
Deep Thinkin'!

show meh dem fangs
Apr 16, 2006
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I know there are probably already enough of these threads on here, but am I the only one who wants Jean to dump Scott for Logan? I'm sorry, I guess I'm just not a big fan of Scott.


ok people, this was my first topic in which i made a long time! interests have changed! I was a newb when i came up with this. lol, but it is an interesting topic.....
Oh, yes! I think Logan and Jean make a much more interesting couple than Jean and Scott.
Jean should dump Scott out on the streetcorner, and get with the beastly man that is Logan.
i'm so tired of the trifling trio. marvel needs to make up its mind and be more creative at creating angst.
I like Angel And Jeans minor infatuations. But I dont want Jean to be with anyone, if she were to come back in the comics. As for the movies, shes best with Scott.
Okay, no one's posted on this thread for a while and it's one of my favorite topics, so I guess I'll have to say something.

Well, I don't think we'll have to worry much about Jean dumping Scott -- it looks like he's pretty much out of the picture in X3. I can't wait to see what's going to develop between Jean and Logan, assuming Scott is out of the picture. I really do believe Jean is powerfully attracted to the Wolverine, and has been for some time. If Scott's gone, she'll be free to admit that -- but will she?

Jean's romantic situation has been such an interesting one. I like how the story writers have thrown her into such a difficult dilemma. I really believe she's fallen in love with two guys -- and how terribly inconvenient is that?! Because Jean is honorable, she's been seeking to stick with Scott, but I've always had the feeling that she's haunted by a stubborn, deep attraction to the Wolverine. It raises an interesting question -- should she marry one man if she's possibly more attracted to another?
If Scotts not in jean life...then she'll be hurt for the rest of her life....Jean and scott are soulmates...
Mike059jig said:
If Scotts not in jean life...then she'll be hurt for the rest of her life....Jean and scott are soulmates...

but it would be a little bit interesting if logan and jean hooked up for a little bit? Like in a different comic or something..... **shrugs**
deep_thinkin said:
but it would be a little bit interesting if logan and jean hooked up for a little bit? Like in a different comic or something..... **shrugs**
they did just ask anybody about the age of apocalypse..they are just totally diferent characters but still close enough...and ask anybody bout ultimate x-men the first arc....but those are just comics though..but not likely in the movies
deep_thinkin said:
I know there are probably already enough of these threads on here, but am I the only one who wants Jean to dump Scott for Logan? I'm sorry, I guess I'm just not a big fan of Scott.


ok people, this was my first topic in which i made a long time! interests have changed! I was a newb when i came up with this. lol, but it is an interesting topic.....
I am with you!!!! Logan and Jean have always been my favorite couple!!!!
Well this is how I feel... Jean loves Scott more than a friend, a comrade. Jean loves Logan as a friend, a comrade whom she could confide in if she can't talk to Scott about whats on her mind.

It all comes down to how Jean really feels about these two guys that are in her life. In her heart, she rather stick with the good guy but at the same time she desires the bad boy. so its 50/50 =scogan.

Look, if no one can't have Jean, then she's better off having no one at all. I can picture her by herself, wandering around, defending for herself... kinda like Logan but I don't want to see Jean becoming like Logan. She deserves more than Scott and Logan. I can see her as a free spirit - a 'Phoenix' struggling to be free so she can live however she wants to be not b/c how someone wants her to live her life. She doesn't need to rely on others. She has that will to do things by herself.

Jean Grey deserves to be happy in her own right wither or not her choices may be right or wrong. The choice is yours, Jean. May the force be with you...always.
DarknessOfDeath said:
Well this is how I feel... Jean loves Scott more than a friend, a comrade. Jean loves Logan as a friend, a comrade whom she could confide in if she can't talk to Scott about whats on her mind.

It all comes down to how Jean really feels about these two guys that are in her life. In her heart, she rather stick with the good guy but at the same time she desires the bad boy. so its 50/50 =scogan.

Look, if no one can't have Jean, then she's better off having no one at all. I can picture her by herself, wandering around, defending for herself... kinda like Logan but I don't want to see Jean becoming like Logan. She deserves more than Scott and Logan. I can see her as a free spirit - a 'Phoenix' struggling to be free so she can live however she wants to be not b/c how someone wants her to live her life. She doesn't need to rely on others. She has that will to do things by herself.

Jean Grey deserves to be happy in her own right wither or not her choices may be right or wrong. The choice is yours, Jean. May the force be with you...always.

exactly what I was thinking. :)
deep_thinkin said:
but it would be a little bit interesting if logan and jean hooked up for a little bit? Like in a different comic or something..... **shrugs**

Yea, thaat would be quite interesting- but for me, its gonna be always scott and Jean.:cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops:
CHObiWan said:
its gonna be always scott and Jean.:cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops:
Wolverine and Jean...its so boring to me...Wolverine need to get it into his head that Jean Gonna always be with Cyke
I believe Logan gets it but sometimes its hard to accept that unless I'm going by the cartoon and the first two films,which I am, then yes, I felt Logan gets it that jean is meant for cyke. end of story.
of course Jean is always gonna be with cyke. It's pretty gosh darned obvious. But some people will always have an attraction, no matter what. Logan knows that, doesn't mean he still doesn't want her.
Well, in the movies Logan and Jean did share more scenes than Scott and Jean. And Famke seemed to have a lot more more chemistry with Hugh than James. Of course James and Famke may have lacked chemistry on screen because Jean and Scott were never showed as a couple. I mean, the audience was told they were a couple to give Logan more angst and reason to dislike Scott, but that´s it. We didn´t really see Scott and Jean flirting, kissing or doing anything that would have made them look like two people in love.

All and all, I prefer Logan and Jean as friends. In the comics Logan and Jean would make a boring couple, but they make good friends. It´s interesting to see Logan having a close and mature friendship with a woman he once loved and lusted after.
Jean is the happiest when she is with Scotty and when Jean is not with him, she feels lost, and they should be together they are like soul mates, she does anything for Scott read some comics your find out.

And they look so cute together in the film, you can see she loves him, she would do anything for him.

But i like Jean and Logan as friends they have a good friendship.
But he will always know Jean is Scotts girl!!
Threads like this get me started up, i feel i could write pages on why Jean and Scott should be together lol, but i got other things to do lol. But there will never be Jean and Logan never ever ever.
but what if... hmm nevermind. I was thinking of something but it might cause a stir. :p

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