Golgo13:The Hitman said:That's what i'm thinking too.That's why he was pushing her to torture Shen and watch. It was never mentioned how he found Blade's hideout.....
Golgo13:The Hitman said:Btw-it's funny how the final fight between Marcus/Blade intercut with the fight betwen Krista/Chase was WAY BETTER that the Trinity fight btween Blade/Dracula intercut with Abigial/familiars!
Golgo13:The Hitman said:I got a theory on how it might play out between Marcus and Krista in season 2. Maybe Marcus will let Krista live but in return she will be spying on Blade for Marcus. In other words, Blade won't know Marcus is onto Krista, and she'll be reluctantly working for Marcus next season...?
Oh, the dvd (which will be R-rated) will have the scene with the blonde familiar bent over the table with full nudity! Goyer said it in an interview...
Bishop2 said:It occurs to me that Krista has gotten stupid.
1) An earlier episode showed us that Krista left Cathon and called Blade from a phone booth when she needed to contact him. Now, apparently, she was too dumb to do that and slipped up somewhere?
2) If Chase survived being in the explosion in Munich, how in the hell did Krista think she'd die after falling down a flight of freaking stairs?
49erVenom said:Wasn't he talking about the call on the airplane where she had to get in touch w/ Blade ASAP? Maybe I just heard that wrong.