Poker in the Olympics

Master Chief

Jul 18, 2003
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For serious.

How awesome would it be if every country were to play Poker in the Olympics, and they could only play with what their country is worth?


America would be like, "Looks like Costa Rica's all in with 15 coconuts. Yeah LOL we're gonna call."

sadly , i could see this happening

(like badger says below...Brilliant)
Greatest Idea Ever?...
Brilliant, you have the bestest ideas evas.
I'm going to say no. Its a skill, not a sport. Though it is still more of a sport than NASCAR (Oh no he didn't!)
Dude, poker is a sport!

My friend Billy asked his dad why he's not going to college, and his dad said it's because he's a s**tty athlete. :huh:
Gold medal : America
Silver medal : Vietnam
Bronze medal : The Brenes brothers
Chess, Scrabble, Boggle, and Dominoes have a better shot at becoming Olympic sports than poker
Look, I enjoy Poker as much as anyone, but it is not a sport. It is a game. To me, if there is no physical activity involved, it cannot be called a sport.
You guys need to lighten up, lol. Holy frik cakes. It's a joke.
For serious.

How awesome would it be if every country were to play Poker in the Olympics, and they could only play with what their country is worth?


America would be like, "Looks like Costa Rica's all in with 15 coconuts. Yeah LOL we're gonna call."

Oh, from your first post, the one where you said, "For serious." one would think that it was not a joke.
MC, is incapable of being serious about anything. :heart:

Oh, from your first post, the one where you said, "For serious." one would think that it was not a joke.


That's what makes it funnier.

Gawd, you must have lived through seeing puppy carnage.
That'd be ****ig ******ed. If anything, they should add a Smash Bros. tourny.
I would like a smash tourney in the Olympics.
they really should have a games for all the stuff thats not olympics material.
pole dancing should be a olympic sport. It has just as much skill required to work a pole than it does to do the asymmetrical bars.

If you remove the stripping aspect of it, it's a crazy discipline to master and you have to be incredibly fit/flexible to do so.
i'd agree but i don't even think things like figure skating should be an olympic sport. anything that requires judging i have problems with really.

anyway stripping and poker i'm thinking of calling an alternative the vegas games.

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