
"Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the summer movie to beat!"

Teddy Wilson – Host, InnerSPACE
“Blockbusters don’t get any bigger than this!

Danielle McGimsie – Etalk CTV
“Transformers: Dark of the Moon defies gravity.”

Bill Zwecker – FOX-TV or FOX Chicago News or (FOX-TV Chicago)
“The absolutely best Transformers yet! Bigger, better, best! Terrific storytelling and non-stop action from start to finish! This is the movie event of the summer!”
“This is why we go to 3D films!”

Washington DC/7
Kevin McCarthy – FOX-TV Washington DC or CBS Radio
“Finally, a 3D experience that will blow your mind. Best 3D since Avatar.”

Sandie Newton – CBS Dallas
“Absolutely mind blowing! ?This is what going to the movies is all about!”

Nancy Jay – Daybreak USA (Syndicated Radio)
“Dark of the Moon delivers. It’s bigger, better, badder. This is the one you’ve been waiting for.”

Lisa Fuller-Magee – KTVK Phoenix
“See it in 3D! It’ll transform your summer.”

Jake Hamilton – FOX-TV
“The perfect summer movie. This is what going to the movies is all about. They’ve saved the best for last. You’ll be left in awe.”
“One of the most incredible things your eyes will ever see. You won’t breathe. You won’t blink. You’ll just be blown away.”

Kim Holcomb – KING-TV NBC Seattle
“The best Transformers movie, by far.”
“This is why 3D exists.”

Shireen Sandoval – FOX News, Miami
“Visually stunning.”
“Summer fun at its finest.”

Lee Thomas – FOX 2 Detroit
“Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the most action packed adventure of this summer…crisp transformations. Clean fun.
“They’ve reinvigorated the franchise.”
“The must see summer film.”

San Diego/16
Kelli Gillespie – XETV CW6 – San Diego
“Best Transformers film yet!”
“Action-packed. “
“The most fun you’ll have at the movies this summer.”
“This is what a summer movie is meant to be! Go see Transformers: Dark of the Moon.”

Chris Parente – FOX KDVR 31 or CW 2
“A heart stopping, eye popping masterpiece.”

Rusty Gatenby – ABC TV Minneapolis
“Biggest action movie of the summer? How about biggest action movie EVER!”
“You’ll need the BIG bucket of popcorn for this one!”
“Not just the best Transformers movie, the best summer movie in years!”

Chris Van Vliet – WOIO, Cleveland
“Buckle up for the action thrill ride of the summer!”
“The biggest movie of the summer.”

Las Vegas/26
Rachel Smith – FOX 5, Vegas
“By far the best of the three!”
“The hottest cast of summer”
“2 hours of pure fun”
“The most action packed film of summer”

Kansas City/29
Shawn Edwards – FOX-TV
“The summer blockbuster has been transformed forever!”
"Phenomenal! The most exciting movie of the year. 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' is total awesomeness. It's a bigger and better experience. You'll be blown away."
"This is the 3D experience you have been waiting for! It's amazing. The 3D is like nothing you have ever seen before. You just won't see the movie. You'll actually feel like you are in the movie."
RATING: "* * * *"

as per the SftE Site.

I'm more interested in the rotten reviews, but colour me pleased.
wow, are these reviewers for real? I'm shocked that they all seem overly positive, I wonder what the newspaper and magazine critics will say about this, wonder if those will be as positive. I was going to wait to see this but if it's as good as they people say it is, I might have to go next week.
Haha wow thats a bit of a difference from Transformers 2.
Haha wow thats a bit of a difference from Transformers 2.

it might actually be because of 2...that's fate for you.

my only concern with this is that a lot of these reviews are coming from places I myself am not familiar with. There are a few key players I'm waiting to hear from.

That being said, these this was definitely not the response for ROTF
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Saw this one posted on tfw2005 boards. From a New Zealand news channel. First full review Ive seen besides the aintitcool one.


