I'm with Cap until the bitter end.
Should heroes be rgistered, paid, federal employees? Maybe....but look at what it will breed.....a new era of America laziness.
We Americans seem so hesitant to help each other as it is, nowadays....if you have a certain group of people being paid by the government to save people and such, then how long before the common man quits helping out, and they start treating the heroes like sanitation workers?
"Hey, mister, can you help me?! My leg's caught beneath this rock!!"
"Sorry, I'm not an employed hero for the U.S. Government...I don't want you to sue me if I mess up."
It's breeds more problems than it does solutions. Should the heroes be punished for their mistakes? Yes...but not at the cost of belittling the good that they do on a daily basis. How long in the Marvel Universe before the people begin to blame the heores fro everythign and anything...especially after they've become liable by the government?
"My car....I wrecked my car....probably because Spider-Man and Shocker were fighting in the middle of the street....nto because I was drinking."
I'm telling you, you can't regulate heroics.