School shooting in Conn. - Part 2

Would suicide rates go down if guns were not legal in the US?
I doubt it too. If people really want to check out they will find a way. However, making guns harder to get might make it less likely they will take someone else with them.
Would suicide rates go down if guns were not legal in the US?

It might make a difference. People will always find different ways to commit suicide , but might be less efficient without a gun. A gun seems like the easiest way to go and some of these people might of reconsidered if they didn't have the option. If guns were illegal in the US , people would still get their hands on one.

I found an article from the NY Times about it:
At Risk: Availability of Guns Raises Suicide Rates, Study Finds
If killing yourself was a long and painful process, less people would do it. Guns make it too easy.
I read that women usually overdose, men usually use guns or jump.

At least if you overdose, it takes time and there's a chance to back out if you call the ambulance. If you shoot yourself or jump, it's usually too late if you change your mind midway through the act. There was a long article I think in The Atlantic that explained that many jumpers (interviewing ones who survived) DO regret the act as soon as their feet leave the building/bridge. It's sad. One can feel depressed for a long while, but the decision to actually take one's life is often made in haste.
It's awful that to ban guns is nearly impossible.
Why is it awful? You wouldn't be saying if the news would report everytime someone saved themself with a gun. They don't because we only like hearing negative stories. Banning guns will do absolutely nothing. It's sad and horrific to say but there is absolutely nothing you can do. If they're crazy enough they'll find a way to kill. Ban semi automatic weapons, they'll just strap 4 pistols to themselves instead. Ban guns entirely, they'll start using fire or poison or something else. There's no stopping the crazy people.
I've seen some videos of him on YouTube. I don't believe he is an actor per say, just full of B.S. possibly in order to get on camera.

Now some guy that helped out six kids is being harrassed by people who claim he was an actor and part of some conspiracy that the whole shooting was a setup to embrace gun control.
I figured it was coming eventually. There are videos all over youtube now claiming those kids aren't dead, or claiming that one of the kids had memorials set up days before. In this age of the internet, there are far too many people that use the freedom to voice their opinion for this stupid bull****.
The number of people that would ahve to give the same story alone for a tragedy of this magnitude would be staggering, so besides the fact I already see this as completely stupid, I see real reasons why this couldn't possibly be government conspiracy. Let people go back to their lives in peace and go back to your doomsday bunkers.
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Now some guy that helped out six kids is being harrassed by people who claim he was an actor and part of some conspiracy that the whole shooting was a setup to embrace gun control.

I've seen clips of people getting in "serious mode" for the camera. It's being misconstrued as acting. A person could probably wear a smile until the moment they have to talk about the son of daughter that was killed. Also reporters do have to "get into character" sometimes. It seems pathetic , but the reporters do it out of respect.

There are people that will show up and pretend to know or be a victim. I've seen that in person before.

Also I work with a person who believes these conspiracy theories and have heard a lot of crazy b.s. in the past couple weeks.
There is a video that is pretty damn compelling going around Facebook, but my heart tells me that it is bogus. But, it is rather weird that it shows Facebook pages being up for people like Soto, BEFORE the shooting. I'm not sure how that was done, but I cannot believe that all of that was hoax, I just can't believe anyone would do something like that...but the video is kinda scary.
I just can't believe 20 parents in one town would let their child be killed or if they're still alive be raised by someone else. These people are in the public light now, they can never be seen with the "dead" child if it was a hoax ever again. 20 parents in one small town would have had to agree to this, possibly more. Why, so that there be tighter gun restrictions? Really? I can't buy that.
On a personal level, I find it disgusting. 20 sets of parents are mourning the loss of children, and we have ppl calling it a hoax. I can understand if some ppl are afraid of legislation being passed that restricts gun sales. However are you so attached to your gun that you'd become paranoid to the point of mocking the parents who just went through Christmas without their child? People like that are just as bad as the Westboro church that protests funerals.
I just can't believe 20 parents in one town would let their child be killed or if they're still alive be raised by someone else. These people are in the public light now, they can never be seen with the "dead" child if it was a hoax ever again. 20 parents in one small town would have had to agree to this, possibly more. Why, so that there be tighter gun restrictions? Really? I can't buy that.

On a personal level, I find it disgusting. 20 sets of parents are mourning the loss of children, and we have ppl calling it a hoax. I can understand if some ppl are afraid of legislation being passed that restricts gun sales. However are you so attached to your gun that you'd become paranoid to the point of mocking the parents who just went through Christmas without their child? People like that are just as bad as the Westboro church that protests funerals.

I totally agree with you, I cannot even fathom someone doing that...
Unbelievable ... there truly is a conspiracy theory for everything
Unbelievable ... there truly is a conspiracy theory for everything

You're just saying that to try and convince us there isn't one. I see through your reverse psychology!

This is proof there is a conspiracy!

Now some guy that helped out six kids is being harrassed by people who claim he was an actor and part of some conspiracy that the whole shooting was a setup to embrace gun control.

This doesn't surprise me one bit because there are several massive online communities filled with conspiracy nuts who think this **** up on a daily basis. Some of them are gun-hoarding psychos who think that the government is after them and wants to confiscate all guns in the US. They are the people who insist that the moon landings were faked, chlorine and fluoride in the water are meant to kill us, vaccinations are used to implant RFID tracking devices and FEMA is secretly building detention camps and stockpiling coffins because the government means to commit genocide against its own citizens. Accusing someone of faking a school shooting is par for the course with that crowd.

After Gabrielle Giffords survived being shot in the head all manner of conspiracy theories sprang up, most accusing her of being the center of a hoax simply because she did not die. The reasoning was that if she had been shot in the head, she automatically should have died of the wound, therefore the shooting had to have been staged.

It is no coincidence that Jared Lee Loughner, the man who gunned down Giffords and 13 others, was a member at one of the largest conspiracy sites. Others who have committed or attempted mass murder have belonged to the site as well. Not all people who believe in conspiracy theories are violent, of course, but some of them are and have committed crimes. The gent in Newtown is right to take the threats seriously and inform the authorities.
I just realized most of you weren't around when TheSumofGod was here. Dude was one of these conspiracy theory guys. Loved to quote David Icke. Said 9/11 was a hoax and what we saw was a hologram.
I just realized most of you weren't around when TheSumofGod was here. Dude was one of these conspiracy theory guys. Loved to quote David Icke. Said 9/11 was a hoax and what we saw was a hologram.

I can only
We're in the Matrix and Obama is Smith.

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