Official "Kevin Smith is a Moron" Thread

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Dec 28, 2004
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Yeah, here it is.

I can't stand Kevin Smith.

- He talks about comic books like he's an "industry insider", yet he hasn't made a comic book movie.

- He's a terrible actor (Die Hard 4.0, and anything else).

- He's a HORRIBLE director. Who gives a crap about anything he's made?

- He's immature, useless, not funny, not talented, and it's a real wonder why he's still in the business.

- He has opinions that are usually idiotic, like claiming that someone as prestigious as Tim Burton would steal something of his from a stupid comic strip. (Yes, he was joking, but the tubby won't let it go).

- He sticks his nose in everything that's cool and craps all over it. He appears on a Die Hard 4.0 documentary and acts as if he has something to do with the franchise, even though he spent literally 3 minutes in the fourth movie.

- He's the Uwe Boll of Comedies.

- People seem to love him, and I strongly believe that they don't understand what talent is.

That is all.
I don't really follow his movies, but it really annoys me that he started out as a comic book writer and yet his movies have all been dumb crap like comedies and stuff. If I was exiting the comic medium and entering film, you'd better believe I'd be doing as much cool action and sci-fi stuff as I could get my hands on. Kevin Smith acts like he's kind of the geeks even though he hasn't done anything geek-worthy in years.
You really think so... Do you meow.
I don't really follow his movies, but it really annoys me that he started out as a comic book writer and yet his movies have all been dumb crap like comedies and stuff. If I was exiting the comic medium and entering film, you'd better believe I'd be doing as much cool action and sci-fi stuff as I could get my hands on. Kevin Smith acts like he's kind of the geeks even though he hasn't done anything geek-worthy in years.

Uh, he was a filmmaker first, genius.
No. Apparently not. I thought he was an experimental crossbreed between Chris Farley and the magical spinach monster. :(
I like his movies, but that man must have the world's biggest inferiority complex. He will say anything to pander to his little geek kingdom as he is so desperate to be liked.
I don't like any of his films, but I could listen to him all day. He's smart, funny and his comments on Supeman Returns are some of the funniest things I've ever heard. Smith as a filmmaker, I could care less, but as a man with something to say, he's brilliant.
I mean honestly... what has he done? What has he done that is special?
What has he done that has changed the industry? All he does is just stick his nose all over Hollywood and he claims that he's really important, when the bottom line is: He's terribly insignificant. He claims that people steal his stuff, when his stuff isn't even worth stealing (because let's be honest, anyone can write a vagina, dick, and fart joke).

That's the best word that kind of sums him up: Insignificant. He will be forgotten. I think he's mostly popular because college kids think that what he does is "art", when really it's just crap. Anyone can do what he does, he writes college humor for a college crowd, and he's not even in college. He's a middle-aged fat man who found an audience through immaturity, and now people think he's some kind of a genius. His towering achievement is "Jay and Silent Bob", two low-lifes who are shockingly less intersting than him. He really needs to go away, because when I try really hard to ignore him, he just pops up out of nowhere.
I mean honestly... what has he done? What has he done that is special?
What has he done that has changed the industry?

He made Clerks on a shoe strong budget of maxed out credit cards. He showed the entire industry that it could be done. You may not like the finished product, but you asked what he did.
I mean honestly... what has he done? What has he done that is special?

Apparently crawled deep inside your bum so that you can't stop telling us all just how mad you are at him :dry: I mean, seriously, did the guy sleep with your mother or something?
Unless this thread is supposed to be a practical joke... :down :huh:
Yeah, here it is.

I can't stand Kevin Smith.

- He talks about comic books like he's an "industry insider", yet he hasn't made a comic book movie.

- He's a terrible actor (Die Hard 4.0, and anything else).

- He's a HORRIBLE director. Who gives a crap about anything he's made?

- He's immature, useless, not funny, not talented, and it's a real wonder why he's still in the business.

- He has opinions that are usually idiotic, like claiming that someone as prestigious as Tim Burton would steal something of his from a stupid comic strip. (Yes, he was joking, but the tubby won't let it go).

- He sticks his nose in everything that's cool and craps all over it. He appears on a Die Hard 4.0 documentary and acts as if he has something to do with the franchise, even though he spent literally 3 minutes in the fourth movie.

- He's the Uwe Boll of Comedies.

- People seem to love him, and I strongly believe that they don't understand what talent is.

That is all.
Okay, if you're going to make a debate: get your facts straight.
Well Smith admits himself his too lazy to make a comic book movie. The weinsteins give him money any time feels like making a movie anyway so he probabley doesn't care anyway.
The original poster is going way overboard with the Smith hate, but Smith is indeed very, very overrated by a certain element of film fans.

