Opening night of X3 - who are you taking with you?


May 19, 2005
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I really hope there isn't a thread like this one - if so, please forgive me *starts singing the Bryan Adams song*...

I want to know who do you plan on taking with you on the opening night of X3 to see the film? :)

On the opening night, I'll probably go with my sister. She and I grew up loving the X-men together and we normally have this ritual of going to watch the movies together on opening night. The very next day, we'll drag my mom along and some friends. At the very least I'll be watching X3 three times - yes, I am aware of the irony...:up:
I'll just go with some buddies who are excited to see the movie as well.
Opening day i'm going with my Bros to see the first showings and later that day i'm gonna take my girlfriend to the late showing.Can't wait.
Going with my boyfriend, then probably my best buds and my boyfriend that night. Haha.
There are quite a few of us at work that are really looking forward to watching the movie, so we'll probably get a small group together for the night of the 25th..

I'll probably go with my friends who are bigger fans of X-men than I am!
My friend Deon - who is a Superman nut - has just made a deal with me: he'll go see X3 with me, if I go see Superman Returns. I don't mind SR looks OK, but I am so hyped about X3 it's not even funny...:)
I think I'm gonna go by myself. I'm pretty much the only big X-man fan between my family and friends, and I don't feel like explaining anything to them during the movie. There's nothing quite like enjoying a movie and then having to explain that last scene because your friend beside you didn't understand it. Do you think it'll be crowded the afternoon of opening day??
Wimpie said:
I really hope there isn't a thread like this one - if so, please forgive me *starts singing the Bryan Adams song*...

I want to know who do you plan on taking with you on the opening night of X3 to see the film? :)

On the opening night, I'll probably go with my sister. She and I grew up loving the X-men together and we normally have this ritual of going to watch the movies together on opening night. The very next day, we'll drag my mom along and some friends. At the very least I'll be watching X3 three times - yes, I am aware of the irony...:up:

My girlfriend.

Nice thread. I'll probably go to the midnight screening with some of my best friends. :up: And the next day I'll see it with my girlfriend, and the next week with my parents :p.
Couple of my friends on opening night and ditto the following day.
My dad on the 26th and my friends the following day
Well.... Since all my friends hate X-Men, I highly doubt that I will go see it with them. Probably with my sister. :)
Kira said:
Well.... Since all my friends hate X-Men, I highly doubt that I will go see it with them. Probably with my sister. :)

Couldn't get a date, huh?
Well... I have never ever went to movies with any of my annoying boyfriends. I still won't. Usually with friends or my sister. If that helps you. :D
Kira said:
Well... I have never ever went to movies with any of my annoying boyfriends. I still won't. Usually with friends or my sister. If that helps you. :D


As in the entire high school boyfriends?

That would be very confusing.
War Lord said:

As in the entire high school boyfriends?

That would be very confusing.

Yes, I'm just that popular. Odd... since I'm not in high school anymore.
Kira said:
Yes, I'm just that popular. Odd... since I'm not in high school anymore.

So they keep hunting you for dates.

How many teachers is that?
You'd be surprised how many. Yes, it's the burden of popularity.
I got four friends going with me for sure.

Man its gonna be so sweet. Everyone in here should shout, "SUPERMAN SUCKS!!" before the movie starts...:D;)
I got four friends going with me for sure.

Man its gonna be so sweet. Everyone in here should shout, "SUPERMAN SUCKS!!" before the movie starts...:D;)

This is the reason why guys shouldn't take their girlfriends with them. GEEKASM!

:D ;) You are lucky that your friends want to see it...

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