Michael Bay is the Hollywood director people love to hate for his big dumb action movies. But love him or hate him, Bay knows how to make movies which make money, truckloads of money, movies which appeal to a mass audience who just want to watch stuff blow up.
This he does with relentless intensity in his Transformers movies, and the third one, Dark of the Moon, is his biggest bang yet.
Much to my surprise at the time, I was part of the cheerleading squad for Bay’s first Transformers film; I loved it. I was also among the disappointed masses when Revenge of the Fallen dropped the ball. But despite a drubbing from the critics and many fans, the film still grossed a billion globally, writing Bay’s ticket for more where that came from.
All eyes are now on Dark of the Moon, the first to be delivered in IMAX 3D, increasing its Box Office value even more.
For the uninitiated, the Transformers franchise is based on the bestselling Hasbro toy, and is essentially an ongoing story about good robots and bad robots (transformers) from outer space who are now resident on planet earth and who fight each other, alot.
Humans get mixed up in the fighting too of course, and lots and lots of stuff gets blown up.
To round the movie experience off, and given the Bay target market of teenage boys of all ages, we, of course, require eye candy.
The first two Transformers turned Megan Fox into a pin-up screensaver superstar, until the Bay/Spielberg powerhouse swapped her out in the third for British Victoria’s Secret supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (keep an ear out early on, as Bay takes a swipe at Fox via his scriptwriters).
You may also burst out laughing, as I did, with one of the most memorable objectifications of the female form in recent cinema history, as Bay introduces Carly (Huntington-Whiteley) to Transformers audiences by way of a tracking shot, up stairs, from behind.
So gratuitous to be hilarious, any feminine outrage at a Michael Bay film so obviously a pointless exercise in futility (what was I expecting?).
Let us ponder the premise for a moment. Tying the story together this time around is the idea the moon-landing wasn’t as it appeared, with an Autobot crash-landing on the moon in the 1960’s, leading to the space race.
Fast-forward to now, and our human hero Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) is trying to readjust to real life after saving the planet in the last movie, he’s dumped Mikaela (Megan Fox), and is now in love with Carly (Huntington-Whitely). He’s also job-hunting, that is until a Decepticon take-over is launched (the bad robots) and Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and the rest of our loyal Autobots (the good robots) leap to our defence. All-out war breaks out and Planet Earth could be part of the collateral damage unless Sam and Optimus Prime save the day yet again.
There are a few new characters and transformers, with Bay even managing to call up class acting talents John Malkovich and Frances McDormand for a mini-break from their usual fare. Watch out too for a classic cameo early on.
And that’s about the sum of it. Again, while Bay gives this story more time to breathe, it still suffers from muddiness and silliness, and at two and a half hours this movie was way too long!
As a fan of the first Transformers, neither the last one nor this lives up, but there’s no doubt Dark of the Moon is an improvement. Some of the IMAX 3D action sequences are insanely good fun, making this one of the few movies released lately worth the extra ticket price.
So you get the picture, Transformers does what it says on the tin. It’s big, it’s brash, it’s loud, it’s dumb and it’s mostly entertaining if that’s what you’re up for. Yep, it’s your quintessential Michael Bay movie.
Three and a half stars.
3 News
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Saw this one posted on tfw2005 boards. From a New Zealand news channel. First full review Ive seen besides the aintitcool one.
I have a feeling a lot more of the reviews will be more about their thoughts on bay than the film itself.

Here's HitFix' Drew McWeeny's take.(one of the people I was looking forward too)

'Transformers 3,' especially seen in IMAX 3D, is a ride. The sound mix alone is more exciting than anything in the billion-dollar-bore of 'Pirates 4.' This is gigantic
action we've never seen before, and Bay's reaction to shooting and cutting his
film for 3D is to get better at what he does. It raised his game, and as a
result, I feel like we just saw a dare thrown down by one of Hollywood's biggest
action specialists: 'Top this.' There's a solid hour-long action sequence in
Chicago that uses everything Bay's ever done before, but all blended into one
exhausting push to save one girl in the midst of a war involving two planets.
It's the personal story on an apocalyptic scale that Bay loves to try to tell,
and that other guys like Emmerich and Cameron and even Spielberg love to do.
And this is the best version of it that Bay's made so far.

He nailed it. If he never does it again, he can drop the mic on the stage and walk away like Eminem at the rap battle in "8 Mile."