I liked his first couple movies back in the 1990s (when his style was actually more relevant). Around the point in Chasing Amy when the main characters are screaming at each other in the stadium parking lot however, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't having fun watching the movie anymore and Smith was taking himself way too seriously.

I don't see how Dogma could be considered theologically deep and insightful by anyone other than a group of sophomore Philosophy majors sitting around smoking weed. I really haven't bothered watching anything Smith has made in the last 7 years or so beyond the bits and pieces I see on TV.
I can understand why some people still like his brand of humor (hell, the internet is still full of pseudo-cool, foulmouthed fanboy writers who try to be just like Smith's characters - see the Penny Arcade webcomic for one pathetic example), but I guess I just outgrew it myself.

Plus, his slackass, "I don't care about comic deadlines because I'm a celebrity" attitude towards that Black Cat limited series he wrote for Marvel shows he's not a legit comic writer either.
Ive....never thought that deeply about Kevin Smith. :huh: Ive found some of his movies funny....The End.
- He talks about comic books like he's an "industry insider", yet he hasn't made a comic book movie.

Like someone else pointed out, he's written comics. And if you think all it takes is making a comic book movie to be in the comic industry... wow.

- He's a terrible actor (Die Hard 4.0, and anything else).

Well, you haven't seen An Evening with Kevin Smith, even he says he can't act. And to my knowledge he hasn't won any awards for acting. So you hate him for something even he says sucks?

- He's a HORRIBLE director. Who gives a crap about anything he's made?

His fans.

- He's immature, useless, not funny, not talented, and it's a real wonder why he's still in the business.

Again, you haven't seen Evening with Kevin Smith. But here's a quote, "I believe in God for the sole fact that I have a movie career."

- He has opinions that are usually idiotic, like claiming that someone as prestigious as Tim Burton would steal something of his from a stupid comic strip. (Yes, he was joking, but the tubby won't let it go).

Besides there being just as many people who say Tim Burton sucks and is a one trick pony in Hollywood, have you even seen the page that he based the joke on?

It actually does look a lot like the end of Planet of the Apes. And also, it was a joke to which Tim Burton overracted even more.

- He sticks his nose in everything that's cool and craps all over it. He appears on a Die Hard 4.0 documentary and acts as if he has something to do with the franchise, even though he spent literally 3 minutes in the fourth movie.

Die Hard 4.... okay.

- He's the Uwe Boll of Comedies.

Yeah, we get it. You hate him so much for some unknown reason.

- People seem to love him, and I strongly believe that they don't understand what talent is.

I strongly believe you don't understand the concept of differring opinions.
You are all wrong...Kevin Smith was fantastic as Aries on "Xena--Warrior Princess".
The original poster is going way overboard with the Smith hate, but Smith is indeed very, very overrated by a certain element of film fans.

I liked his first couple movies back in the 1990s (when his style was actually more relevant). Around the point in Chasing Amy when the main characters are screaming at each other in the stadium parking lot however, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't having fun watching the movie anymore and Smith was taking himself way too seriously.

I don't see how Dogma could be considered theologically deep and insightful by anyone other than a group of sophomore Philosophy majors sitting around smoking weed. I really haven't bothered watching anything Smith has made in the last 7 years or so beyond the bits and pieces I see on TV.
I can understand why some people still like his brand of humor (hell, the internet is still full of pseudo-cool, foulmouthed fanboy writers who try to be just like Smith's characters - see the Penny Arcade webcomic for one pathetic example), but I guess I just outgrew it myself.

Plus, his slackass, "I don't care about comic deadlines because I'm a celebrity" attitude towards that Black Cat limited series he wrote for Marvel shows he's not a legit comic writer either.

Actually, this strip would lead me to believe the Penny Arcade guys aren't really fans.

Anyway, I agree with pretty much everything you said, Liz - target audience for Kevin Smith movies are 15-25 year olds or so. Clerks and Chasing Amy were well done, Mallrats is an enjoyable little comedy, and that's where the good stuff ends. Dogma is overrated, and again, only seen as poignant by those of a younger 'rebellious' mindset (although if this is their first introduction to challenging established religions, so be it. They'll find their way to Dawkins eventually :yellow: ) Jay and Bob was just a 90 minute In-Joke for his fans, Jersey Girl was a failed attempt at doing something like Clerks and Chasing Amy, and Clerks 2 doesn't quite redeem the wasted time by beating your expectations and actually TRYING to say something in the last few minutes. As for his personality, I personally enjoy it and find his Q&A sessions pretty hysterical to watch. I have no interest in his appearances in other people's projects, so just because he messed up the thread starters candle-light in front of the TV evening alone with John McClane on DVD doesn't really affect me.
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