Comics Preview pages for Uncanny X-Men


Mar 14, 2003
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WOW! Has Billy Tan gotten good or what?! This has piqued my interest.
These are up in the July Solicits thread.
Exploding Boy said:
Not like it used to be.

How do you post images?
Take the link of it and put it in image tags.

It looks awsome. I haven't read Uncanny in awhile. Where's Bobby Drake?
he's in x-men now. the adjectiveless one. and different colorist, different interpretation. its not like the first time colors have changed a little. iceman's hair color has been brown and blonde. storm's had white to silverish. emma's had blonde, platinum, to straight up white.
Spectre722 said:
WOW! Has Billy Tan gotten good or what?! This has piqued my interest.

He's gotten very good. It's almost hard to tell that his run on MKSM was by the same artist. He must have phoned it in on that...but he certainly didn't here.
KingOfDreams said:
Not that I'm complaining but why is she naked?

When Genosha was destroyed the Xmen went back there and found her naked and delirious. She was powering a black box that Magneto has that recorded everyones final words as Genosha was destroyed.
KingOfDreams said:
But why and how?

When the world was remade back, he found he could walk again, but he also
is no longer a mutant.
Specter313 said:
When the world was remade back, he found he could walk again, but he also
is no longer a mutant.

I guess since
he is no longer a mutant. They didint want him totally defenseless so they made him walk?
Specter313 said:
but he also
is no longer a mutant.

I know that. But it shouldn't have any bearing on whether he can walk or not. Didn't he suffer an injury during a war and that's why he couldn't walk anymore?
KingOfDreams said:
I know that. But it shouldn't have any bearing on whether he can walk or not. Didn't he suffer an injury during a war and that's why he couldn't walk anymore?

I'd like an answer on that one too. The events of M-Day shouldn't have affected his ability to walk, but apparently the concept of "logic" was lost on M-Day too.
I just explained it. When the world was remade, he just found he could walk again. That's it. first we thought that Iceman lost his powers, then he didn't.

Then we thought that Polaris lost her powers, but she didn't.

Good job, Marvel. Good job.
If Wanda Lehnsherr can rewrite reality as we know it, and can sap the mutant gene from the population, then I don't think it's that much more of a stretch to make a cripple walk again. It's a convenient plot device.

As for Iceman and Polaris losing their powers and getting them back... Yeah. Good going, Marvel. Not only are these both examples of Milligan bull, but the blame goes on the part of whatever editor/s had these stories on their pile. To allow that crap and not bat an eye? I mean, c'mon. Really.

Depowering Iceman was one of Claremont's better ideas, I think. And Milligan shat on it, and the editors let him. As for Milligan depowering Polaris... oh, who the heck knows. I assume she'll be repowered by his end. It was just for DRAMA.
That is a lot better than Tan's previous work on Uncanny and even that was more than decent.
Anyone else think Tan's new stuff here looks a bit like David Finch's art?
Wow,might be picking up an X-book this summer.Brubaker is GOD.

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