Or some of it anyways. I look forward to reading the rest.
**** yeah, now that sounds more like it. I trust Drews opinion, he knows this genre alot better then others.
Looks like Bay redeemed himself Big time from ROTF (Which I remind you wasn't a box office failure , it still made a massive killing at the box office despite the movie critics rants .) But I think Bay wanted to leave on a high note by delivering a huge bang to his final run on this franchise and if the rumours are true of Spielberg directing the next three films then this franchise will continue to thrive on success .
I'm excited to see this. I loved the first one. Revenge of the Fallen entertained me, but was just terrible as a movie. I'm just a sucker for action movies, and special effects. Say what you will, the series may have ***** stories, but the special effects are outstanding and impressive. I mean, the first Transformers that came out in what, 2007? The visuals still look overly passable. But yeah, I can't wait.
the IMDB is 73percentile at the moment, with a lot of positive reviews and one "really low" that reads like this

Megan Fox Should Be In It. Period., 24 June 2011
Author: bagsamongothers from United States

I like the 1st Transformers. It was a decent film. I guess since it's the first in the franchise, I was super excited and anticipating the outcome. The 2nd Transformers was just pure action and not much depth and plot. I did like it 'coz Megan Fox was there and she's just so easy on the eyes. As for the 3rd, I have to say plot wise, special effects wise and acting wise ... I'VE SEEN IT THE PREVIOUS TRANSFORMERS FILMS. What I didn't see though was the beautiful Megan Fox which made me miss her character a lot. I didn't feel the connection between Rosie and Shia. Face-wise, I prefer Megan over Rosie. The plot wasn't great. The effects were THE SAME. I didn't feel any attachment to any of the characters. It was mediocre. Michael Bay made another Transformers film with no difference from the first two except for the absence of a hot eye candy that is, Megan Fox. I say, skip it and just wait for it to come out on Blu-Ray. Trust me. You've seen it all before.

gotta love TF fans lol
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LOL that negative review sounds like someone who didn't even see the movie and only watched the trailers. Why was there no mention of the 3D?
Hahahahaha you can't even take that review seriously. I'm not to discredit reviews just because they say bad things about a movie I like but wow that review isn't a review, the dude has never seen it. Plain and simple.
I saw Transformers 3 last Thursday (two days ago) at a press screening. Unfortunately there is a critical embargo until 27 June (with an official paper signed before entering the cinema).

So I can not say anything except: :wow:

And give some tweets (translated from French):

- Keyword: "Blak Hawk Down"
- Embargo so we do not detail, but 2:37 not make us want to puke, thank you 3D: Michael Bay has learned to make long shots.

I can't wait to see it again in IMAX 3D. It must be totally crazy.
Damn it I can't stand seeing all this ooo this movie is great crap its making me very jealous. I want to see it now.
Predicting at least a 70% tomatometer. Everything I've seen so far points to this being a legitimately good action flick.
Predicting at least a 70% tomatometer. Everything I've seen so far points to this being a legitimately good action flick.

that much was evident the minute they said it would be, promised and then backed it up month after month with nothing but impressive choices and positive feedback/buzz.

I have a feeling it won't be till july 16 that the healthy skepticism finally stops or rather will be called out for what it actually is.

-bays been doing long shots since the 90's
he just likes to pick his spots.

Looking forward to the tweets.
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WOW! Even though these are only local news channels, I'm still happy to see it's being perceived well. I really am interested to see what the critics say who hated TF2 in 2009.
4.5 outta 5 for movie web
Some quotes.
what this movie contains is the most spectacular action sequences known to film, remember the first time you watched and indulged in the action sequences of Die Hard or Terminator 2, embrace to relieve that mind-blowin feeling again that leaves your jaw scraping the floor.

Overall Transformers 3 is as fine and beautiful as a spectacle as it comes and it sets down and destroys the majority of the Summer blockbusters setting the limits down and making it near impossible for any other film to step in the ring with it. Its laid the foundation and expectation of Summer 2011, and its a fine spectacle to the conclusion to Michael Bay's trilogy leaving confusion of what Spielberg can do with the fourth... But in final regards and as I bid farewell to this review, I leave you with this final note to gain the full pleasure and experience of Transformers: Dark Side Of The Moon....THIS IS NOT A CINEMA OR THEATRE MOVIE....ITS AN IMAX 3D MOVIE

Seriously I cant wait for this flick!
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Haha you know Scott is pumped for this **** too. Well **** it, Im seeing the 3D 9pm. Hope this film changes my views on 3D films. Gotta watch out for these fan reviews starting to show up, they are not to cautious on hiding the spoilers. Why must I read. :wall:
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I like what movie web said about T2.
that films action wasn't insane based on premise alone, it was dope because of context, setup and tension.

It's highway scene for example.
I hope that's what he's getting at with his comparison.
I wouldn't go by any of those top reviews. Those are the kind of outlets that get put in commercials where the quotes are as big as can be with the source small as can be, and that means the movie isn't good.

I'm not dismissing this yet, I just wouldn't go by those reviews.
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