question please uniforms.


Nov 2, 2005
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ok on angel and cyclops's uniforms what are the colors, the stripes on them along the sides of the arms and outlining the X like hugh's is the yellowish color ? i can never figure out angel and cyclops's
Angel's needs to be blue and Cyclop's needs to be red.
Angels' is blue and Cyke's is a bueish grey.
Both of Angel and Cyclops' are blue. On the Premiere magazine, his belt pipings look grey.
Majik1387 said:
Cyclops lines are blue, but I've seen two versions of Angel's, one was a richer/lighter blue and the other was silver.
The silver was manipped on by Premiere.
It's kinda hard to tell...It seems like they're both similar shades of blue..

Do you think Angel will even get a chance to wear his uniform?
Cyclops piping is Blue with Silver in x2. im not sure if its the same in x3.
and from what ive seen angels is a regular blue, cyclops is a bit darker.
Gilpesh said:
Do you think Angel will even get a chance to wear his uniform?
Probably will...There are promo shots of him with a uniform on...

Nightcrawler never had a uniform on in any promos of X2, so we can't say that Angel's wearing a uniform in the promos just for the sake of looking good.. :p

Well I hate to point back to the old AICN review but it seemed like Angel did not get to the mansion until act three and that might be too close for the other X-Men to let him fight. But ya never know.
I wonder why only Cyclops has his uniform undergarment up at his neck like that?...Cause other than that and the darker blue tone, his looks exactly like Angel's..

TNC9852002 said:
I wonder why only Cyclops has his uniform undergarment up at his neck like that?...Cause other than that and the darker blue tone, his looks exactly like Angel's..


just cause hes cool like that, maybe the leather is itchy on his neck? or its probably just jimmys doings. no particular costume design specifically for cyke. i think its very awesome, gives some individuality.
Spidey 2007 said:
just cause hes cool like that, maybe the leather is itchy on his neck? or its probably just jimmys doings. no particular costume design specifically for cyke. i think its very awesome, gives some individuality.
I like the neck thing too,..I'm just wondering why they did that, as opposed to giving Angel a more unique uniform color..

Cyclops-Dark Blue
Angel-Regular Blue
Iceman-Light Blue

There, that's all the blues.
Savage said:
Cyclops-Dark Blue
Angel-Regular Blue
Iceman-Light Blue

There, that's all the blues.

that would be awesome
Spidey 2007 said:
lol yup, thats exactly how it icemans isnt white, but a light blue.

OH, I feel stupid

*hits self in the head*
Cyclops has Dark Blue and Silver...Angel just has a blue buckle.

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